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~*Has runescape gone reporting mad?*~


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if i had 1k for every time someone accused me of being a report-happy freak...


i'd be a bit wealthier




all joking aside, it takes more than reporting to become a moderator, and a true report-happy freak will get the opposite, or, in the unlikely event of their goal being achieved, end up being a corrupted mod.

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whenever ppl are crowded me and say "reported" i laugh. now im not talking about my main but my other account aresgodowar. he cuts willows and is a lev 4 or 5 by accident. as soon as they say that i laugh and say go to hell. its fun because they cant report you again..

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Runescapes not reporting mad, just the noobs. Noobs are about 70% of runescapes population though. In my eyes If you are a noob your always a noob. not all low levels are noobs but most of 'em, thats why everyone tries to avoid them.

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The problem with all this reporting is that it distracts Jagex from the real task of combatting bots and real world trading. My advice is before you report anyone for being a bot please be as sure as possible that they are. You must take into consideration that some people just do NOT want to be sociable or dress up in fancy clothes, or that there are people who only raise one skill. Before you report a suspected bot watch them for a while as the behaviour of a bot is ALWAYS repetative.




I believe that there was a good guide written on this forum with tips on how to spot a bot. I suugest anyone on this forum who is "report happy" to read this before making any more reports. IMO a guide like this should be in the Jagex Knowledge Base - it may prevent the multitude of false reports that Jagex must get every day.

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those are just noobs that are probably gona get banned for overuse of the report thingy... theres no way you can tell wether or not someone is autoing. they could just be people like you, turning their chat off... i think someone telling you to talk or they will report you should be a reportable offence.





Whats your average lv? viewtopic.php?t=615571&start=0&pos

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I only report the person if I know they are macroing, and if they are in my spot. ;)




But, I don't go reporting crazy, only if I get scammed. Then, nothing can stop me from reporting them.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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people need to learn that mods do more than report...


and that mods aren't paid


and that mods can't insta-ban macros


and that mods are normal, non-jagex worker players




sorry about my little rant, but report-happy people often beleive the opposite of most of that garbage up there

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It's a good thing they're reporting...but reporting crazily is just annoying. I was on a slayer assignment the other day for dags. I of course got a bit sidetracked with the music blasting away and trying to look at some website. I never knew you could program macros to move all of the place and kill monster and know which drops to pick and etc. This guy wouldn't stop yelling at me for being a macro since I wouldn't talk to him since he's too annoying. He thought I was auto typing shut up, go away, I'm busy, I'm not autoing, and other ways of saying it. This guy was just a plain idiot. I ended up banking because of all the drops and when I came back...I saw him with a few hp and next second, a pile of stuff.


Heh, in the end, I made a nice 5M and no, I didn't return the stuff. He was just too nooby and stupid...but both words mean the same.




Another one is a friend that is perm muted which he kinda deserves, but he still has the motivation to keep playing. Anyways, one day I'm visiting him at yew trees since he has a goal of 99. I'm talking to him on msn and playing those free games you get. We're having a jolly good time and I'm just following him while I alch. Cut the RuneScape window in half to only show the magic tab and such and alch away while talking on msn. He warns me of random events and such since he uses the tab browsing. A stranger comes up to us and spams "wc lvlzzz?!?!?" My friend politely shook his head using the emote, but the guy was like all "???!?!??!!??! Wat?!!?" I decided to tell him that he's muted and that his wc level is --


I guess the guy takes drugs or something, but he was calling me his macro buddy even after I thoroughly explains to him that we aren't. I didn't know some people could be this hard headed, geez. We had enough of his bull and decided on some people and quiet with our chats off. He followed us probably spamming ??? and y aren't ya talk n. He did that for a good 30 mins before he left o.O

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

87/94 Magic~~84 Range

Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

CB: 107 Total: 1788+


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A friend of mine was recently perm banned thanks to an over zealous reporter. Granted the guy did have a few bad marks to his name already, but this one report ended up in my friend losing his lvl 124 account. Basically, his friend lent him a few items and for a joke said 'omfg scammer' as he wasn't recieving money/items in return. Some litle kid decided to report, and of course to jagex when they check the report screen it looks like a scam. I guess sometimes you really have to watch what you say.



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Since the most common perception of attaining pmod status is through mass successful reporting, people who want that power go out of their ways to spend a ridiculous amount of time just reporting and reporting any person they think might possibly be doing something against the rules - they then do enough of that and figure they'll have to eventually be considered for pmod status.

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there is an easy solution.




sell all your stuff and buy rares and start playing world of warcraft.




that is what i am doing :lol:




i still got a bunch of barrows stuff to sell give away.


semi-retired as i am the lastest victim of computer crack!


AKA... World of Warcraft

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