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Moderator Status: Good or Bad?

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Recognition: Yes, you get a little more respect out of fear from the normal 'Scaper. I, however, do not like most playermods to begin with so I just put them on ignore so I can put my public chat on 'off' without seeing the crown every 3 seconds.




Corruption: Yes, many are corrupt. Hell, Jagex mods anyone not for their attitude and helpfullness ingame, but to get these kids to play more or they mod them for an accomplishment. There are way to many mods these days so now its nothing special, like 120+ cb.

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now how many people here have actually seen a mod abuse their powers? if they have, more than once?




Pmods have scammed items, I've seen some luring, bug abuse, you name it. The status means nothing. Just another way Jagex is getting kids into the game.

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i think its a positive thing to become a mod but abusing ur power is very easy with the abuse report system we use now. you could type in a username of someone that hasn't hurt a fly and you send it for anything, you get "Thank you report abuse message recieved." or something like taht. Unless ppl look through ever 60 sec screenshot and study them to find the abuse then it would be hard to abuse ur power but i dont really think jagex has enough ppl to be looking through every single one of those screenshots. :-k

Not all F2Pers are beggars or scammers, some are respected members, but these respected people are over-populated by these beggar and scammers.
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i think its a positive thing to become a mod but abusing ur power is very easy with the abuse report system we use now. you could type in a username of someone that hasn't hurt a fly and you send it for anything, you get "Thank you report abuse message recieved." or something like taht. Unless ppl look through ever 60 sec screenshot and study them to find the abuse then it would be hard to abuse ur power but i dont really think jagex has enough ppl to be looking through every single one of those screenshots. :-k


they do look through moderator reports for the exact reason you named.




every moderator i have met has deserved their position, and there are kids there, they're as mature as the adults with the role.

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At the end of the day, I admit that I love being a player moderator. In addition to having the tools to better serve the Runescape community, I've met so many interesting people and have made great friends because the crown is a surefire way to start a conversation. The question-answering sessions or occasional annoyances are slight prices to pay for all of the priceless rewards that come with the crown.

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That is a bit of an understatement about Pmods. For the frequency of Pmods, it's not uncommon that they actually break rules. If I were a mod, I'd play like I was a normal member, and would just ignore beggars.




so that means me and my mod cronies are gonna start breaking rs rules? :shame:


:o I thought I said that a relatively big number of the [F2p] mods might start breaking rules. Your post does not compute.



You're being watched.

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How could a mod become power hungry...? Unless they fooled noobs into something I don't see how they can *achieve* more power. I think mods are equally respected and disrespected. It depends on who their around and what they're doing or saying.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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How could a mod become power hungry...? Unless they fooled noobs into something I don't see how they can *achieve* more power. I think mods are equally respected and disrespected. It depends on who their around and what they're doing or saying.


the power that most are hungry for is the mute option, and the fact that newer, more ignorant players may bow before a crown and basically do whatever the mod wants out of fear of being muted (free demod if they do this).




it's more trouble than it's worth, really. average players seem to think moderators are there to help them with every little detail, can get them free items at any time, and are paid. in truth, we're just average players who can do a bit more, and do not have to answer every question.




note: at the time of this post, i had someone expecting me to go out of my way to help him get a guard greegree, despite the fact that i was about as far away from the atoll as possible.

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i understand the point of mods, but to be honest, i think they do more harm then good. Every single noob out there wants to be a mod, so they go out reporting people like mad, hoping jagex will see them and give them mod. Ok theres nothing wrong with reporting someone, but if someone is wandering around reporting every little tiny thing they see, then there can be a problem. I have 1 blackmark, ooh big deal right. Well, i got that blackmark for commenting on somebody's man-skirt, i didnt use a single swear word, or anything close to it, but someone saw what I said as being offensive, and thus, my first black-mark. I think that having pmods in the game encourages wanna-be mods to go around reporting every tiny little thing they see. I know many people will dissagree with me, but you have to admit that in some ways, i am right.




oh, I have nothing wrong with mods, I have met lots of really nice mods, its againts wanna-be mods, and thats where the disaster lies

I was goona put something really cool here...but then I put this :(

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usually wannabe mods just report everything that moves because they overlook one vital point


How does someone become a Player Moderator?


We keep track of potential Player Moderators through a variety of methods.




We review their behaviour in the forums, the number and quality of abuse reports sent in, how useful and friendly they have been to other players and any messages sent in to us from other players about their behaviour in the game.




The chances of a particular player becoming a Player Moderator is not based on their combat level or total level of their character but on the maturity and behaviour of all their characters in the game. This means that while you will not see a player fresh from Tutorial Island given Player Moderator status, you may see some with lower combat levels than you are expecting. Remember that we do investigate accounts fully before giving them Player Moderator status, so if you see the crown, the player will have earned it.


generally, reporting isn't enough, and that is what is missed. that, and they can tell if you're trying to become one or not. if you're reporting everyone, following it up by proudly shouting out 'reported', you're not fulfilling the behavior requirement.




I thought I said that a relatively big number of the [F2p] mods might start breaking rules. Your post does not compute.


the f2p mods are often better behaved than p2p mods....

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With that little silver crown next to your name, do you get more good attention or bad attention?





I get more attention, and mostly by your average RS player with valid questions, i.e. Where is Ardy? etc. I spare a bit of time to help out the same now as I did prior to being a mod, so it hasn't affected my gaming behaviour at all.




Does getting that crown corrupt some people? Does it make them "power-hungry" and/or abuse their powers?





I would suggest that if a pmod is power hungry and abusing the so-called 'powers', then they were that way prior to being a mod, and Jagex has made a mistake in making that player a pmod.






So the question is, does being a Moderator in game overall hinder or ease your gaming experience?




Being a pmod enriches my gaming experience. I feel that my actions can have a direct effect for the betterment of RS, even if it is very slight.




I do spend more time now helping others, but that is a part of the game I like.

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Even though I am not a Player Moderator, I do my best to keep RuneScape a better place to be. I don't care about the crown. Although it would be nice to have so I can get rid of those spammers faster..


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I believe that just by having the ablility to help the general public of Runescape, overrules any cons that pmodship may have. During my time of actively playing Runescape, I saw a great many people who were scammers, macroers, or password stealers. Sure, I reported them all, but there was nothing else I could do about it. I always waited to see if I would get that message from Jagex about granting me pmodship, just so that I could better do the community a service.




So what if a bunch of people bug you? Ignore them, for Saradomin's sake. It's not that hard to do.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I don't believe that a mod would ever become corrupted by their power, as I think JagEx chooses their mods carefully and don't choose that type of person. But it IS possible that JagEx giving them recognition floods them with reports from people who ant that recognition, and so try to become a mod by reporting the smallest of rulebreakers. Also, mods don't have as much power as they would without the crown, because people become better behaved when they see the little silver crown in the chat box.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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it would probley be a bad thing because when ever a mod is around every1 acts good and every says "wow a mod" which would get annoying when people say that to you all day. But probley good because u have a little more power over other poeple.

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I believe that just by having the ablility to help the general public of Runescape, overrules any cons that pmodship may have. During my time of actively playing Runescape, I saw a great many people who were scammers, macroers, or password stealers. Sure, I reported them all, but there was nothing else I could do about it. I always waited to see if I would get that message from Jagex about granting me pmodship, just so that I could better do the community a service.




So what if a bunch of people bug you? Ignore them, for Saradomin's sake. It's not that hard to do.




You can help people in runescape before becoming a pmod. Helping people in-game means there is a higher chance of you becoming a Pmod.




So the ability is there all the time. But now that you've become a Pmod, you get some cons such as unwanted attention. So surely Being a pmod actually worsens the game experience.

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I believe that just by having the ablility to help the general public of Runescape, overrules any cons that pmodship may have. During my time of actively playing Runescape, I saw a great many people who were scammers, macroers, or password stealers. Sure, I reported them all, but there was nothing else I could do about it. I always waited to see if I would get that message from Jagex about granting me pmodship, just so that I could better do the community a service.




So what if a bunch of people bug you? Ignore them, for Saradomin's sake. It's not that hard to do.




You can help people in runescape before becoming a pmod. Helping people in-game means there is a higher chance of you becoming a Pmod.




So the ability is there all the time. But now that you've become a Pmod, you get some cons such as unwanted attention. So surely Being a pmod actually worsens the game experience.




I can't believe that being a mod actually worsens the game experience. Mods may get bothered by players, but that's only the nooby ones, and the ability to have your reports always go through is worth it, because you can seriously help the game. If you're chosen to be a mod, JagEx has probably chosen you because you're the type of person who likes to try to make the game experience better, and so won't mind the bothering you recieve when you're a mod.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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I believe that just by having the ablility to help the general public of Runescape, overrules any cons that pmodship may have. During my time of actively playing Runescape, I saw a great many people who were scammers, macroers, or password stealers. Sure, I reported them all, but there was nothing else I could do about it. I always waited to see if I would get that message from Jagex about granting me pmodship, just so that I could better do the community a service.




So what if a bunch of people bug you? Ignore them, for Saradomin's sake. It's not that hard to do.




You can help people in runescape before becoming a pmod. Helping people in-game means there is a higher chance of you becoming a Pmod.




So the ability is there all the time. But now that you've become a Pmod, you get some cons such as unwanted attention. So surely Being a pmod actually worsens the game experience.




I can't believe that being a mod actually worsens the game experience. Mods may get bothered by players, but that's only the nooby ones, and the ability to have your reports always go through is worth it, because you can seriously help the game. If you're chosen to be a mod, JagEx has probably chosen you because you're the type of person who likes to try to make the game experience better, and so won't mind the bothering you recieve when you're a mod.


the bothering is usually being asked the same simple question every single time (how u become a mod).


being able to make a difference is a great thing, but attracts more negative attention than positive

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I don't believe that a mod would ever become corrupted by their power, as I think JagEx chooses their mods carefully and don't choose that type of person. But it IS possible that JagEx giving them recognition floods them with reports from people who ant that recognition, and so try to become a mod by reporting the smallest of rulebreakers. Also, mods don't have as much power as they would without the crown, because people become better behaved when they see the little silver crown in the chat box.


Actually, there's studies, I was just hearing about them the other day on the news, that shows that power always corrupts if you give it some time, even very righteous people. There's no "type" of people that cannot be corrupted. But I agree it's impossible to corrupt pmods in this particular case; they barely have any power, or any reason to be corrupted.

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If i were a mod i'd feel pressured to answer peoples questions, usually i just ignore people if im not in the mood for them and being a mod i'd get really abstract questions asked which i wouldn't know the answer to :lol:




I suppose it would be fun for a week or so, but after that you'd just want to get rid of the crown for a while.

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Hmm, for me I think it would probably be a bad thing. I'm very reclusive and don't usually talk to the other person training with me. It would probably be total hell in F2p in Lumbridge.




As far as the power-hungry thing, I would say no. Most of the stories I've heard about people being banned by pmods are a result of misunderstandings as opposed to true and blue malice.



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Hmm, for me I think it would probably be a bad thing. I'm very reclusive and don't usually talk to the other person training with me. It would probably be total hell in F2p in Lumbridge.


actually, being reclusive helps. it's a lot easier to catch a scammer without the warning-siren of a crown in the open.




As far as the power-hungry thing, I would say no. Most of the stories I've heard about people being banned by pmods are a result of misunderstandings as opposed to true and blue malice.


mutes given in anger are removed the next day, and reports for the same purpose are not acted on. with that in mind, it's almost impossible to abuse modship effectively, those that do are punished appropriately.

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