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Hmmm well..




some weird stuff has happened to me :?








yeh innit








theres this place near where i live thats supposed to be haunted lol




weirdos that look like ghostbusters go to try n find the ghost theres pictures of it but i mean its not hard to do that trick photography tho








its weird i dont believe in ghosts but all my friends have seen them or their mums/dads have seen them








its weird but interesting

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sorry im not so good at english but i try to tell story if u guys understant it :)




my moms dad and my fathers mom was wery close frends.




then my grandpap died becouse he got something on his brain (i dont know what that means in english :oops: ) like half year later my grandmom got exactly same thing but she didnt die becouse he tell that grandpap ghost was here to protect her, she sayed that ghos was on the door and telled her wake up dont die call some one to help...




weird uh :o

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i dont think ghosts exist..








its just not logical lol.. like god.. i dont really believe in him.. but of course that doesnt mean i force my views onto otheres or nething.. if they wanna believe in that sorta thing.. good for them :P

Rsn: snyper jr

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I beleive in ghosts, and had a lot of experiences with them.




I do NOT believe in most science, I think its a load of bull cabbage honestly. They just go around trying to disprove everything anyone says, and its amazingly stupid.








Yeah, but science is not something to believe in, it's something you can prove with your own eyes. If you don't believe than x-chromozome can mutate into y-chromozome and create protein the scientists can show it to you so unless you don't believe your eyes it's true, a priest can't show you a God or an Angel if you ask him to give you solid proof. They don't go around disproving everything everybody says, they have proof to back it up just like there is proof that the earth is not flat like the bible says. The scientists weren't running around and disproving everybody, they simply had facts back then.








Not to mention, if you don't 'believe' in science, then you don't believe that you just wrote a message created by science, you watch tv, you brush your teeth, you have a freezer, a toilet, a shower system, a tap, a car or pretty much anything that you use daily.








God didn't create the car.
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i once heard voices telling me to get out of my old apartment...












i heard someone writing on a sheet of paper (sounds lame, but i was the only person in the room at the time...)








i felt this pulsating thing in my body once, while woken up in the middle of the night. Coulda been aliens, who knows :wink:








maybe it where evil house salesmen:P trying to sell the apartment :)

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Well, the closest thing to a ghost I've seen was when a roll of film in my mom's camera was used twice, so pictures overlapped each other. The solid picture was of my one year old niece sleeping on the floor, and the second picture apeared as a translucent hand lifting my translucent niece out of her opaque body :shock: It looks cool.








But for real, no, I don't believe ghosts exist.

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Nope, never seen a ghost and..eh.. I don't believe them either :)

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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Guest druvovic

lol... i donÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt believe in ghosts and im 100% there is no ghosts 8)

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I've never had an experience that would make you sure of their existance, but I'm not entirely sure they don't exist either.








A guy I used to know in Alternatice School(that's where they put people that don't want to go to normal high school and can't be kicked out. I was seeing the school psychiatrist, so they weren't legally allowed to kick me out..long story) said he worked in a theatre that was supposed to be haunted. I knew the theatre he was talking about, which was over 120 years old, and existed originally as a theatre for plays and such. He said that they moved the screen, so they needed to build another projection room. The old projection room was boarded up and closed off, and he says you can hear noises in there all the time.




I didn't really believe him. But the bathroom was connected to the NEW projection room, and I went up there once to have a cigarette during a movie. I went into the projection room(NEW) to make sure nobody was in there, and then I had my smoke. It didn't occur to me until later that there should have been somebody in there, and so I asked the projectionist when the movie was over. He said he just goes up there long enough to switch the projectors, and then he comes down. Then he told me about the noises and stuff.
















But no, I don't believe in ghosts. I work the midnights on a street that's between two graveyards, and I've never seen or heard anything exciting. Well, other than a cat fight. So I believe in cats, but not ghosts.

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No I dont believe in ghosts. Maybe cause I dont live in a dark medieval castle with a long ownership record. I live in a shack with no owners :lol:




















Nah, actually a modern apartment building, on the 3rd floor overlooking the quiet backyard.








And none of my close relatives have had any encounters with strange invisible out-of-this-world creatures that like to spook you at night :)

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well people talk about these hormones that affect your brain to force these visions upon you, but something weird happened one day. just walking home one day, it was pretty cold out and i was almost home, and so i look over and see this lady, in a big dress, her hair done up, makeup all on and FANNING HERSELF. and i had a jacket on. if you ever think about let's say a 19th century ball (where you go and dance), this is what this lady was wearing and dressed up as. i've never seen anyone like her in the neighbourhood and don't think i saw an extra car. it was messed up, i walked a bit and turned my head and there she was, staring straight at me. i just went home after that.








so i thought that it was probably someone's friend or relative who was dressed up for a play, but why was she outside fanning herself? weird. plus she had a lot of makeup on, a fancy dress and nice hair. if you've got that all on you want wanna stand out in the cold too long.








also, i had just said goodbye to a friend and was minding my own business, so don't give me any bull crap.

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No matter how much people try to say they've seen ghosts, it's been proven many times over and over that they are just illusions created in the mind. A hormone called 'septochlyriomide' (not sure about the spelling) starts spreading in your body if you are extremely sad, like example your relative/parent/good friend has died. There was a document on BBC "Dude, there's a ghost behind you" or something like that in 2002.








So what you're saying is:








Septochlyriomide produces a "ghost" in your mind --> you see a ghost.








Therefore, all ghosts are produced by this hormone?








I would say that from this evidence some ghosts might be a product of this, but there's no speaking for all ghosts.

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Hmmm well..




some weird stuff has happened to me :?








Tell it!! :o












Well I used to be really close with my dog, which some ppl might find weird but when ya live in outback qld and not many ppl around, you form a close relationship with ya pets. We did everything together.








Anyways, I went on holidays with my brother to my grandparents place, down south while my parents stayed home. They planned to come down a week later. One night, while I was watching TV I started crying cos I knew something had happened to my dog. I cried all night while my grandparents told me I was upset over nuthing. That night, While I was sleeping, I felt something brush around my face, but I thought nuthing of it, because I was half asleep.








When my parents came, they told me my dog had suffered 3 strokes and died while we were away. During my tears, I asked when it was, and it was that same night I cried. The night I was told, I was laying in bed, in the same room as my parents, when this time, I felt something walk across my back (i was laying on my stomach), and I sat up.. At the same time I sat up, My mum did too. She told me that she felt something brush past her face.








This story has happened to me, and if you dont beleive it, that dosnt bother me. I know it happened, thats that :wink:








Also, you have no idea how many times my mother has predicted future events, even about people we barely know... :?

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Yes, I believe in ghosts. Believe are afraid of them, thats why they say there not real.








My aunties old house -








My uncle was digging up in his garden and he found an old bomb shelter from WWII, he did some reserch on this and found out that the house was bombed in WWII killing the mother, father and 2 of the children. Everytime my uncle digs up turf in the garden alot of strange things start to happen around the house. One time my uncle and my father was in the kitchen and the coffee pot flew across the room and smashed against the wall. The spirits in the house seemed to dislike my uncle and like my auntie. My uncle wouldn't be on the house on his own otherwise the ghosts tried to do things to him.








One time my auntie was sitting in the front room watching TV, the room went cold and my auntie knew that there was something "watching" her, she said: "if there is someone here can you make a sign" The ghost sat down in the sofa opisite her she could see the sofa like close in where someone was sitting and the imprint of there "arse" was there. Also, other things happend like when my auntie was in bed and she could hear the post come through the door, 5seconds later she went to get her tea and the mail was on her bedside table.








Another incident, my auntie was in the bath, and she thought, I want to put the radio on, the radio immedeitly came on, the radio station she wanted and everything. My auntie was never scared of this for some strange reason. I never even went into the house.








In the end my uncle had enough and called a priest round to rid the ghosts away. The priest knew straight away that there was spirits in the house, he knew nothing about the ghosts and how many there was and how they died, but he seemd to tell my auntie and uncle everything about them. He ridded them out the house and left. My auntie and uncle haven't had another trouble since.








(i've got more stories to tell but i've got to goto a BBQ)

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Yes, I believe in ghosts. Believe are afraid of them, thats why they say there not real.








My aunties old house -








My uncle was digging up in his garden and he found an old bomb shelter from WWII, he did some reserch on this and found out that the house was bombed in WWII killing the mother, father and 2 of the children. Everytime my uncle digs up turf in the garden alot of strange things start to happen around the house. One time my uncle and my father was in the kitchen and the coffee pot flew across the room and smashed against the wall. The spirits in the house seemed to dislike my uncle and like my auntie. My uncle wouldn't be on the house on his own otherwise the ghosts tried to do things to him.








One time my auntie was sitting in the front room watching TV, the room went cold and my auntie knew that there was something "watching" her, she said: "if there is someone here can you make a sign" The ghost sat down in the sofa opisite her she could see the sofa like close in where someone was sitting and the imprint of there "arse" was there. Also, other things happend like when my auntie was in bed and she could hear the post come through the door, 5seconds later she went to get her tea and the mail was on her bedside table.








Another incident, my auntie was in the bath, and she thought, I want to put the radio on, the radio immedeitly came on, the radio station she wanted and everything. My auntie was never scared of this for some strange reason. I never even went into the house.








In the end my uncle had enough and called a priest round to rid the ghosts away. The priest knew straight away that there was spirits in the house, he knew nothing about the ghosts and how many there was and how they died, but he seemd to tell my auntie and uncle everything about them. He ridded them out the house and left. My auntie and uncle haven't had another trouble since.








(i've got more stories to tell but i've got to goto a BBQ)








Kinda like a poltergeist?




Man thats strange. :shock:

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Yes, I believe in ghosts. Believe are afraid of them, thats why they say there not real.








My aunties old house -








My uncle was digging up in his garden and he found an old bomb shelter from WWII, he did some reserch on this and found out that the house was bombed in WWII killing the mother, father and 2 of the children. Everytime my uncle digs up turf in the garden alot of strange things start to happen around the house. One time my uncle and my father was in the kitchen and the coffee pot flew across the room and smashed against the wall. The spirits in the house seemed to dislike my uncle and like my auntie. My uncle wouldn't be on the house on his own otherwise the ghosts tried to do things to him.








One time my auntie was sitting in the front room watching TV, the room went cold and my auntie knew that there was something "watching" her, she said: "if there is someone here can you make a sign" The ghost sat down in the sofa opisite her she could see the sofa like close in where someone was sitting and the imprint of there "arse" was there. Also, other things happend like when my auntie was in bed and she could hear the post come through the door, 5seconds later she went to get her tea and the mail was on her bedside table.








Another incident, my auntie was in the bath, and she thought, I want to put the radio on, the radio immedeitly came on, the radio station she wanted and everything. My auntie was never scared of this for some strange reason. I never even went into the house.








In the end my uncle had enough and called a priest round to rid the ghosts away. The priest knew straight away that there was spirits in the house, he knew nothing about the ghosts and how many there was and how they died, but he seemd to tell my auntie and uncle everything about them. He ridded them out the house and left. My auntie and uncle haven't had another trouble since.








(i've got more stories to tell but i've got to goto a BBQ)








Kinda like a poltergeist?




Man thats strange. :shock:





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i dont belive in ghosts i did when i was younger but not any more... caz they say animals can sens these things well i have 2 dogs and they sleep in my room with me and they never wake me up at night barking at nothing and anything like that so no i dont belive in them


Once in a life time!


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  • 1 year later...

i believe in ghosts and other supernatural things.




i've never seen a ghost though i have witnessed a poltergiest throwing pans around in my kitchen. seemed quite cool in a way when i think back on it. I think hearing ghosts can be scarier than actually seeing one but i can't prove this as i have only heard them once.




oh yea, expertgamer, a poltergiest is a spirit that is noisy and throws things about.

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