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Spliting The Bill


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I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.
good on ya fella.








But when im out for i meal with friends i always split because we all eat about the same but some fo us have a few more beers than others and im one of the ones that has a few more so splitting would work out cheaper.:)

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I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.








Like the above, good on ya :D I never tip they are being paid anyway I never get tipped for my job, why should they?








Splitting the bill is easy nowadays with mobile phones having calculators if you really can't do the math yourself. Fair enough if its a few quid but too much is too much.

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lol all the tipping stuff also reminds me of the start of reservoir dogs where they are all in that cafe/diner arguing about it.

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We always give a tip, but not something like 20%, that's ridiculous. When we've got a 67 euro bill or something we just make it 70.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.








Like the above, good on ya :D I never tip they are being paid anyway I never get tipped for my job, why should they?











Because they make less than minimum wage, and need tips to even it out?




That's the only time I tip.








Normally, when I'm out eating with friends, we pay for our things seperately. Occassionally, when one of us is really broke, we may split it evenly, and it ends up cheap enough for the other person.








If I were you, I would have just covered the tip, and let your friends deal with the rest.


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I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.








Like the above, good on ya :D I never tip they are being paid anyway I never get tipped for my job, why should they?











Because they make less than minimum wage, and need tips to even it out?




That's the only time I tip.








Normally, when I'm out eating with friends, we pay for our things seperately. Occassionally, when one of us is really broke, we may split it evenly, and it ends up cheap enough for the other person.








If I were you, I would have just covered the tip, and let your friends deal with the rest.

Yea, a lot of restaurants around here pay 1.85+tips
The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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A lot of those waiters and waitresses live on tips. They get like $2.00 an hour or something. The employers do have to make the difference if they don't average out at least minimum wage, which is $5.15 here. I don't know if that is average over the week or average over the shift.



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I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.








Like the above, good on ya :D I never tip they are being paid anyway I never get tipped for my job, why should they?








Splitting the bill is easy nowadays with mobile phones having calculators if you really can't do the math yourself. Fair enough if its a few quid but too much is too much.

I tip if I know them, no matter what. Otherwise, only if I have some change that I don't feel like carrying around all day...
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I dont pay so that other people can be greedy, so I pay for what I had on the bill. Plus that way I don't feel guilty for being greedy because I know that Im not passing the cost on to anyone else.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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If I'm with a girl, I pay the full bill out of natural courtesy. If I'm with a guy friend we pay for what we had. I usually tip around 20-30% depending on how many cups of soda the person got me. Yeah, I drink a lot.

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We always give a tip, but not something like 20%, that's ridiculous. When we've got a 67 euro bill or something we just make it 70.








It's different in Europe. In Canada, non-tippers are like the scum of the earth. I normally tip 20%. Then the Europeans that travel here on vacations don't tip and totally screw the waitresses/waiters out of money because their hourly wage is based on gratuities.

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We always give a tip, but not something like 20%, that's ridiculous. When we've got a 67 euro bill or something we just make it 70.








It's different in Europe. In Canada, non-tippers are like the scum of the earth. I normally tip 20%. Then the Europeans that travel here on vacations don't tip and totally screw the waitresses/waiters out of money because their hourly wage is based on gratuities.








True that.








My mother used to be a waitress (way back when), and she said tipping goes a long way. She noticed her colleagues attitude towards tippers was different than those who did not. Now that is no reason to "discriminate" against non-tippers. It is natural, however, to be maybe...nicer? to those who treat you nice (tippers).


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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ummmmm, not sure how to put if you meant to do it but...?








you spelled splitting the bill "spilting the bill".








may wanna fix that if you didnt mean to spell it wrong




You forgot an apostrophe and a full stop in your last sentence. Also, you need to capitalise the first letter of every sentence. Oh, by the way, it's spelt "spelt".








Moving along...








My friends and I always pay for our own. We're all intelligent enough to know how much we have to pay, so getting separate bills isn't an issue. If nobody has anything less than a $20, then we just pay some large amount and divvy up the change after that.








With my girlfriend, she always insists on splitting the bill even though I eat much more than she does. Not that I complain.








thanks for putting me down there :oops: , my only excuse is i was typing fast at like 3 am in the morning. my time. oops #-o

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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In my youth most of my school was obsessed with an asian buffet called "asian star" and we would go there like every week in the summer no matter how, even if we had to walk (was a 5-10 mile walk). You could kind of say I was spoiled and I always got a $20 bill from my parents and my friends would get $10 bills. A buffet total is $9.66 a person, so everyone should of gotten 34 cents back, and me about 10 dollars. But no, everytime those asians would just keep all the money for their tip :evil: We sometimes came in groups of 10-20








Is tax included with the $9.66. Ask for change next time, they'll give you back your change saying they "mistakenly" thought it was the tip.








If they don't just be an [wagon] about it next time. Go to the bank beforehand and get EXACTLY what each person costs, and don't leave a tip. \' Teach them a lesson, or they'll just find other customers to scam.

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ummmmm, not sure how to put if you meant to do it but...?








you spelled splitting the bill "spilting the bill".








may wanna fix that if you didnt mean to spell it wrong




You forgot an apostrophe and a full stop in your last sentence. Also, you need to capitalise the first letter of every sentence. Oh, by the way, it's spelt "spelt".








I'm sorry, but I have to do this considering how you're acting. It can be "spelled" or "spelt." It is indeed a matter of preference. You're supposed to put a punctuation mark inside a quotation mark if it is the last character in your sentence.








I'm sorry, but I don't like grammar Nazis.

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Tomorrow i'm going out for a meal with some friends of mine. Two of them I usually split the bill with and the other two usually pay individually... which payment option will prevail? Stay tuned to find out.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Every thursday for like a year now, a bunch of friends and their poolies and I go to Hooters after their USMC pool function. Usually it's just like me and 3 of my friends put in a $20 and the rest of the idiots just freeload our wings :(


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Every thursday for like a year now, a bunch of friends and their poolies and I go to Hooters after their USMC pool function. Usually it's just like me and 3 of my friends put in a $20 and the rest of the idiots just freeload our wings :(
knife them?
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I'm a nice guy and have no problem splitting a bill, but if all I got was a drink, I'd expect everyone around me to consider myself to have "not eaten" and I'd only be paying for my drink, thus not paying for any part of the bill.








Yoooou got owned pretty hard...

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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