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How many school shootings does it take?

Guest XplsvBam

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Anyone can buy a gun at the age of 18 in the USA








You have to be 21 to legally own a firearm (at least in my state).






Then i guess the UK media whom asked a guy in america is wrong



Gorak Chronicles Ended, thinking of something new for next week

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Bullying is foul... People do not see the effect it has on people.




Im currently in the working stages of making an 'anti-bullying' campaign at my School. I'll spend my free lessons browsing class-rooms and having consultations with the pupils to try and indentify who is bullying and who is being bullied.




Schools do FAR TO LITTLE to prevent bullying - Thank God theres a few students who are trying to it help those who experience it.




That does not help. I repeat, that does not help!




What you need to do is to send a message accross, loud and clear. The message is "Someone's constantly putting you down? Making fun of you about something? etc.. Go talk to your teacher. He will help!"




Send that message out and people will listen. You need to get rid of the "rat" label, and that's one of the best ways to do it.




Im sorry, you must be confusing my headteacher with someone who will help - Infact, none of my teachers ever seem interested in bullying.




Atleast if student can talk to me about the issues, i can maturely adress the appropriate teachers - They'll listen to a Sixth Former a darn site better than a year 7 or 8.

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I stand corrected, these are federal laws.




* An individual 21 years of age or older may acquire a handgun from a dealer federally licensed to sell firearms in the individual's state of residence




* An individual 18 years of age or older may purchase a rifle or shotgun from a federally licensed dealer in any state



Gamertag: King Arizona

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Bullying is foul... People do not see the effect it has on people.




Im currently in the working stages of making an 'anti-bullying' campaign at my School. I'll spend my free lessons browsing class-rooms and having consultations with the pupils to try and indentify who is bullying and who is being bullied.




Schools do FAR TO LITTLE to prevent bullying - Thank God theres a few students who are trying to it help those who experience it.




That does not help. I repeat, that does not help!




What you need to do is to send a message accross, loud and clear. The message is "Someone's constantly putting you down? Making fun of you about something? etc.. Go talk to your teacher. He will help!"




Send that message out and people will listen. You need to get rid of the "rat" label, and that's one of the best ways to do it.




Im sorry, you must be confusing my headteacher with someone who will help - Infact, none of my teachers ever seem interested in bullying.




Atleast if student can talk to me about the issues, i can maturely adress the appropriate teachers - They'll listen to a Sixth Former a darn site better than a year 7 or 8.




Then your teachers need to be fired for incompetence. If a student can't talk to a teacher, that teacher doesn't deserve the job they have.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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Gim, I know you're all for telling a teacher, but are you against a student dealing with the problem themselves if thats how they want to go with it? I mean kids in high school are nearly adults, what's wrong with dealing with your own beef. Unless you're going to be telling the boss/parents/police all your life..


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Gim, I know you're all for telling a teacher, but are you against a student dealing with the problem themselves if thats how they want to go with it? I mean kids in high school are nearly adults, what's wrong with dealing with your own beef. Unless you're going to be telling the boss/parents/police all your life..




I have no problem with people dealing with their own problems, provided it doesn't end violently. In many cases, sadly, it does. That's why I encourage people to go to the teachers/police/whoever.




A bully isn't going to hit a teacher, or won't be picking on you in front of a teacher, will he?

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I wonder if there are some numbers on school shootings in Europe. I wonder how many there are.




There was that one in Dunblane in the Primary School which i can remember, extremely awful as the children were very young ages 6+




On Wednesday, 13 March 1996, unemployed former shopkeeper and Scout leader Thomas Hamilton walked into the school armed with two 9 mm Browning HP pistols and two Smith and Wesson .357 revolvers. He was carrying 743 cartridges. The subsequent police investigation revealed that Hamilton had loaded the magazines for his Browning with an alternating combination of fully metal jacketed and hollow point ammunition.




After gaining entry to the school, Hamilton made his way to the gymnasium and opened fire on a class of five- and six-year-olds, killing or wounding all but one person. Sixteen children and a teacher, Gwen Mayor, died at the scene. Hamilton then left the gymnasium through the emergency exit. In the playground outside he fired a number of shots into a mobile classroom. A teacher in the mobile classroom had previously realised that something was wrong and told the children to hide under the tables. A number of bullet holes were found in the children's chairs. He also fired at a group of children walking in a corridor, injuring one teacher. Hamilton went back into the gym and fired one shot with one of his two revolvers pointing upwards into his mouth, killing himself instantly. A further eleven children and three adults were rushed to the hospital as soon as the emergency services arrived; one of these children was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.




this wasnt shooting, but bullying.. 2 boys in england (probably 8 and 10 at the time) took a small boy and shoved batteries up his bumbum (he was 2 or something), then tied him up and put him on railway tracks




o you recall this incident - it had national news coverage:




On February 12, 1993 a small boy who was to turn three in March was taken from a shopping mall in Liverpool by two 10 year old boys. Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only a second and Jon Venables took his hand and led him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson. They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way stopping every now and again to torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for his mommy. Finally they stopped at a railway track where they brutally kicked him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint in his eyes and pushed batteries up his anus.




It was actually worse than this. What these two boys did was so horrendous that Jamie's mother was forbidden to identify his body. They then left his beaten small body on the tracks so a train could run him over to hide the mess they had created. These two boys, even being boys understood what they did was wrong, hence trying to make it look like an accident. This week Lady Justice Butler-Sloss has awarded the two boys anonymity for the rest of their lives when they leave custody with new identities. We cannot let this happen. They will also leave early this year only serving just over half of their sentence. One paper even stated that Robert may go on to University. They are getting away with their crime. They need to pay, and we have to do something to make them pay for their horrific crime. They took Jamie's life violently away, and in return they get a new life.




i could only find it in a chain letter.. but its a real story, it was all over the news when i was a little girrrrl

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Too bad the shooters dont shoot their bullies instead of shooting innocent ppl. O:)


But it's not all about bullying, it's also about social withdrawal, humiliation, back-talk. Bullying is physical, you can get over it. When it's psychological, it hurts a lot more.




It's true schools do nothing about bullying though. Teachers are blind, and I mean it, totally blind at the most obvious things.




When I was like 12 yrs old there was the ugly, lunatic, little kid who was always being bullying around, verbally lowered by two other guys. The little guy developped a very bad strategy; he would relatiate, then the two guys would go see a teacher and tell them what the little guy would do, and the little guy would get punished. It happened in class, right in front of the teachers nose. Not a teacher did anything. Students saw it, but they were doing nothing. I wanted to do something back then, but I wasn't sure if getting myself into that business was a good idea. If I could go back to those times, I would definitively tell the teachers.

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there is one answer and only one answer on how to solve this.






and here it is:


when the students learn that bullying is not acceptable it wont happen.




its the same a racism, once people learned that its no acceptable it stopped 9within reason)




see hears the thing, if everyone thinks bullying is wrong, when they see someone being bullied they wont let it happen, but until then as long as the mass of people think that bullyin is acceptable and a part of life, nothing you do will stop it.






If your being bullied is because your different, prehaps because your overwieght, now because your being bullied 90% of the people probably dont have enough self confidence to even go to a teacher, and if they do chance are theyre not popular by the masses, by telling on someone who is popular you only get yourself hated more. That all the poor kid needs.












get the kids to realise bullying is wrong so they themselfs dont allow it










too idealistic, not everyone is going to get along, and you allways have arguements, now the problem wouldnt be that bad if you were allowed to just hit the guy you dont like, as long as its a fair fight, problem sorts its self out, but say some 6 foot bloke wants to kill you thats where you draw the line. What im trying to say is lkt them sort it out themself, step in when they ask for protection or help.




i can only see 1 flaw in this argument.. by sorting it out themselfs they might shoot each other... and were back where we started.




new conclusion:




accept it sometimes it happens.






Lessons to pupils - you may think you cool bullying him now, i bet you dont look that cool when hes holding a gun ready to shoot you. I say good on you, if they bully you teach them a lesson.

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You shouldn't ask how many shootings it takes before people stop bullying, you should ask how many shootings it takes before Americans realise that guns are DEADLY WEAPONS and should NOT be LEGAL.




"Bullying" is a social structure or learning-cruve which has always excisted (and will always excist) on any age, in any age and is part of growing up and "toughening" up. It can't be controlled or forbidden and it's good it isn't. It happens everywhere, just not everywhere peopel SHOOT eachother because they can. Just because children in Holland don't blow eachothers brains out doesn't mean there's no bullying going on here.




Amazing how narrowminded and shortvisioned Americans can be.



Member of #darkwebz.

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I'm fairly certain if someone gets to the point that they bring a weapon to school, then it's not totally the fault of bullying. They've gotta be a bit messed in the head to begin with, y'know?

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Let anyone buy a gun and its going to happen, as far as i look at it the american government has lost the plot completely.




Explain this one stupid thing.




Anyone can buy a gun at the age of 18 in the USA




You cannot drink in bars under the age of 21 (20 or 21 can rem) in the USA.




I think this small statement speaks for itself - the american government wants war all the time guns, arms etc make them money. If this isnt true then why is it that theres been a shooting from a youth almost every year killing innocent youths, adults.




I can't feel sorry for whats happening since its the governments fault, lets just hope the UK government doesn't make the same stupid [developmentally delayed] mistakes in the future.




Sorry if i offended anyone but the truth is the truth.


Maybe my stupid post detectors are the only ones that are working, but this post sucks man. Each state has different laws, so it's not the federal governments fault. The fact that you can't drink in bars until 21 is somewhat irrelevant. So is "the american government wants are all the time" just so they can make money from guns and such. No, that statement wasn't irrelevant, it was just ignorant and stupid. That last sentence I don't even understand.




You don't feel sorry for the loss of innocent lives from these mentally /socially messed up people, because the laws are too lenient? Wow that makes a lot of sense. Anyways I don't feel like you have ANY room to be saying that garbage considering you don't even live here.




Dumbest post I've read in awhile IMO.

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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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The killing of innocent people can't be prevented. Unless you take away all possible weapons. Leaving us with...Nothing.


Unless you're going to have every student thoroughly searched before they enter a school, school killings are going to keep happening. But they can be reduced.


If teachers and people with power in schools (Don't know what they call that where you live...Principals where I live...) reinforce the no-violence rule more, then of course, the amount of school violence will reduce.


Right now, teachers don't do much to prevent bullying and such where I live. And from what I've read, same with some of your schools. They can't just wait around and wait for violence to happen, then do something. They have to do something to prevent violence from happening. Create worse consequences. Tell students that teachers will protect you if you're bullied, and that it's okay to tell teachers that you're being bullied. Whatever will work.


Now, this will probably eventually run back up to the government. So the government also needs to strengthen laws against gun control as well. Like drugs, just because something is illegal doesn't mean people aren't going to acquire them. People do drugs in America, even though its illegal. But making getting guns harder, especially for teenagers, will certainly reduce the amount of school shootings.


And to answer your questions...




What areas did they happen most?


Everywhere. But mainly in urban areas...


What ages?




What months?


All of them.


What years?


More every year.




No true explanation... :(


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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How many school shootings does it take before the American public realises guns are extremely dangerous?




Angry people retaliate with whatever weapons are immediately available to them. If there is a gun, they use it. If they can't acquire a gun, they resort to a knife. If the knife isn't available, they resort to fists.




Take away the guns, and there won't be so many shootings. Seems like the obvious choice...

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How many school shootings does it take before the American public realises guns are extremely dangerous?




Angry people retaliate with whatever weapons are immediately available to them. If there is a gun, they use it. If they can't acquire a gun, they resort to a knife. If the knife isn't available, they resort to fists.




Take away the guns, and there won't be so many shootings. Seems like the obvious choice...




I believe they can and will acquire guns illegally. *gasp* So much for your obvious choice..

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I believe they can and will acquire guns illegally. *gasp* So much for your obvious choice..


Of course, but with strict enforcement and a better light from the media gun use could be down to an extreme low.




But making getting guns harder, especially for teenagers, will certainly reduce the amount of school shootings.


How about making guns illegal for everyone? Not just teens. Most kids can easily acquire guns from their parents as it is.

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1. I could find you pictures of people with genital warts, but does that mean it will happen to you? No. I hate it when people try to scare people like this by citing examples.




2. The chances of a crazy kid shooting at YOUR school and in YOUR area of the school are almost none. A school is HUGE, most of the time only a single class is affected.




3. Look at those examples, how many of them involved some kids killing EVERYONE they see? most of those were of just revenge to a single kid

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I have been school bullies target in my first school, second (moved) and now on third (junior high school).


Now I have 2 friends (diff school then me)


School bullying made my school numbers and motivation dooowwwnn... Didn't want to go to school, began to be 'sick' somedays...


I have tried commit suicide 3 times with kitchen knife.. couldnt do it


If I would own gun I maybe would go to school and shoot who bully me and other bullyies for ruining people lives and then myself...


I have talked to teachers no help...


(hope no one I know read this..)




So...You actually told this to a teacher, and he didn't do anything? Hmm. Somehow I don't really believe you.


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