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Microchip Implants


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[hide]You people trust your government way to much. Perhaps you need tangile proofs to not trust your government? Here in Canada, we were able to overcover several cases of fraud in the government. As opposed to the USA, there's not immense secrecy or covering, so we find those frauds. One of them, which is called Scandale des commandites, was when there was a vote to determine if the province of Quebec was going to become a country or not. The question was a yes or no question. The liberals, who were in power back then as prime ministers, financially supported the 'no' party, illegally, with millions and millions of dollars while the 'yes' party only had a few thousand dollars. In the end, the result of the voting was 50.5% no, and 49.5% for yes. There's no doubt in any quebecers mind the 'yes' should have won that day. The Quebec should have been a country by now, making it's own laws and society, instead of being attached to an English country that doesn't suit them. And right now in the quebecers schools, they have changed the educational system to a very dumbing-down system. In history by example, they will not teach the combas there was between the french and the english to not "arouse conflict" between the French and English. All teachers are against this dumbing down eductional system, there is even a huge petition on internet. But even with all that, the federal government didn't change their decision. To me the purpose of this is clear, dumb down the quebecers population, making them into a more controlable and ignorant population so that it may never become a country, and detach from Canada's control. After all, the english are very scared of us, because we are uncontrollable as opposed to the ROC or the USA. This is just one example, of several, several, frauds in the canadian government.




Gee, open your eyes people. If your government really loved you, they would ban junk food restaurants so that you don't end up fat and unhappy, they would ban unworking diet pills and medecine so that you stop wasting your money on them, they would stop stealing your money and putting them into the bankers' pockets. But no, they wouldn't do that, they're making money off you, why stop? And meanwhile you're all omg my government rocks, brainwashed much? Im trying to make you guys open your eyes to the truth, because after all, you're just going to flame me right, without even thinking at what I'm saying? And please, don't flame me, I'm making all these efforts to make you people realise the truth. Of course, you don't listen. Well, maybe I will instill a doubt in you, and that's the whole point, a doubt so you can re-think the way you see your society. You see your government the way the government decided to show themselves to you, they control everything, every media. Why should you believe them? [/hide]


Long post.

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I can't help but to point out that communism, ultimately, was about the abolishment of government in favour of rule of the People. I'd look it up if I were you.


Im pretty sure that was the meaning of social marxism rather than Communisn itself, while communism strove to provide a "dictatorship of the proletariat", essentially a government run by the people, yea, and that is what we have in a democracy, run by representatives of the people. But still, why should we be able to abuse them? theylre still the government, no matter who runs it.




and thats my problem with democracy. they allow us to abuse the hell out of them.




I find it funny that Captain Commie here is talking about another form of government making mistakes and abusing powers.




Why are there still people who believe in communism, and why do they only exist outside of communist states? Everyone in commie states thinks communism is stupid (because, uhh...IT SUCKS FOR THEM) and it's failed over and over and over and will never work, anywhere, ever.




I'll just wait for you to cite China as an example of working communism so I can laugh and dismiss you as simply "not intelligent".




I didn't say they were abusing powers. I said they allow us to abuse them. And believe me, I won't cite China. Mostly because im not too fond of the Chinese in general (this does not make me racist! I can like chinese people, i dont automatically hate them all). However, had a few things been different in the birth of the Soviet Union, there is a chance it would still be around. If you want me to go into detail, I will, but if nobody does, I won't waste forum space.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Soylent Green is people! It's people!












Welcome to the future, the only thing that makes us appreciate the past...






That movie scared me :uhh:




I personally would opt out of having a microchip implanted in me....it just creeps me out.


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Im pretty sure that was the meaning of social marxism rather than Communisn itself, while communism strove to provide a "dictatorship of the proletariat", essentially a government run by the people, yea, and that is what we have in a democracy, run by representatives of the people.
"Dictatorship of the proletariat" is a temporary mesure meant to suppress the counterrevolution of the dislocated ruling class, not a permanent state of affairs in the communist state. You'd use despotic mesures to instigate the communist reforms. This dictatorship would then dissappear when the need for it had come to an end, and would be replaced by - and I quote from an online version of the Communist Manifesto; "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all."




A micro chip implant that would pick up on anti-government thoughts can hardly be seen as promoting free development of the individual, nor can the excercise of control over the individual via chips like that. Fascism on the other hand...




As for why we need to continually critique them; Force the government to adapt to changes in the surrondings.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I wouldn't want the government being able to invade my privacy and security with a chip i don't even know what's in it. Only a computer programmer could know (or somebody else to that extent). Tell me this: do you know what's in most food, milk, and water products? I'll tell you: Pesticides, Poisons, Cow Pus in milk, Hormones, Chemicals, and Metals. What I'm trying to say is that you don't know exactly what you are getting in something when you obtain it. Sorry if I went a little Off-Topic there :P

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Soylent Green is people! It's people!










Welcome to the future, the only thing that makes us appreciate the past...




i hope im not the only person that gets this :oops: :anxious:

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Stop looking at the possible negative effects. True, the government might place its own chips to track you, but couldn't that also be a good thing? If you ever went missing, the authorities would know to an extent where you are. This would be extremely helpful for kids, with all the kidnappings and such. It would help with truancy, although that would be fringing on intrusion of privacy.


Personally, I'm just waiting for some chip that can be placed in the fingertips. It would remove the need for carrying ID's, or credit cards and such.


I'm sure implant technology will evolve towards the future. As soon as it gets safe to use them, with minimal negative effects, I would get one.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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If there were to be a law instituted which required that I and every other individual in the country (or more likely world!) recieve a chip which could potentially inhibit the intrinsic freedoms protected by the Constitution, (of the USA, specifically the Bill of Rights) I would regard that as ultima-facie proof that the government is no longer of the people, for the people, and by the people. And I would leave the country and go somewhere where that is not required. If no such place existed, then I would reject the system and absolutely refuse, to the point of death.




Part of that is that I believe that only the Enemy would wish to have that kind of knowledge; God already has it without the need of technology. However, I am not going to go into the religious aspect of my conviction, prefering to focus on the political aspect at the moment.




One of the things to remember is that more often then not, wherever there is potential for abuse it is only a matter of time before abuse itself comes about. People are just that way. Giving the government that kind of information is creating potential for abuse on a magnetude that has never been known before. That opens the door for abuse on a magnetude that has never been know before. Know how Rome treated her territories? Not well. Know how people could be treated under this? Even worse.




If you want to disagree, feel free. You have a lot more faith in humankind then I do. I look at the USSR, China, Nazi Germany, Most of sub-Saharan Africa, North Koria, the Middle East, The United States, Europe, and so on, and it seems that everywhere I look I see the same thing. However the system allows abuse, and often in ways that it does not allow abuse, abuse happens. Generally abuse happens to exactly the extent to which it is possible if given enough time, and therefore I am of the belief that whenever it is possible to limit the extent to which abuse is possible it is the duty of good men and women to do so.

"He is no fool who gives up that which he can not keep to gain that which he can not lose."

--Jim Elliot


"You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen, night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England. I did not then see what is now the most shining and obvious thing; the Divine humility which will accept a convert even on such terms. The Prodical Son at least walked home on his own two feet. But who can duly adore that love which will open the high gates to a prodigal who is brought in kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape? The words compelle intrare, compel them to come in, have been so abused by wicked men that we shudder at them; but, properly understood, they plumb the depth of the Divine mercy. The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men, and His compulsion is our liberation."


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I wouldn't want the government being able to invade my privacy and security with a chip i don't even know what's in it. Only a computer programmer could know (or somebody else to that extent). Tell me this: do you know what's in most food, milk, and water products? I'll tell you: Pesticides, Poisons, Cow Pus in milk, Hormones, Chemicals, and Metals. What I'm trying to say is that you don't know exactly what you are getting in something when you obtain it. Sorry if I went a little Off-Topic there :P




and yet we eat/drink them anyway. So just think about what you're saying there for a moment. And what negatives are there to these? they would contain information the government probably already knows, I don;t see any potential for abuse unless there are some things about these i havent been told.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I wouldn't want the government being able to invade my privacy and security with a chip i don't even know what's in it. Only a computer programmer could know (or somebody else to that extent). Tell me this: do you know what's in most food, milk, and water products? I'll tell you: Pesticides, Poisons, Cow Pus in milk, Hormones, Chemicals, and Metals. What I'm trying to say is that you don't know exactly what you are getting in something when you obtain it. Sorry if I went a little Off-Topic there :P




and yet we eat/drink them anyway. So just think about what you're saying there for a moment. And what negatives are there to these? they would contain information the government probably already knows, I don;t see any potential for abuse unless there are some things about these i havent been told.




There are negatives to almost everything, but these chips can be avoided unlike other things. So you think the government already knows what we are saying and doing at all times without these chips? I highly doubt it.

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How could they know what we're saying if the chip is beneath our skin? If it heard anything, it would be the blood pulsing around it. And you say there are negatives to almost everything; again, would somebody please tell me of the negatives of chipping?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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How could they know what we're saying if the chip is beneath our skin? If it heard anything, it would be the blood pulsing around it. And you say there are negatives to almost everything; again, would somebody please tell me of the negatives of chipping?




You would be surprised what technology can do.




You still don't get it do you? Yes there are many benefits but also many bad things that could happen. The cons with them outweigh the pros. Any hacker could potentialy gain access to the database and get all the information they need to use credit cards, identity theft, ect.




Don't say that the government can make it so secure that nobody can hack it because if it was made by a human, it can be broken into by a human. Hackers have gained access to many government documents and it will not stop now, especially if you could gain a lot of money from it.

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I find it a very good idea to do so, as long as everybody is not forced to be chipped. The number of crimes this could prevent, and the children it could save from abduction is unpredictable, im completely for it as long as it is not overdone.




[hide]You people trust your government way to much. Perhaps you need tangile proofs to not trust your government? Here in Canada, we were able to overcover several cases of fraud in the government. As opposed to the USA, there's not immense secrecy or covering, so we find those frauds. One of them, which is called Scandale des commandites, was when there was a vote to determine if the province of Quebec was going to become a country or not. The question was a yes or no question. The liberals, who were in power back then as prime ministers, financially supported the 'no' party, illegally, with millions and millions of dollars while the 'yes' party only had a few thousand dollars. In the end, the result of the voting was 50.5% no, and 49.5% for yes. There's no doubt in any quebecers mind the 'yes' should have won that day. The Quebec should have been a country by now, making it's own laws and society, instead of being attached to an English country that doesn't suit them. And right now in the quebecers schools, they have changed the educational system to a very dumbing-down system. In history by example, they will not teach the combas there was between the french and the english to not "arouse conflict" between the French and English. All teachers are against this dumbing down eductional system, there is even a huge petition on internet. But even with all that, the federal government didn't change their decision. To me the purpose of this is clear, dumb down the quebecers population, making them into a more controlable and ignorant population so that it may never become a country, and detach from Canada's control. After all, the english are very scared of us, because we are uncontrollable as opposed to the ROC or the USA. This is just one example, of several, several, frauds in the canadian government.




Gee, open your eyes people. If your government really loved you, they would ban junk food restaurants so that you don't end up fat and unhappy, they would ban unworking diet pills and medecine so that you stop wasting your money on them, they would stop stealing your money and putting them into the bankers' pockets. But no, they wouldn't do that, they're making money off you, why stop? And meanwhile you're all omg my government rocks, brainwashed much? Im trying to make you guys open your eyes to the truth, because after all, you're just going to flame me right, without even thinking at what I'm saying? And please, don't flame me, I'm making all these efforts to make you people realise the truth. Of course, you don't listen. Well, maybe I will instill a doubt in you, and that's the whole point, a doubt so you can re-think the way you see your society. You see your government the way the government decided to show themselves to you, they control everything, every media. Why should you believe them? [/hide]


Long post.

I have chosen to ignore your ignorant post
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How could they know what we're saying if the chip is beneath our skin? If it heard anything, it would be the blood pulsing around it. And you say there are negatives to almost everything; again, would somebody please tell me of the negatives of chipping?




You would be surprised what technology can do.




You still don't get it do you? Yes there are many benefits but also many bad things that could happen. The cons with them outweigh the pros. Any hacker could potentialy gain access to the database and get all the information they need to use credit cards, identity theft, ect.




Don't say that the government can make it so secure that nobody can hack it because if it was made by a human, it can be broken into by a human. Hackers have gained access to many government documents and it will not stop now, especially if you could gain a lot of money from it.




Actually if it were programmed and encrypted with a quantum computer it is quite possible to make the encryption unbreakable except to a computer that knows the coding. And with a quantum computer it is quite possible that it could randomly generate the encryption from scratch for each individual in a fairly short amount of time.




The one flaw is that we a years away from quantum computers. Umm...back to the drawing board as far as thwarting hackers.

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:uhh: Oh my, I would surely die idf they made us be chipped, i would scratch it out, i can't stand the thought of implants, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. :-X *ahem* Also I hate the way every record is kept on computer, I mean the world is so anti-reclusive and anti-privacy. Sure i was born, do you need to know i exist? does some guy at the record office need to know i exist? ... no * boards up windows and doors and sits in the corner* help :ohnoes:

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It seems that most folks here think that if the government forces us to be chipped, we would refuse to the utmost. On the other hand, if it was our choice, we wouldn't take it so hardly.


I can agree with that.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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It seems that most folks here think that if the government forces us to be chipped, we would refuse to the utmost. On the other hand, if it was our choice, we wouldn't take it so hardly.


I can agree with that.


That's why it's soo sneaky, those changes won't be imposed on the population, but the people will accept them willingly(to protect themselves against the invisible terrorists) and won't find it suspicious at all.

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How could they know what we're saying if the chip is beneath our skin? If it heard anything, it would be the blood pulsing around it. And you say there are negatives to almost everything; again, would somebody please tell me of the negatives of chipping?




You would be surprised what technology can do.




You still don't get it do you? Yes there are many benefits but also many bad things that could happen. The cons with them outweigh the pros. Any hacker could potentialy gain access to the database and get all the information they need to use credit cards, identity theft, ect.




Don't say that the government can make it so secure that nobody can hack it because if it was made by a human, it can be broken into by a human. Hackers have gained access to many government documents and it will not stop now, especially if you could gain a lot of money from it.


So what is to stop them from getting the information now?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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June 12, 2006 (Computerworld) -- Wisconsin this week will become one of the first states to ban the forcible implantation of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags into humans.




The ban begins on Wednesday, when legislation signed on May 30 by Gov. James Doyle goes into effect. The act dictates that no person may force another to have a microchip implanted in his body. Violators face fines of $10,000 each day until the chip is removed.




A spokeswoman for Doyle said the law targets RFID technology, though it bans the implantation of any microchip without consent.




"I'm hoping other states will follow," said state Rep. Marlin Schneider, a Democrat who sponsored the bill. While Schneider acknowledged that he knows of no case where an RFID chip was forcibly implanted into a person, he said he believes that proactive legislation is necessary as the technology quickly advances.




Schneider said he is also concerned about current commercial uses of RFID technology. "There are a number of issues here, potentially," he said.




http://www.computerworld.com/action/art ... eId=111542






N Dakota Bans RFID Chip Implants


Governor John Hoeven of North Dakota signs a law banning forced chip implants on humans. Gov. Hoeven stated the laws objective: "We need to strike a balance as we continue to develop this technology between what it can do and our civil liberties, our right to privacy," .




He continued outlining the publics concerns that "Ultimately, with RFID tagging systems, corporations will be able to monitor everything we buy, everywhere we go and, perhaps as these technologies develop, everything we say."




North Dakota is the second State to pass a ban on RFID tracking chips, following Wisconsin. Other states are considering similar legislation, as the public becomes more aware. Many see the use of this technology as going too far into their lives.








The Senate Monday passed, 35-13, a Crain bill that would prohibit the forced insertion of microchips into individuals in Oklahoma.


Microchips, like those used in animals, can be implanted under the skin and help detect the location of a person and also contain medical information. CrainÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s bill, Senate Bill 47, would not prohibit the microchips themselves, but would mandate that they would not be required of people in the state. He described it as a privacy issue.


He said constituents asked for the measure and ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅI thought this is more science fiction than science.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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