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The iPod conspiracy


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ipods r today's icon for modern society




children have them, teenagers, and even adults who have careers




hell, i've even seen a lawyer listining to one




What the hundreds of millions of those people dont know is that they will have to keep buying them if they want a no worry, music plenty life.




About a few weeks ago, my cousin's iPod just stopped working. When i visited her, I asked her to show it to me to see if I was able to fix it. She said that it wouldnt charge anymore. I told her did u take out the battery to see if the battery had maxed out its charges. She answered no because it was impossible for her to take of the metal coating of it.


I told her to bring it in the repair shop: she answered no and said she could get a new one for the price of repairing it. Ipods work on a Lithium-Ion rechargable battery. These batteries r the most advanced mobile reacharble battery in today's technologie, but they will not last forever. I once had a GBASP for 3 years. After 500 recharges the battery was dead. But that was okay i was able to get another one for $15. The iPod however does not let u remove the battery. When buying an mp3 player, please consider the money ur gonna waste and the environment(yes those iPods inside the trash dumps will prove harmfull)




P.S.: I have a creative zen if someone asks. i might consider getting a zune(i like the wi-fi capabilities)


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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not a conspiracy, just a way to get money. But you can replace a battery for slightly cheaper than full cost, or try to do it yourself.




cant do urself because they always make the 2nd version of the model impossible to open




and im a canadian so corporate america can =; cuz i aint a consumerist




Go GreenPeace Go!


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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not a conspiracy, just a way to get money. But you can replace a battery for slightly cheaper than full cost, or try to do it yourself.




cant do urself because they always make the 2nd version of the model impossible to open




and im a canadian so corporate america can =; cuz i aint a consumerist




Go GreenPeace Go!




Corporate Canada then, Apple is international but it's still a corporation who's intent is to make money by pleasing their shareholders by making money.


Me doing staff.

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I thought you were thinking about buying a Zune? Did you know that Microsoft is a much wealthier company than Apple, Inc?




well i dont see windows xp in movies and i've never seen a person in my city listining to a zune so.... im more of an individual then a follower




plus i said i might get one, i own a creative zen now


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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I thought you were thinking about buying a Zune? Did you know that Microsoft is a much wealthier company than Apple, Inc?




well i dont see windows xp in movies and i've never seen a person in my city listining to a zune so.... im more of an individual then a follower




plus i said i might get one, i own a creative zen now




Isn't Zen's corporation in partnership with Microsoft? Don't quote me on that.


Me doing staff.

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i got a zune and i loved it better than my ipod...




EXCEPT that it cannot be used as an external harddrive...that was depressing




other than that..Zune>ipod




then when i was at a urinal it fell out of my shallow pocket and into the urinal causing it to die :(

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I thought you were thinking about buying a Zune? Did you know that Microsoft is a much wealthier company than Apple, Inc?




well i dont see windows xp in movies and i've never seen a person in my city listining to a zune so.... im more of an individual then a follower




plus i said i might get one, i own a creative zen now




Bill Gates is worth around 50 billion dollars.




Steve Jobs is worth about 3.3 billion dollars.




The reason you see Macs in movies is because Mac-only video software, Final Cut Pro, is used very often to produce movies. They get free software if they place Macs in the movies. It doesn't change the fact that Microsoft is a much more successful company than Apple, Inc.

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Steve Jobs is worth about 3.3 billion dollars.




Not that it makes much difference, but it's more like 5 million.




Not according to Forbes this past September. Unless he gained 2 billion dollars of personal income in less than 6th months. That would be pretty impressive of him.

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Steve Jobs is worth about 3.3 billion dollars.




Not that it makes much difference, but it's more like 5 million.




Not according to Forbes this past September. Unless he gained 2 billion dollars of personal income in less than 6th months. That would be pretty impressive of him.




Wikipedia must be wrong, I don't know, I'll go get that issue of Forbes now and see.




*Edit* Forbes 400 says he's worth 4.9 billion.


Me doing staff.

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I'm outdated.




Did you actually read my post, and look up Wikipedia so you could prove me wrong about something entirely insignificant? That's very entertaining. But very depressing for you.




Actually I wanted to see what Apple Inc was worth immediately after reading your post, and then clicked on his name just because.


Me doing staff.

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Thats happened to mine before, but it always starts working again soon.




Over charging of Lithium batteries will certainly decrease the battery life, but not break the Ipod its self. Most stores like radio shack can repair them anyway.




Everyone knows there are better, cheaper mp3 players out there, but ipods continue to be a success due to their brand name. I got mine for my birthday ::'

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I've had mine for over a year now sitting in my car where it charges all the time and plays through the radio. Whenever I take it off to listen to it on car trips, it works just fine. I haven't had a single problem other than the screen gets damaged easily.

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Everyone knows there are better, cheaper mp3 players out there, but ipods continue to be a success due to their brand name. I got mine for my birthday ::'




What's a better cheaper player? I've had my Nano for a year or so now. No problems at all, and definitely better than the ones I had before. I can agree there are cheaper players out there, though...duh ;)

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you know, it seems that consumer technology is being progressively dumbed down. i remember several times taking apart my old sony walkman tapeplayer (ahh - magnetic recordings...back in the day...) and tinker around in it. probably why it ended breaking permanantly...


i will say this for the ipod - it's generally well-made and sturdy, but i think that they got too many graphic design majors involved in the ergonomics of the thing. for example - when i want to turn up my volume, i want to turn a dial, or push a button, something where there is a mechanical system available to verify that my actions have been recorded - the dial turns, or the button clicks. i don't want to just rub my finger on something. other times i would be going through menus, and i would scroll my finger too fast and go back a few menus. a minor inconvenience, but i still prefer the old digital system - exactly one click means exactly one action, not "rotate your finger a little bit more - oops to far, go back"


yeah, it's an innovative feature, but doesn't improve my music experience at all, and i suspect that the trackpad addition also brings the price up a little bit.




i mean, if you think about it, it is kind of a novel practice for technology to be as simple, fun, and user-friendly as it has become. i mean, compare working on a windows xp system to just windows 3.1 - just a decade apart! however, it seems that as user-friendliness increases, your technological autonomy falls out. yeah, the iPod is cool and fun and easy to use, but when it stops working, then you have to have sombody else to fix it, and it ends up just being easier to buy a new one. whereas with my old walkman, i could just pull out a screwdriver and go to work. i think that's why i would prefer to go to a non-apple mp3 player - i tend to have a distrust of anything that's just a little too user-friendly. i want to know that if i have to go down into the guts (even if it's a very bad idea, or if i don't know what i'm doing) i still have that option.

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iPod batteries are indeed replaceable and always have been, so this thread fails.




When looking at them just now, the most expensive one I found was ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã21 to replace a 60GB iPod video battery. You could buy that, pay someone to fit it for you, wash your dishes and then do a striptease for less than the cost of buying a new iPod. That's not to say you can't fit it yourself though, because you can.

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Guys guys, i have an ipod mini, ive had for about 3 years now and the battery died on me, and i just replaced it. My dad searched on the interweb for me and found a video thaty shows you how to replace the battery.


New ipod= ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã110


New battery= ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã7






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I thought you were thinking about buying a Zune? Did you know that Microsoft is a much wealthier company than Apple, Inc?




well i dont see windows xp in movies and i've never seen a person in my city listining to a zune so.... im more of an individual then a follower




plus i said i might get one, i own a creative zen now




If you were "rebelling" you would buy a Zune. I bought one for the heck of it and I haven't seen anyone else using it. I don't mind though, it has a massive screen for watching movies.




Ipods are the "MP3 player of the masses" by your reasoning. Personally I don't even care. :P


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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