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Here's a link to see what the hoopla is all about, I can show some more links, but this is the only one I could find in English: Dutchnews on the most magical 12x12 magic square found in 5,000 years.




yep, that was the main reason i started it....becaus i did that on elementary, but then they thought i was stupid doing those weird things, according to the teachers <.<




but the funny part is, those who made the 12x12 couldnt prove it, i can with my square 20x20

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Here's a link to see what the hoopla is all about, I can show some more links, but this is the only one I could find in English: Dutchnews on the most magical 12x12 magic square found in 5,000 years.

but the funny part is, those who made the 12x12 couldnt prove it, i can with my square 20x20
Why don't you prove it then? And if you did make a 20x20 magic square? Why aren't YOU on the news instead of the 12x12 square pupils.
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Here's a link to see what the hoopla is all about, I can show some more links, but this is the only one I could find in English: Dutchnews on the most magical 12x12 magic square found in 5,000 years.

but the funny part is, those who made the 12x12 couldnt prove it, i can with my square 20x20
Why don't you prove it then? And if you did make a 20x20 magic square? Why aren't YOU on the news instead of the 12x12 square pupils.




i can, but it is a lot of type work, you need to have it all typed out, and im only halfway, i started 2 weeks ago, i need to fill in 15 times 400 squares with formula's and numbers,....but maybe i will come on the news...




then you will know who i am ::'

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Doing around 1600 equations dosn't mean your a genius means you have TOO much time on your hand, maybe you should go out side instead of sitting in side and doing equations all day long for three months.

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my teacher asked me if i am a genius......., becaus im reallybad at languages(except dutch and english for some weird reason <.< )




my marks for languages are all around 4/10


my marks for other subjects except languages and PE are all around 9/10


my marks for dutch and english are 7-8/10




so my teeacher thought that i could possibly have the syndrom of asperger




here's the link to wikipedia




a bit shorter:


-really good at some subjects


-most also have something else with their brain..


-really bad at languages and ability to communicate with each other


-interested in things which no one would ever like to.....


-ability to total focus on one thing


-getting really angry if something is annoying you(like flikkering light, flies, someone who whistles)


-love to make jokes(only with words, like: i thought i already had this deja vu)


-mostly they are bullyed at school


-think its really hard to make contact with other people


-mostly are male...




read the wikipedia part for more....




but the funny thing is....albert einstein had this too and isaac newton....




this are the things my teacher stated as an argument, if i have the syndrom:




-...bad at languages good at other subjects


-not the ability to talk in a way everyone understand, and with talks, telling to much. dont know when to interrupt.


-hate changes


-i used to be bullyed


-never had a lot of friends...and trusted almost nobody


-i have epilepsy


-i have made a solution to a math problem :XD: (no one in the school knew it, how to get that......they thought i was the first...but then they searched the internet...and found someone had it already done....but i never heard from that person..)






my friends also say:


-making those jokes all the time...


-i can realy get angry when sound is not right(mostly with music)


- i collect everything!!!(from trading cards to stamps)








-i am a male!!! ::'






please post what you think!!!!


(you can ask me about my other "behaviours" if you want more information)




btw, im in the 3e class of highschool





fits the description of a nerd









Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Doing around 1600 equations dosn't mean your a genius means you have TOO much time on your hand, maybe you should go out side instead of sitting in side and doing equations all day long for three months.


Well, he's meticulous if anything. Well, that's assuming he actually solved something :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Doing around 1600 equations dosn't mean your a genius means you have TOO much time on your hand, maybe you should go out side instead of sitting in side and doing equations all day long for three months.


Well, he's meticulous if anything. Well, that's assuming he actually solved something :-w .

?Very true.
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Doing around 1600 equations dosn't mean your a genius means you have TOO much time on your hand, maybe you should go out side instead of sitting in side and doing equations all day long for three months.


Well, he's meticulous if anything. Well, that's assuming he actually solved something :-w .

?Very true.




well...the solving was only 5 equations....the proove was about 1600 equations

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I wouldn't rely on wikipedia or google




Log into peer reviewed journal articles (the information you get will be approved by professionals rather than every day joes)




Not that I'm saying those websites aren't helpful, indeed they can be. However some of their information can be a little off.




By the way Newton and Einstein both had bipolar disorder. If that's what you're referring to you could always private message me to ask about symptoms and common traits.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Your teacher is pretty stupid to assume you have a form of autism just because you're good at all your subject except languages.




Everyone has differently wired brains...There are two major kinds, the kind who gets math easily and might have problems with other stuff, and the kind that gets everything else easily and has problems with math.




It doesn't mean you're freakin' autistic. Sheesh. Tell your teacher to chill on the conclusion jumping, she/he isn't a doctor, lol.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Your teacher is pretty stupid to assume you have a form of autism just because you're good at all your subject except languages.




Everyone has differently wired brains...There are two major kinds, the kind who gets math easily and might have problems with other stuff, and the kind that gets everything else easily and has problems with math.




It doesn't mean you're freakin' autistic. Sheesh. Tell your teacher to chill on the conclusion jumping, she/he isn't a doctor, lol.




actually...he is a doctor......(as a title)






but he studied: languages(including russian and chinese) science,health, and psygology

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Your teacher is pretty stupid to assume you have a form of autism just because you're good at all your subject except languages.




Everyone has differently wired brains...There are two major kinds, the kind who gets math easily and might have problems with other stuff, and the kind that gets everything else easily and has problems with math.




It doesn't mean you're freakin' autistic. Sheesh. Tell your teacher to chill on the conclusion jumping, she/he isn't a doctor, lol.




Haha, I agree with you here Tigra. :wink:

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