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Why Do People Constantly Whine About Arguing?


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This is a Message Board, a website dedicated to discussion. When people are discussing things, they tend to argue with one another. Way too many of you have a hard time grasping that concept, and I just don't understand why. I'm going to ask for an explanation, but I doubt I'll actually get a reasonable one.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Of course, it's fine to discuss, but when "discussion" turns into snide remarks and name-calling, it's not discussion anymore, of course, unless you have a warped definition of what discussion means.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Of course, it's fine to discuss, but when "discussion" turns into snide remarks and name-calling, it's not discussion anymore, of course, unless you have a warped definition of what discussion means.


Obviously, but even harsh exchanges aren't terrible things, especially when you are using them in text over the internet. The only way they would be bad are when they can offend someone dramatically, and if someone is really offended over the internet on a Runescape message board then they have problems.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I don't agree with anything said so far in this topic, and I feel you are all stupid for bringing it up.


And by you all, you mean me, since I was the only one to bring this up.




Why is it such an odd or outlandish topic, if you don't agree with what's being said, then why not post what you think rather than acting like a tool.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Let's draw an imaginary line.




On one side we have the occasionalm or not so occasional, snide remark and name calling done in the heat of a discussion. These can be used as tools in underscoring, or downright hammering, a point. They spice up the discussion a bit, makes it a bit more interesting to read, and sometimes it even manages to be funny. The difference between a good poster and a mediocre one often lies in the ability to use this in a proper fasion.




We cross the line and end up posting snide remarks and calling names not as a literary tool, but so we can jack off to our own brilliance and bask in the admiration of our cronies, because we are oh so witty. Usually, this tends to lead to a degradation of quality as well; After a while we become so convinced of our own brilliance we don't really take the time to come up with something actually clever. We said it, so obviously, it has to be witty.




It's not offensive, it just isn't funny anymore.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Because half the kids here couldn't argue a sensible point to save themselves and wouldn't know a debate if it bit them in the arse. It doesn't help that most people here are too conservative about some issues as well, and will rant and whine at everyone who disagrees with them, without actually arguing a point.

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Debate is fine, heated debate is fine, vicious, blood-thirsty debate is fine.




But argument? No. That's what happens when you abandon reason and logic, and instead resort to slander and jibe. You may as well stop.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Because of some peoples "my opinion is a right fact, you opinion is total bull and its entirely wrong" attitude. :shock:


That's because some people have absurd and malformed opinions that are total bull.

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Debate is fine, heated debate is fine, vicious, blood-thirsty debate is fine.




But argument? No. That's what happens when you abandon reason and logic, and instead resort to slander and jibe. You may as well stop.


Eh, I didn't really know there was much of a difference between arguging and a heated debate. I mean, there might be a few techincal differences, but the overall points are the same, right?

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Because half the kids here couldn't argue a sensible point to save themselves and wouldn't know a debate if it bit them in the arse. It doesn't help that most people here are too conservative about some issues as well, and will rant and whine at everyone who disagrees with them, without actually arguing a point.


Which really has nothing to do with them being too conservative about issues... It just has to do with them being moronic and not addressing BOTH sides of the situation.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I like some of the arguing that takes place. Makes things more interesting. (you have to admit sometimes the topics here get pretty dull).


But it seems like anytime someone says anything slightly offensive someone tells them to "calm down".

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No no no. I complain because OT has become a vent of sorts. Instead of being kind and respecting someone else's opinion while debating, it normally ends up turning into a flame fight.




In several threads I've gone under attack for merely stating an opinion. I wasn't rude or anything, just said what I believed, which is what forums like OT are for.




In response, instead of showing the respect I showed to these people, people insulted me by attacking my age, experience, etc. It just isn't fun.




I think people complain about arguments 'cause they're debates gone wrong.

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I don't agree with anything said so far in this topic, and I feel you are all stupid for bringing it up.




Am I the only one that caught the sarcasm here?

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Okay, so does it really upset you when people are sarcastic with you? I mean seriousy, come on...




Did I say it upset me?


No, and it doesnt.


But it upsets the other immature posters, not to mention you are forgetting the self-righteous and superior part of my statement. Many people get aggitated by sarcasm, self righteousness and god complexes. This leads to attacking the poster, which leads to mutual dislike of a spam and flame argument by the readers and viewers of the post, who wish to have an intelligent debate.

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I don't agree with anything said so far in this topic, and I feel you are all stupid for bringing it up.




Am I the only one that caught the sarcasm here?




No, I caught it too.




Heh, I was really surprised MPC didn't catch it, he is a master at it :P .



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