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well-known RS2 PKers?

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Just curious, who are the famous Pkers in RS2 these days?




Back in the days of RS Classic, we've often heard names like Zar Family2, Sue Me, Russ An, Danny1880, X Shadow X, etc.




However, in RS2, especially with the lack of the 3-round-rule, I've haven't really heard about "famous" Pkers.




Anyone know who the famous ones are these days?





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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ya i saw purple 0wnz and he did really own :shock:


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

326death326 is banned~~~EVERYONE ADD MY NEW MAIN "Y0uknowwho" (first o is a zero)

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Well first there are a few obvious ones






Hiei the Pk








And then there are some less known but still great ones




Kids ranqe


twenty fourr











If you can't be part of the solution

there's good money in prolonging the problem.

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I spiili I is fairly popular, and got me already. <.<




I Mahatma I




Urballzrmine, Finally watched him PKing, dude is freaking insane.




Elvemage, Very good, heavy amount of videos, but, not one of my favorites as as most his kills seem to be tricked dragon killers.




Maikel Pro, met him for about 2 seconds at east dragons. Enough time to go, "Hey, that's..... *tele-click*.


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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And then there are some less known but still great ones




Kids ranqe






That guy is nuts and addicted to PC/Counter Strike. He's from my country and he's really nuts. He went to school, tryed to attack kids with a knife there (Not sure if he hurt anyone, might have), then ran away and on his way stabbed one guy in chest with the knife. Sad.




OT: I guess my fav. would be Elvemage.



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Unfortunately, I only recognize a few of those names. I guess I have to spent more time here, LOL.




Perhaps Jagex should bring back the PKing hiscores, showing the number of players by the number of kills and the number of stakes won.




I do know about I Mahatma I. It seems that he's pretty famous; I saw an impersonator of him on the official forums. :P





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Zezima is a horrid PKer.....




Melee stats, thousands have the same stats as him.




Research helps before posting. :shame:


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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heres some




1 Pure Devil


I Mahatma I


hiei the pk






purple 0wnz


not a hax










and i forgot sum others


|Myssy <3 | Retired | 19/9/07

"My legs say no, but my body says f... you"
I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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Most under-rated pker in the game - Dutch Leader (He freakin owns!!!)


Most over-rated pker in the game - Elvemage




Some of my faves:




I Mahatma I --- Prob the best pker in the game


Hiei The Pk --- Well known


Yankin Deez --- also well known




Tanksta / Str3ngthz


I Fr34k1n I




Skullator --- Great mage bank pker, and hes from NZ <3:






Just my opinions :-w

Old school

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I must give honour to famous finnish pker I H Q 6 9. He was one of the most succesfull rs2 hybrid's. After Ihq's movies many ppl made nearly same name with I H Q. Well I H Q's great time has gone I think -.- Everyone has the same stats today. Of course I Mahatma I is maybe the best RS2 pker I have ever seen.

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Funny thing is, nearly all people mentioned here are only good at pking at one place, or with one type of combat.






The day i see someone pking in many places, e.g. not just edge, everywhere like mage bank, dragons etc... and pking with different types of combat, not just meele all the time or the odd magic spell then melee is the day i say i see a good rs2 pker...




There are no greats to be fair, rs2 pking takes little skill, just stats and a ton of luck.

IGN: HesFearless.



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Well my top 5 fav pkers r:




1. iminsan3 --- no1 mentioned him o.O


2. kids ranqe


3. yankin deez


4. T H E D0ors ---- my fav rune pure


5. Elvemage ---- a freakin bs'er. he bs'ed our clan on a pk trip, leaking worlds 2 other clans. But apart from tht, he's a gd pker

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