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Manhunt 2 Banned in the UK and Ireland! USA barely lets in!


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Sorry for the double post, but I don't understand something. People protest against violent video games, but what about games like Dead or Alive Extreme 2, Rumble Roses XX, or even the Playboy game? Why aren't people hugely against that?

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Y'know what sickens me? We've got video games which are restricted to the point in which having a game with a high school delinquent ending up in a bad school, having to cope with bullies by using violence, and being in a school environment, encourages hundreds of thousands of protesters to line up to sue the whole industry and ban games for good..yet, we've also got movies where people are being torn to shreds, ripped in half, dismembered, disemboweled, decapitated, and generally mutilated..and nobody is protesting the movie industry?!




We've got movies like saw and (from what I heard) Grindhouse ripping zombies (resemble people) apart and mass-killing a species..and nobody says a word. We've got a game where you can kill people which is involved in a deep plot, and the world is against it. :evil:




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Y'know what sickens me? We've got video games which are restricted to the point in which having a game with a high school delinquent ending up in a bad school, having to cope with bullies by using violence, and being in a school environment, encourages hundreds of thousands of protesters to line up to sue the whole industry and ban games for good..yet, we've also got movies where people are being torn to shreds, ripped in half, dismembered, disemboweled, decapitated, and generally mutilated..and nobody is protesting the movie industry?!




We've got movies like saw and (from what I heard) Grindhouse ripping zombies (resemble people) apart and mass-killing a species..and nobody says a word. We've got a game where you can kill people which is involved in a deep plot, and the world is against it. :evil:




You're right, it's incredibly unfair. It's simply and ONLY because movies are a more popular form of entertainment, and if they attacked movies, they would be worried about the major backlash they'd recieve.




I find it really twisted too. :?

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I don't get it...1 person kills someone because of a video game


How do you actually prove that, anyway? Claims could never be conclusive, it's ridiculous.




I'm speaking in general. But there is one shooting I can at least somewhat back up. I'll post a link in a minute.










Also manhunt one was blamed for a murder becasue somebody killed someone else and they didnt have a reason .... so they blammed manhunt.

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Apparently Sony and Nintendo (and Microsoft) don't allow AO titles to be published on their systems. So as it stands, it won't be released, unless they make it a PC gmae ( :thumbsup: ), or they bring it down to M.




They'll bring it down to M.

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Apparently Sony and Nintendo (and Microsoft) don't allow AO titles to be published on their systems. So as it stands, it won't be released, unless they make it a PC gmae ( :thumbsup: ), or they bring it down to M.




They'll bring it down to M.




They can't bring it down to M. That would require editing out the graphic violence and torture. Except that this game IS graphic violence and torture. Literally nothing else. Which means that this game remains AO.




But AO doesn't mean banned. It will still be available in America. It is banned in GB and Ireland!




I personally have no problem with this game being release - as long as the laws and punishments concerning selling 18 rated games to under 18s are tightened up. I was in GAME once queueing to buy a game (I forget which) and a woman brought up GTA:VC with a 10/11 year old boy next to her. The clerk asked if the game was for the son, she said yes, he asked (several times) whether she was aware that the game contained murder, stealing, prostitution and all number of bad things that made the game rated 18. He asked if she would take her child to an 18 movie, to which she said no, so he asker her why she was buying her son a game that put the child inside the film. She bought the game anyway, simply because the child asked.




That situation needs to change.




And I'm beginning to wonder why I posted the thread. Most people here are commenting "NOOO! Now I'll never get to play it! Why do people hate gamers?" I'm willing to bet that most of you are under 18 and this shouldn't play it anyway...

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Apparently Sony and Nintendo (and Microsoft) don't allow AO titles to be published on their systems. So as it stands, it won't be released, unless they make it a PC gmae ( :thumbsup: ), or they bring it down to M.




They'll bring it down to M.




microsoft do




18 = ao












US, June 20, 2007 - Nintendo of America issued an official statement in response to the recent news that Rockstar's Manhunt 2 has received an Adults Only (AO) rating by the ESRB.




"Games made for Nintendo systems enjoy a broad variety of styles, genres and ratings. These are some of the reasons our Wii and Nintendo DS systems appeal to such a broad range of people. But as with books, television and movies, different content is meant for different audiences. That's why the ESRB provides ratings to help consumers understand the content of a game before they purchase it," the company said in a press statement. "As stated on Nintendo.com, Nintendo does not allow any AO-rated content on its systems."

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Y'know what sickens me? We've got video games which are restricted to the point in which having a game with a high school delinquent ending up in a bad school, having to cope with bullies by using violence, and being in a school environment, encourages hundreds of thousands of protesters to line up to sue the whole industry and ban games for good..yet, we've also got movies where people are being torn to shreds, ripped in half, dismembered, disemboweled, decapitated, and generally mutilated..and nobody is protesting the movie industry?!




We've got movies like saw and (from what I heard) Grindhouse ripping zombies (resemble people) apart and mass-killing a species..and nobody says a word. We've got a game where you can kill people which is involved in a deep plot, and the world is against it. :evil:




Heck movies are worse, I don't watch violent movies without almost puking, but then I go play games like Punisher.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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i'd think that games take more of the blame because it is interactive, whereas you just sit in front of a screen and watch a movie.


also, if a kid murders someone because they saw it in a game, they probably had a few problems to begin with...




i'll admit to not being old enough to buy rated-m games, but even i can tell the difference between real violence and pixelated violence, and i'm not going to knock someone's head off because i saw it in fable.

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i'll admit to not being old enough to buy rated-m games, but even i can tell the difference between real violence and pixelated violence, and i'm not going to knock someone's head off because i saw it in fable.




No your gonna bust a cap in there but because you saw it on gta.




And yes manhunt is a brilliant game why not let more brilliant games and get rid of the kiddy bull

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Manhunt 2 Suspended




God damn it. Nintendo and Sony need to realise that one AO game doesn't mean your brand will be stamped with negatives. Let people make the games they want, even if you do brutally murder people.




That's another point. I'm legally an adult, why are the ratings boards telling me what I can and can't play. I mean, fair enough, little kiddies shouldn't be playing it, but I'm 18 and in Australia, you're an adult then. Let me make my own damn decisions as to what I want to play.

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I'll admit to only being 14. But my parents know I am responsible enough to handle M rated games like GTA: Vice City and MGS 3. I never would have ever played Manhunt 2 anyways. But I find it rediculous that the so-called 'root of evil' in this country is Video Games -.-




So, a disgruntled, nearly insane student kills 33 people including himself, and injures even more? Well, he's played Counter-Strike..it's Counter Strike's fault!




So 2 underage, 'special', and easily-influenced kids go out with rifles and take aim at the highway, killing 3? Well, they had a PS2 and had rented GTA3...it's rockstar's fault!!




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buying the latest games for 'darling Jimmy'.




Wub <3:




I'm glad it's been banned here in the UK. It's quite disgusting, and kids manage to get their hands on these sort of games anyway.

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buying the latest games for 'darling Jimmy'.




Wub <3:




I'm glad it's been banned here in the UK. It's quite disgusting, and kids manage to get their hands on these sort of games anyway.




But whats to say that adults shouldnt be aloud to play this game.




Yes i am under 18 but does that matter my mum bought me mannhunt she didnt like it but didnt mind me playing it.




Watch theyl make films that are 18+ illegal next and a song with a swear word


or 50 cent rapping about busting a cap in ur but...






Its stupid theyre not alowing cause theres many ppl who want to play it

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[hide=something mildly relevant]http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20031215[/hide]


the reason for the hide is that there is language in there that may offend some and whatnot. that, and if i actually put it there, it may get removed. otherwise, it fits the discussion well

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But whats to say that adults shouldnt be aloud to play this game.




If you can suggest a way in which adults only will be playing this game, suggest it. There's no way you can stop the idiot parents who buy games for their underage children.




I'd prefer no-one playing it than both children and adults playing it.

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Why would SONY or especially Nintendo want to be associated with violent murderous games? So far as both companies can see, those kind of games only belong on the X-Box, and to give them their credit, it's what the X-Box does well. In the meantime, SONY's happy enough to stick by its teenage games, and Nintendo's more than happy to appeal to the more broader market.




Above all else for Nintendo, they're trying to build the Wii into a console fit for families, both young children and parents. While trying to build such an image, why would they want to be associated with these kind of games?

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But whats to say that adults shouldnt be aloud to play this game.




If you can suggest a way in which adults only will be playing this game, suggest it. There's no way you can stop the idiot parents who buy games for their underage children.




I'd prefer no-one playing it than both children and adults playing it.




So just because some kid may play it, means that you'd rather that the game be banned. Sorry I fail to agree with that logic.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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But whats to say that adults shouldnt be aloud to play this game.




If you can suggest a way in which adults only will be playing this game, suggest it. There's no way you can stop the idiot parents who buy games for their underage children.




I'd prefer no-one playing it than both children and adults playing it.




So just because some kid may play it, means that you'd rather that the game be banned. Sorry I fail to agree with that logic.










Its sad that they wont let people the age aloud to play it to play it. Manhunt 1 wipes the floor with all games of the genre and looks all rond really brilliant game.




Why ban a game when you have films eg saw that are worse ?

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I say, let it go as an AO title. Most gamers are between 18 and 25 anyways. Not only is it a creative game with a good plot (If I'm right, a sadistic madman named 'the director' is forcing you to kill gang members in very gruesome ways for your own survival)..but it is a chance for Rockstar and other companies to say 'Hey, we don't care that it's rated AO..it's still a great, creative game and we want adult gamers to experience it in full.'




If that won't work..I say create both an AO version and a cut-down M version. That way gamers of the right age can still experience the game the way it was meant to be..and the rest of us can still see the game.




But..overall..you know what ticks me off? I've picked up a good 5 or 6 games and saw the infamous AO..yet I have never saw a MOVIE with the NC-17 rating (which I'm starting to wonder if it is just there to make the ratings systems look similar).




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