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Have you ever felt bad....


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Done something on Runescape which made you feel bad?




Today i was in the top of the wizards tower where the lesser demon is training my mage and someone shouted out that they had a rune med drop but didnt have the runes to telegrab. So he was asking people for the runes (which i had) but i saw it and telegrabbed it for myself. The person whose it was meant for went and i felt bad so i tryed to find him and give it back but i couldnt.


So i alched it. :twisted: :cry:

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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Nothing really rememberable has happened to me, when people die and ask for their stuff back I say "Finders keepers." I would accept the fact if they did it to me.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Alot of things in RS have made me felt bad. I have been scammed and lured alot of times in my nooby days. I have felt bad about myself for getting scammed or lured that easily.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Keeping death piles and refusing to give it back to someone who asks sort of brushes on my conscience a bit, but I have never given back a good item that I have found in a death pile. If it's on the ground, it's mine. :twisted:




Can't remember anything beyond that; I'm almost sure there is something I have done, I just can't recall. Probably because I don't care :P

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I saw a lower lever person get killed by a guard, they were wearing a mix of steel and addy helm. Dunno why they attacked the guard..they were low on hits.




They died and i was going to grab their stuff and give it back, but someone else grabbed it.. i felt kinda bad for them.


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Well, once some guy attacked me in the wildy while I was semi-1-iteming (I wore hard and soft leather just to wear something) and I killed him. He dropped a rune scimmy. So he said it was all he had and he'd rebuy it for 10k... I said no :P So he said he'll add a rune pick to the 10k. I "grudgingly" accepted, but was happy since I gained about 15-17k :P I felt a bit bad after that not to inform him about the prices, but then again, he offered it, not me.



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Done something on Runescape which made you feel bad?




Today i was in the top of the wizards tower where the lesser demon is training my mage and someone shouted out that they had a rune med drop but didnt have the runes to telegrab. So he was asking people for the runes (which i had) but i saw it and telegrabbed it for myself. The person whose it was meant for went and i felt bad so i tryed to find him and give it back but i couldnt.


So i alched it. :twisted: :cry:


lol ya sucks to be him, i always bring laws jic when im even killing just 1 lesser




ive seen noobs die, they msg me if i can grab their stuff, i block em and sell their loot for like, omg 200gp



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I once saw a guy getting killed by a white knight.


I wanted to help him but I was lagging terribly...By the time I was able to do something he had already died.


I felt so bad I gave him his stuff back :D




Another time a different guy was being killed by a white knight. This time, I helped him and then he got angry that I took "his kill" :evil:


So when he stupidly started fighting another knight, I stood by and watched :twisted:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Whenever i see a pure in castle wars i pick on them, ie constantly killing them, i dont feel bad for them i just find if funny. I've never done anything really mean to someone on rs, i've locked some people in rooms before.

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I was once in Fally and there was some idiot locking people in the general store. I was on low speed and couldn't get out the darned door. Later I was telling a friend about it, and kept referring to the guy who was locking as "the door idiot." After about two minutes a guy runs up to me and tells me off about how I don't know him, and he doesn't know what I'm talking about and why am I so mean?




His name was "the door" with some numbers after it. He logged out. I added him to friends so I could apologize, and haven't seeen him logged in almost a year.

Elvarg the Magic Dragon, Lives by the sea...

He spends his days eating folk, And dies occasionally



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I may have picked up a santa from a death pile and not given it back :-$


I'm not sure if i would give it back either. :-w


You should realise how lucky you are though.

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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I was once in Fally and there was some idiot locking people in the general store. I was on low speed and couldn't get out the darned door. Later I was telling a friend about it, and kept referring to the guy who was locking as "the door idiot." After about two minutes a guy runs up to me and tells me off about how I don't know him, and he doesn't know what I'm talking about and why am I so mean?




His name was "the door" with some numbers after it. He logged out. I added him to friends so I could apologize, and haven't seeen him logged in almost a year.


Looks like his ignorelist is not empty. I don't think he quit tbh...


One word: Ouch.



You're being watched.

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Done something on Runescape which made you feel bad?




Today i was in the top of the wizards tower where the lesser demon is training my mage and someone shouted out that they had a rune med drop but didnt have the runes to telegrab. So he was asking people for the runes (which i had) but i saw it and telegrabbed it for myself. The person whose it was meant for went and i felt bad so i tryed to find him and give it back but i couldnt.


So i alched it. :twisted: :cry:




Lol, you are Evil!! :P




[sarcasm]I feel bad for all the rune pkers that have tried to kill me while


mining rune and have not succeeded.[/sarcasm] :twisted:




I've never felt bad about something that I've done in RS...at least i can't


remember anything... :-k ..but i've felt sorry for some of my unfortunate


friends....a friend died to a Tree Spirit and lost his Red Mask, another


friend got scammed of his Blue Mask...

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I never feel about for other players in runescape just because because of what other players have done to me in the past with scams and my death piles, etc. Don't feel guilty about taking that rune med.

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I usually feel bad whenever I don't help someone out who genuinely wants or needs the help.




If I find a death pile on the ground from someone who didn't deserve their deaths, and I catch their name, I usually will give it back. I've given back tons of stuff from DDS's to whips. I could have kept it and been rich, but hey...



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One time I was castle luring, there was like....9 of us.


Our lurer had a black g pl8 on :lol: and lured some level 55 in full rune up to us. We koed her it was so hot, but I felt kinda bad, but then i remembered we had just got full rune :lol:


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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yea i pked my rs friend when we in lvl 46 wild and then he quit lol #-o


rofl, thats evil!! :twisted:

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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When I was on my first account and I was lvl15 I scammed a lvl 17's password because my friend offered me to give me 2k for a lvl 15 or up so I got him the scammed account because I wanted my account and I didn't feel bad until my friend told me 2 days later that his friends were PM'ing the scammed account thinking it was the same guy that why was he so blue in school and that his rl gf told him she was getting creeped out with the guy I scammed,well turns out I made him lose his account his real life gf and declining grades,2 months later I scammed a lvl 8 newbie because I was in need of 500gp short of 90k and I never scammed again, also I gave my account away.Well as a newbie I also had ruined a rl relationship between two ppl by pretending to be a girl and telling a girl that I am someone you love and she said the name of someone she had a crush on I assumed and asked if she could come to my house (also I did not know who it was so I wasn't getting revenge on anyone) I said sure come to my house,2 hours later she pm me telling me I am a horrible person and this made me feel kinda like a jerk because this created problems beetwen the two but I also laughed alot, eventually I was perm muted and came close to perm ban so I started using the account I never used,also I had a girl account which I used to get gold trimmed platebody and legs and also I managed to get one of those decorated shields all for free,as for my current main I stopped doing stuff because I had done enough damage lmao.

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When I was on my first account and I was lvl15 I scammed a lvl 17's password because my friend offered me to give me 2k for a lvl 15 or up so I got him the scammed account because I wanted my account and I didn't feel bad until my friend told me 2 days later that his friends were PM'ing the scammed account thinking it was the same guy that why was he so blue in school and that his rl gf told him she was getting creeped out with the guy I scammed,well turns out I made him lose his account his real life gf and declining grades,2 months later I scammed a lvl 8 newbie because I was in need of 500gp short of 90k and I never scammed again, also I gave my account away.Well as a newbie I also had ruined a rl relationship between two ppl by pretending to be a girl and telling a girl that I am someone you love and she said the name of someone she had a crush on I assumed and asked if she could come to my house (also I did not know who it was so I wasn't getting revenge on anyone) I said sure come to my house,2 hours later she pm me telling me I am a horrible person and this made me feel kinda like a jerk because this created problems beetwen the two but I also laughed alot, eventually I was perm muted and came close to perm ban so I started using the account I never used,also I had a girl account which I used to get gold trimmed platebody and legs and also I managed to get one of those decorated shields all for free,as for my current main I stopped doing stuff because I had done enough damage lmao.


That makes me feel bad just reading it. :ohnoes:

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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