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A friend at my school argues with me all day that adventure quest is way better then runescape because "you can actually see your character" i try to keep telling him all the fun things in runescape. quests , monsters , cool items, massive world, other people , mini games. but he keeps saying that runescape sucks and he keeps saying that adventure quest is updateing to be just like runescape. im like yeah right runescape has taken 6 years to get to where it is and adventure quest cant just get that much pwn in like.. months.. so yeah. if this is wrong forum.. move it..




just post your ideas. i know its his own oppinion but its annoying to have him keep saying that "you can actually see your character"




just post what you think :)




cheers.. glad to get that off my chest

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you can't see your character in runescape? :| THEN WHO HAVE I BEEN LOOKING AT FOR THE PAST YEARS!?!?!?


omg, I've been looking at a stranger...


anyhoo, adventure quest is just a stupid game with less than nothing to do and to get stuff which seem better but actually are just as boring you have to pay money... if you're member here it's really fun :)

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you can't see your character in runescape?


I'm pretty positive that his friend meant that you can't see your character eyes,nose etc..


anyway,i tried adventure quest,it's VERY boring,you do nothing else than fighting monsters with no community,games,skills,quests etc

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adventure quest has got to be the saddest game ever... :roll:




Yes, it's got a bad reputation to be appealing for the younger(way younger) audience. I really don't know how your friend can possibly think adventure quest is better than runescape. Obviously he won't get convinced by just talking to him, you need to actually show him the vast number of things in runescape you can do. And what is this talk that you can't see your character? Of course you can! Infact, unlike adventure quest, you can rotate the camera and see every bit of your character in three dimensions!


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Ok can you people please help me think of the top 10 reasons why he should play runescape.. so i can tell him and he may change his mind ;)




  • [*:3k0um1v9]Weekly updates
    [*:3k0um1v9]Over 100 quests
    [*:3k0um1v9]23 different skills which you can level
    [*:3k0um1v9]Vast amount of monsters
    [*:3k0um1v9]Player killing
    [*:3k0um1v9]It's three dimensional for god's sake!


Just a few I thought up.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Adventure Quest is okay, but it's not something you want to do long-term. Plus you can barely do or use anything without paying, like Club Penguin. And OMG are the monsters horribly drawn!! The majority of their monsters are noob flash things, while RS has full 3D. Their characters are overdramatic too.




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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you can't see your character in runescape? :| THEN WHO HAVE I BEEN LOOKING AT FOR THE PAST YEARS!?!?!?


omg, I've been looking at a stranger...


anyhoo, adventure quest is just a stupid game with less than nothing to do and to get stuff which seem better but actually are just as boring you have to pay money... if you're member here it's really fun :)




I have actually tried AQ. It was fun!...for about 3 seconds. After about 1 hour of playing I decided to quit it forever. And I totally agreee with you pimmel15, AQ is just a stupid game with nothing to do.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Ok can you people please help me think of the top 10 reasons why he should play runescape.. so i can tell him and he may change his mind ;)




  • [*:3t4yjxu5]Weekly updates
    [*:3t4yjxu5]Over 100 quests
    [*:3t4yjxu5]23 different skills which you can level
    [*:3t4yjxu5]Vast amount of monsters
    [*:3t4yjxu5]Player killing
    [*:3t4yjxu5]It's three dimensional for god's sake!


Just a few I thought up.


Add 8k + items, and 3 difent combat forms, people like those.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Well hopefully in rs3. they it might be mean graphics and all! :) yeah!!




Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Jagex stated that there won't be RuneScape 3 and instead they update the current one?

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Adventure Quest is a wanna-be Neverwinter Nights.




Or Final Fantasy......


Are you sick and tired of people telling you what to put in your sig? So am I. No, don't put this in your sig, you'll be doing what THEY want!

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Well hopefully in rs3. they it might be mean graphics and all! :) yeah!!




Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Jagex stated that there won't be RuneScape 3 and instead they update the current one?


*Eventually* They'll have to, as other games are just going to become waaay too popular in most aspects, Or i think even if Jegex is denying it, they will.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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