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my teacher asked me if i am a genius......., becaus im reallybad at languages(except dutch and english for some weird reason <.< )




my marks for languages are all around 4/10


my marks for other subjects except languages and PE are all around 9/10


my marks for dutch and english are 7-8/10




so my teeacher thought that i could possibly have the syndrom of asperger




here's the link to wikipedia




a bit shorter:


-really good at some subjects


-most also have something else with their brain..


-really bad at languages and ability to communicate with each other


-interested in things which no one would ever like to.....


-ability to total focus on one thing


-getting really angry if something is annoying you(like flikkering light, flies, someone who whistles)


-love to make jokes(only with words, like: i thought i already had this deja vu)


-mostly they are bullyed at school


-think its really hard to make contact with other people


-mostly are male...




read the wikipedia part for more....




but the funny thing is....albert einstein had this too and isaac newton....




this are the things my teacher stated as an argument, if i have the syndrom:




-...bad at languages good at other subjects


-not the ability to talk in a way everyone understand, and with talks, telling to much. dont know when to interrupt.


-hate changes


-i used to be bullyed


-never had a lot of friends...and trusted almost nobody


-i have epilepsy


-i have made a solution to a math problem :XD: (no one in the school knew it, how to get that......they thought i was the first...but then they searched the internet...and found someone had it already done....but i never heard from that person..)






my friends also say:


-making those jokes all the time...


-i can realy get angry when sound is not right(mostly with music)


- i collect everything!!!(from trading cards to stamps)








-i am a male!!! ::'






please post what you think!!!!


(you can ask me about my other "behaviours" if you want more information)




btw, im in the 3e class of highschool

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It really is not unlikely that you have it. You're in highschool? No offence, but from your writing I thought you were a lot younger than that. I'm in the last year of elementary.




But even if you do have it, don't be ashamed or anything of that sort. People like you are the kind of people that come up with theories that change the way people think. Like Einstein or Newton.


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Doesn't necessarily make you a genius, I'm afraid. Where you got the idea from I don't know--Asperger's is Asperger's is Asperger's, so...




Oh, and the maths problem might just mean you have a particular aptitude for maths. And, seriously, wtf is the '3e class of highshool'? Pretty sure that that system isn't used in Britain, so I wouldn't know. :\


EDIT: I also agree with the above poster--I thought you were maybe 10 or 11 before I got to the high school / secondary school section.

Nothing left in my right brain; nothing right in my left brain.

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Being bad in languages and good in other things doesn't make you a genius and it certainly doesn't automatically give you some syndrome. Half my class would have asperger if it did.




En op welk niveau zit je? Vmbo, havo, vwo of gymnasium?

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@ Viktor: I don't fully agree.


@ wizarthas: You don't seem good in English... Can we please see your formula (LaTex please?)?


@ wizarthas's teacher: You freaking suck if you're impressed by a formula that a 9th/11th grader made... Go make a wikipedia account, buy Halo 2, and download some RTS's.


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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may i suggest quantum physics as a degree path in college?




take a look at the infamous "double slit experiment" for a place to start. (just search for the expression in quotation marks on youtube or google videos for more information)




explain that, and you MAY be a genius.




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aspergers and autism are similar (unless you ask the girl who had autism and did a talk about it, who said that aspergers syndrom is practically the opposite in her eyes lol)




well... my bro has aspergers and these are some things i can say about it:




they are generally very logically-minded.. so yea good at subjects such as maths/good with computers often.


generally bad at understanding 'conversational' language - unless it fits exactly into the logical rules of the language, they will struggle to understand it. (my bro also always struggled with words such as 'it' 'they' 'he' - couldnt work out who this referred to through the context)


i'm not sure about the 'not able to talk in a way everyone understand... just cant understand the normal way everyone speaks (as i said above)


probably yes telling too much... i think they like to 'share their knowledge' my bro is always trying to tell people something which to him seems important, but really is totally irrelevant.


hating changes... well i think they do like 'rules' which things should follow.


bullied.. well generally yes, they are social outcasts.


cant say about epilepsy


your solution to math problem thing does hint that maybe you are exceptionally good at that subject, which doesnt say you must be an aspergers syndrome person, but does hint at it.




when you say about the music has to be right... probably similar as with speech.. my bro would always be trying to make everyone say everything the right way (well he couldnt understand it otherwise)




collecting stuff... maybe an indicator, i dont know.




i hope i've been helpful.


if you dont understand what i've said, or you want more, PM me.

babelfish - level 180 60th place

strongguy - level 173 69th place

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I know many close people with asperger's disorder. You may be simply autistic. Asperger's is a form of autism. Im surprised that this wasnt detected earlier; if you have all of those symptoms (and you aren't exaggerating at all), then you most likely have some form of autism. This doesn't necessairly mean you are a genious, although many are very intelligent (bill gates has aspergers). A main symptom you are missing is that people with aspergers have a difficult time reading emotions and expressing emotions. That is a main symptom.




The above is my own opinion, I didnt copy it or get those facts from any sites. It's based on my experience with people with aspergers.

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I probably have some form of autism. Maybe even Asperger's. But no way am I a genius. (Or it could just be the Asian-ness...No offense to anyone...)


It goes to show that even if you have all the symptoms for something, it may not be that, but rather genetic or something else.


And I think I remember someone else here having Asperger's. I forget who, I might go check since I remember the topic they said so in.


Anyways, you either are just a regular person that's really smart or you have some form of autism. It might be Asperger's, it might not.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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it may also be that you are kind of 'halfway' to autism...




I know some theories think that autism is not a seperate thing as such, its just an extreme end of the scale "the extreme male brain"

babelfish - level 180 60th place

strongguy - level 173 69th place

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I would love to see the Formula.




lol this is the internet, the op will never post a formula because it doesn't exist. Likely we will not hear from him about this subject for quite a while, but he may bring it up again later after he thinks everyone will have forgotten about this. Another possibility is he will respond to this topic, but just to give an excuse why he can't post the formula.



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Doesn't necessarily make you a genius, I'm afraid. Where you got the idea from I don't know--Asperger's is Asperger's is Asperger's, so...




Oh, and the maths problem might just mean you have a particular aptitude for maths. And, seriously, [what the heck] is the '3e class of highshool'? Pretty sure that that system isn't used in Britain, so I wouldn't know. :\


EDIT: I also agree with the above poster--I thought you were maybe 10 or 11 before I got to the high school / secondary school section.




troisỉ̮̬̉me. (French) It's abbreviated to 3e. So I'm thinking it's like junior year... (Not sure.) I think like douzỉ̮̬̉me is year 1 and premier is year 12. (It seems backward; 12 (douze) and premier (1st).



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Doesn't necessarily make you a genius, I'm afraid. Where you got the idea from I don't know--Asperger's is Asperger's is Asperger's, so...




Oh, and the maths problem might just mean you have a particular aptitude for maths. And, seriously, [what the heck] is the '3e class of highshool'? Pretty sure that that system isn't used in Britain, so I wouldn't know. :\


EDIT: I also agree with the above poster--I thought you were maybe 10 or 11 before I got to the high school / secondary school section.




troisỉ̮̬̉me. (French) It's abbreviated to 3e. So I'm thinking it's like junior year... (Not sure.) I think like douzỉ̮̬̉me is year 1 and premier is year 12. (It seems backward; 12 (douze) and premier (1st).




'3e class of highschool' is a literal translation of how we (the Dutch) denote the various years in highschool.


3e = abbreviation of 'derde' = third. Class = 'klas' = grade. So he made a minor mistake by using a literal translation of the Dutch word 'klas'.




We have quite a different schooling system compared to the USA. We spend 6 years in elementary school. At age 12 we go to high school, which takes a maximum of another 6 years (the maximum depends on the difficulty level of education). We don't distinguish between 'middle school/junior high' and high school.


In our schooling system we start counting again from first grade at the start of highschool. So, at age 12, we are in first grade of highschool (7th grade in USA) and so on till we graduate in 6th grade (12th grade/senior in USA).


He's in the third grade of our high school system, which is equivalent to an American high school freshman (9th grade) - age 14/15.




Class dismissed !

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I have aspergers, you might have the syndrome. Who knows, only a doc can tell for sure.




Myself i suck at mathematics, and am good at english, computers, and similar subjects. Currently work as a ICT apprentice.




I can have a normal chit-chat with someone, no problem, thats the one thing that tells experts i am not an "aspie" although all other marks says so...




Add to the list of aspergers:






Sun tzu and Napoleon had characteristics of it.

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I know many close people with asperger's disorder. You may be simply autistic. Asperger's is a form of autism. Im surprised that this wasnt detected earlier; if you have all of those symptoms (and you aren't exaggerating at all), then you most likely have some form of autism. This doesn't necessairly mean you are a genious, although many are very intelligent (bill gates has aspergers). A main symptom you are missing is that people with aspergers have a difficult time reading emotions and expressing emotions. That is a main symptom.




The above is my own opinion, I didnt copy it or get those facts from any sites. It's based on my experience with people with aspergers.




i have difficulty expressing emotions, people cant see if im tired, mad, happy,....i always have the same "stupid" face










I would love to see the Formula.




lol this is the internet, the op will never post a formula because it doesn't exist. Likely we will not hear from him about this subject for quite a while, but he may bring it up again later after he thinks everyone will have forgotten about this. Another possibility is he will respond to this topic, but just to give an excuse why he can't post the formula.




i can post it sure ::'




here it is:






but without the explanation, it is useless, and you dont where to use it for, but im not gonna tell you that......


at first....it is 14 pages long


second its full of numbers in 20 by 20 tables


(around 15 times)


and for copyright...stuff.....my teacher say i should protect it...otherwise...i would miss the $$$$$(he also did something like that...he earned ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì10.000 with it, and its getting more every day!!! :shock: :shock: (should be 40.000 by now <.< ))

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