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Is a macro for reporting macroers allowed?


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It should explode




Function: report macroers




Realises self is marcoer




error! *Boom!*


Hehe, sounds like one of the old Star Trek episodes.

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Although it would be used for the better of Runescape-kind, i doubt jagex would let you use it. even if they did allow it, how would you make it?




It is already made.




It works with a powerful colour clicking program.




Basically it searches the screen for level 3's and 4's in default clothing and takes down the names, meanwhile reporting those on the list every 65 seconds. When it can't find anymore and has none left to report, it switches worlds.

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It's a funny idea, but jagex surely does have much more effective ways to spot the real autoers without banning innocent people.




I see absolutely no evidence which supports this, if Jagex had anything of the effect then we would not have such a large macro problem however they do have software which tells if your mouse clicks are repetitive, which usually means your a macro.

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email the program to me and i'll get macroers banned for yea. pm me if u will.




Sorry, but I read through your posts and I don't think you would be able to use the script. It would be more trouble than it's worth giving it to you if I have to spend 20 minutes talking you through how to work it.




To anyone else that is going to ask for it, unless you are competent in a coding language - preferably delphi or pascal then don't bother. Even then don't ask through the forums, I don't have permission here to distribute it so send me an email or something.

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Why the heck would it be??




Yes and No.




Macros are against the rules for an unfair advantage, but this gives you no real "advantage".




However, how would it know what was a macroer and what was not? If it is not good enough, you would end up getting banned for report abuse abuse.






And overall, Jagex still discourages these sort of add on things.

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owever, how would it know what was a macroer and what was not?




I have said that at least 3 times in this thread already, I will say it once more and then fly kick anybody who asks again.




The script searches for level 3's and 4's in default clothing. It is made to be left at a popular macroing spot, such as yew trees.

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go for it, sacrifice 1 to destry 100 of them is worth it


Wouldn't you be pissed if you were that one?


well even if you were that one it doesn't mean you would get banned or anything Jagex would check you out first to see if you were really using macros....I think


.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If

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I say all the power to you, get rid of this problem and you would be a legend to all fair f2p characters. I don't know why jagex hasn't thought of something like this. YAY




That would make a nice rule.




Rule 14: You may not woodcut using a level 3, 4, or 5 charecter in defult clothing.








Rule 14: To woodcut you must be at least combat level 15 and not be wearing defult clothes.




Go for it.

Dude, you're an idiot #-o




That would, first of all, ruin skillers...




Second of all, you must realize that these macroers had to (macro or legit) get up to 60 woodcutting just to get to cut yews...getting 15 combat wouldn't stop them at all... :roll:




set it up at that pond kinda west of lumby, with the willow trees sourrounding (sp?) it. That's where all the autoers go from 30-60. I don't know where they get up to 30.. but doesn't really matter it doesnt take long.

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in all honestly, reporting a macro doesn't do squat but make us feel better.




For one, jagex is flooded with these abuse reports, so its very hard to get it.




Second, their game engine has a way of detecting macroes. Everytime someone with a foreign program that helps with rs (not 3rd party clients but other stuff) logs in, its recorded and flagged. Jagex just goes through and manually bans them...but they should be auto-banned. This is from a suggestion i read a bit ago.




Anyway, a macro is a macro, whatever the purpose, no matter if its good.

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You do recognise, using a macro, to get rid of macroers is still a macro, and therefore you're using a macro to get rid of macroers even though your macroing is illegal under the rules of JAGeX. :twisted:




too much alchohol is bad...... wait what did you say!?!?!? lol, jk


The sentence below is false.

The sentence above is true.

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As awesome an idea as this may be, it's still against the rules. ANYTHING that generates keystrokes or mouseclicks that isn't you is illegal.




And honestly, reporting them doesn't help that much. Jagex certainly knows where the macroers can be found... It's just a matter of getting them banned faster than new ones can be made. It's just too easy to macro at this point.

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in all honestly, reporting a macro doesn't do squat but make us feel better.


Meh, it at least triggers randoms, the macro in question isn't made that well and does sometimes fail randoms.




Second, their game engine has a way of detecting macroes. Everytime someone with a foreign program that helps with rs (not 3rd party clients but other stuff) logs in, its recorded and flagged. Jagex just goes through and manually bans them...but they should be auto-banned. This is from a suggestion i read a bit ago.




It was me who made that suggestion, and their way of detecting macros on login is by a reflection system.




Anyway, a macro is a macro, whatever the purpose, no matter if its good.




The reason why the rule exists is because it gives players an unfair advantage, since the script does not give me an unfair advantage, technically it should be an exception to the rule.

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Lol how ironic... ::'




I think it's allowed though, even though this is a macro, but it's not for gaining an unfair advantage over the rest. I hope it's allowed, you'll have the backing of lots of people :thumbsup:




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Dude, you're an idiot #-o


Dude, your feeble attempt at an insult is hilarious.


I have the sudden urge to sigify that. :lol:


Once again gratz Wenlok on your induction :)

Dude, you're an idiot #-o
Dude, your feeble attempt at an insult is hilarious.

... You can tell JAGeX is British - No common sense. :notalk:
Supportmage:Quick Robin,to the roflcopter!
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