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Anti-Bots Convention!


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Anyone who is smart, good with computers, or good at thinking of ideas, listen up please! I created this post so that anyone who wishes to help stop those annoying bots can! I'm tired of them, and i'm always trying to find a way to stop them, but i think that if we want a solution, we all have to work together.




ANYONE who wishes to suggest an idea is welcome to. Hopefully, we can find a good idea, and work on it to make it work. Please don't make fun of someone's idea, if you think it wont work, just kindely state whats wrong with it. Let's end this plague, and take back runescape! :thumbsup:




Anyone who already has a post on this, feel free to link it to here. With enough cooperation, we could end this.




Remember:All ideas are welcome!!!!!


I know alot of people have thought about it before, but maybe someone could think of a good idea, but couldn't finish it. If they post it here, we could find someone that could complete it. :pray:

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Jagex must change the map thing right above every single day a little bit.


AutoÃÆÃâÃâërs need that map high detailed while normal players hardly care about the whole map. ;) Normal players don't need much more as a little bit north east south west. This way all the autoÃÆÃâÃâërs need to refresh the whole map every day and that will make them totally crazy :D.




There don't need to be a big change or something, just a few small details.

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Ok, that doesn't sound bad, except that that would be alot of work for jagex....... thanks for the idea though, maybe someone else can think of a way to improve this a little! =D>

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Jagex must change the map thing right above every single day a little bit.


AutoÃÆÃâÃâërs need that map high detailed while normal players hardly care about the whole map. ;) Normal players don't need much more as a little bit north east south west. This way all the autoÃÆÃâÃâërs need to refresh the whole map every day and that will make them totally crazy :D.




There don't need to be a big change or something, just a few small details.




I don't really understand exactly what you are even saying here, could you please elaborate? Do you mean the mini-map, because i use that thing to walk everywhere.




I can only think of two things that would slow bots down. Jagex should change the way their packet information is sent. Some macros take the packet information that is sent to them , and can find out the answer to the random, without having to know what is going on. An example of this is when you get a mysterious box, the answer is sent to macro before he clicks. It should wait until he clicks on an answer, before it goes through an if statement.




Another thing to slow the color bots(i did not think of this solution), is to change the colors of the objects a macro is collecting. An example is to change the color of the tree to a different shade at a random increment of time between one and five minutes. Parts of the surrounding ground would also be changed to the old color of the tree.




Those are the only ones that might actually work on macros. These suggestions would only slow the bots down, not stop them from working forever.

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This is all i can think of at the moment:




Bot moderators A special team of moderators that goes around bot hotspots (hey it rhymes!) and are trained to recognize bots.




New Random Event I know this idea has been played with before, but maybe, a random event could require bots to type in something..... (you computer people would have to think about if this would work :-k )




Hope this inspires someone to think of something good![/u]

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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This is all i can think of at the moment:




Bot moderators A special team of moderators that goes around bot hotspots (hey it rhymes!) and are trained to recognize bots.




New Random Event I know this idea has been played with before, but maybe, a random event could require bots to type in something..... (you computer people would have to think about if this would work :-k )




Hope this inspires someone to think of something good![/u]




A new, potentially deadly event that includes code recognition, with images that have warped letters and numbers. A team of 3 Jagex NPC enforcers, representing the Combat Triangle of Runescape, united against bots (mage, warrior and archer), teleport near players, entangle and (for the length of the event) teleblock and skull them and force them to answer 1 question within 10 seconds: to recognize a certain series of warped, coloured letters and numbers. If they do not answer correctly within the alloted time, shown on a nearby timer, they are killed. No discussion.


To avoid killing innocent players who have left their computer for a bathroom break or whatever, and do not log off, you institute an "event alarm", meaning that this event will occur within the next 5 seconds.


Whomever logs out during the event or upon hearing the event alarm, will have the event automatically occur whenever they log in next time.


This event will have to occur MUCH MUCH more frequently than any other random, on a scale of up to once for every 2 minutes of play for level 3's, and lower and lower as you go up in combat level.


This is GUARRANTEED to annoy lower lvl players, skillers and the like, but it will ALSO annoy the bots greatly, perhaps to the extent that AFK botting will no longer become worth it, this will cut into their profits by having to hire human gold farmers to supervise the bots, and will make lower lvls level combat up to the point where they don't get bothered by it so much. It will also annoy skiller gold farmers by having to spend time to level combat.


All combat will be interrupted by such a event, and teleport you to an interrogation chamber, where the rest of the event occurs. All items lost to death like this will be redistributed into Runescape via monster/treasure chest item drops, including holiday items; the more valuable the item, the higher the lvl of monster will have it as a drop, which will also bring back a little element of mystery regarding monster drops.


They could also include mining/woodcutting/fishing spot Guardians(high druids, greater elementals etc) - very high lvl, potentially deadly NPC's that guard skilling sites, and behave itentically to the Jagex NPC SWAT team trio in restraining and questioning players when they want to acces mining/fishing spots, spots with spawns of monsters with desirable drops or groves of valuable trees, - willows and up. They will make the area unaccessible unless you talk to them and answer their question correctly.


This might annoy people GREATLY, but to me, it is a very small price to pay in order to keep Runescape bot-free.


Also kudos on the bot-buster mod teams. They should have Bot-Buster in their mod names, to differentiate them from normal mods.


I also reccomend that those of you who have membership grab these ideas and repost them in the suggestions forum of the member's area of the site.


You have my permission to post, modify and elaborate upon my idea as long as you mention me as the primary source.

What can I say? I adore Battlestar Galactica, one of the few shows where human-build ships OWN!



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Bot moderators A special team of moderators that goes around bot hotspots (hey it rhymes!) and are trained to recognize bots.




That would cause either the need of hire a lot more staff or give normal players rights which could and most likely would be abused too easily.




New Random Event I know this idea has been played with before, but maybe, a random event could require bots to type in something..... (you computer people would have to think about if this would work :-k )




Random events have been passed earlier than they will be passed later. Also you can count the odds to get a new random event with these current randoms: yes, even tho the bot couldn't pass it, it would be pretty unlikely for it to get it before it gets banned. I personally for example haven't visited the maze for weeks.




The best way would be to randomize the client just a bit every few days in this way: As you know, your client sends and receives packets from the server. This is how bots work (not simple colorclickers which aren't a real threat) and there lies the way to stop them. Just randomise the packets every few days in away that the real client sends new packet instead of old, even tho the old would still work. However when the old packet is sent by a bot, it equals to an illegal client and instant ban. If these randomisings have been done enough and its been done right, it'll be really hard to find the banpackets. Also changing few packets isn't too big of a problem.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Placing "Bot Trees" inside groves of trees frequently inhabited by autoers. Its simple. Whenever an autoer attempts to cut down said "Bot Tree," a box with screwed up numbers and letters (This is kind of like Hohto's idea) or maybe a small questionare with simple questions. (What color is the sky? A.Blue B.Green C.Fish) If you are unable to answer the question (Like Hohto said) You die. For hardworking normal players, Bot Trees are easy to spot. When you right click on the tree, it will say "Bot Tree" instead of "Yew", "Oak" or whatever tree. A milisecond more of work for honest working players, but in the long run, it would help.

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Placing "Bot Trees" inside groves of trees frequently inhabited by autoers. Its simple. Whenever an autoer attempts to cut down said "Bot Tree," a box with screwed up numbers and letters (This is kind of like Hohto's idea) or maybe a small questionare with simple questions. (What color is the sky? A.Blue B.Green C.Fish) If you are unable to answer the question (Like Hohto said) You die. For hardworking normal players, Bot Trees are easy to spot. When you right click on the tree, it will say "Bot Tree" instead of "Yew", "Oak" or whatever tree. A milisecond more of work for honest working players, but in the long run, it would help.




I'm talking about invisible stuff for normal players, not random events or anything.




That kind of an idea you succested was already tested in RSC and autoers could after few months pass it. It was called fatigue and after every 5k xp you had to sleep it away. To wake up you had to type a random word. The problem is that this kind of things are easy to pass. For random letters/words the word can be read with optical screen readers like in RSC. If it's like "answer right to a logical question" , it's a bit like an easier version of the quiz random event.




If we want to stop the autoing problem, we need things to stop the ability to auto. Instant bans when logging from a false client is the thing that I'd see the best thing. Random events can be passed and it's more likely that the bot character gets banned before gets a new random event anyways. IP ban would also be a great thing if it was even in theory a thing that could work. However setting up a proxy to pass these bans doesn't require an iq comparable to Einstein.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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:ohnoes: I just ran into a TALKING bot! It was really creepy! I reported it for macroing, and advertising, because it was advertising for a site. It just dissapeared, and then came back. It keep saying over and over again: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! and then it would say: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ....!!!~~~~, and then it would say in red: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! :ohnoes: Think about this! macroers could program their bots to just say hello or this is boring.... randomly!!! then bots would be further disguised!!! this is bad :wall: Oh, and it stayed in the same spot the whole time. If i was a REAL person with a BRAIN, and LUNGS, and a HEART, i would have torn my eyes out in 10 minutes!

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Dunno if this help but for green drag bots just throw a gnomeall at them.


Its funny seeing them fight with gnomeball at a dragon :lol:




rofl!! i thought they had to have their hands free to catch it. be funny if it works. if it does, recored it for me wizz. :XD:


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:ohnoes: I just ran into a TALKING bot! It was really creepy! I reported it for macroing, and advertising, because it was advertising for a site. It just dissapeared, and then came back. It keep saying over and over again: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! and then it would say: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ....!!!~~~~, and then it would say in red: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! :ohnoes: Think about this!




Setting up an autotalker isn't a big deal, just go to w1/w2/any other busy merchant world and you'll see loads of them. Btw those website advertisers are pretty common in banks during the night time for Europe and they tend to have multiple characters for it: when one gets muted, another one with slightly same kind of name comes to continue. I personally muted around 6 of these advertisers and now when looking at their names, the only difference is the numbers in the end of their names.




You all should report these players under the rule website advertisement. Those reports are checked rather closely and to get the website they are advertising filtered, they need to see at the customer support that it's a problem not to have it filtered.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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I say we should get atleast 100 people together and we have someone collect as many different autoer names that he can. Then he gives a name to a person and that person reports and he goes down the line like this. Once he runs out of names he goes to a different world and gets more. Reporting tons of autoers in hours. This would be a mass reporting.




Tell me what if wrong with it please,

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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I say we should get atleast 100 people together and we have someone collect as many different autoer names that he can. Then he gives a name to a person and that person reports and he goes down the line like this. Once he runs out of names he goes to a different world and gets more. Reporting tons of autoers in hours. This would be a mass reporting.




Tell me what if wrong with it please,




The problem isn't that they don't get banned, the problem is that they keep coming back. To stop this, we need to make the bans faster so it's not worth the efford to even create these characters anymore.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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:ohnoes: I just ran into a TALKING bot! It was really creepy! I reported it for macroing, and advertising, because it was advertising for a site. It just dissapeared, and then came back. It keep saying over and over again: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! and then it would say: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ....!!!~~~~, and then it would say in red: selling gp and stuff on (website) .net ...!!! :ohnoes: Think about this! macroers could program their bots to just say hello or this is boring.... randomly!!! then bots would be further disguised!!! this is bad :wall: Oh, and it stayed in the same spot the whole time. If i was a REAL person with a BRAIN, and LUNGS, and a HEART, i would have torn my eyes out in 10 minutes!




#-o There are things called auto typers


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What Jagex needs to do is ban them before they can get off tutorial island.




I think there are a few ways they could do this:




1) Have a random event thats slightly different from all others and varies for each person during tut island. The random will occus at different times for all people. The random event will not send the data packet answer because it will be a logic question. Jagex would need about 100 different questions. If you fail the random, your banned.




2) For color clicker bots, change the colors more than usual on tutorial island, and have a 2nd random where it tells you to click on a certain object. (In this random, the colors would be really messed up and there would not be an examine option)




3) Like someone else, said, change a datapacket for something that client bots have to do on tutorial island every week, when they send back the old data packet, they will be instant banned.




If all of these were implemeted, bots would have a harder time getting past tutorial island, and if they can't get past tutorial island, they might as well not exist since they are not making any money.


We tried using an abyssal whip to 'suggest' they work faster
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1) Have a random event thats slightly different from all others and varies for each person during tut island. The random will occus at different times for all people. The random event will not send the data packet answer because it will be a logic question. Jagex would need about 100 different questions. If you fail the random, your banned.




That's just brutal. Surprisingly, not everyone on this planet has even the simplest form of logic - you should just have to answer another question if you get it wrong.



People with fluffy pink avatars are generally expected to be nice.
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1) Have a random event thats slightly different from all others and varies for each person during tut island. The random will occus at different times for all people. The random event will not send the data packet answer because it will be a logic question. Jagex would need about 100 different questions. If you fail the random, your banned.




That's just brutal. Surprisingly, not everyone on this planet has even the simplest form of logic - you should just have to answer another question if you get it wrong.




It may seem brutal if it wasn't on tutorial island, but if it's on tutorial island, (preferabley near beginning) then an inocently banned person has spent next to no time on their account. Also, accounts banned for missing the question could be deleted so the user could pick the same name again.


We tried using an abyssal whip to 'suggest' they work faster
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What Jagex needs to do is ban them before they can get off tutorial island.




I think there are a few ways they could do this:




1) Have a random event thats slightly different from all others and varies for each person during tut island. The random will occus at different times for all people. The random event will not send the data packet answer because it will be a logic question. Jagex would need about 100 different questions. If you fail the random, your banned.




2) For color clicker bots, change the colors more than usual on tutorial island, and have a 2nd random where it tells you to click on a certain object. (In this random, the colors would be really messed up and there would not be an examine option)




3) Like someone else, said, change a datapacket for something that client bots have to do on tutorial island every week, when they send back the old data packet, they will be instant banned.




If all of these were implemeted, bots would have a harder time getting past tutorial island, and if they can't get past tutorial island, they might as well not exist since they are not making any money.




this guy knows what hes talking about, i think.




i think some bots works by getting into the client. Runescape.com sends a package for the random (eg)




if player clicks the right button give reward


if player presses wrong button teleport to random place


if 1min elapses and no movement teleport to random location




well i think thats kinda how it works and the bot just goes




search for "right button"


press "right button"




kinda thing




so i have 2 different solutions, for auto colour-pickers everytime a tree respawns it spawns witha slightly different colour, maybe the same as a monster nearby.




for them dratted client bots, the autoer gets teleported to a place which is exactly the same except something that a player can see but autoers cant pick up from the client, im not sure what because im not really a specialist but there you go.






if i have any info wrong i am sorry




just my 2 cents :thumbsup:


=; stop those bots =;

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Remember when you had to rest and type in a word to keep training? Do that. But without the resting and with random numbers and letters instead of words. If you type in the wrong combination 5 times you are teleported somewhere obscure that an autoer could never find the way out of.




Even in RSC with less advanced (not saying they were simple) bots and without almost no preknowledge of the way to solve it, they managed to get really accurate anti-fatigue methods. Now they know how to solve that kind of an antiauto function, they probably got old sources still left and so on. It would work for like a week or so and then get passed.




1) Have a random event thats slightly different from all others and varies for each person during tut island. The random will occus at different times for all people. The random event will not send the data packet answer because it will be a logic question. Jagex would need about 100 different questions. If you fail the random, your banned.




Here's again the same old random event story... The bots don't "think" it same way as we do. For them it doesn't matter is the answer logical or not, the only thing that matters is that the answer sends the right answer to the server.




2) For color clicker bots, change the colors more than usual on tutorial island, and have a 2nd random where it tells you to click on a certain object. (In this random, the colors would be really messed up and there would not be an examine option)




Color clickers aren't the real problem. Random events can a lot easier stop them than bots, their number from 1 comp is a lot more limited than with bots and they are the ones that most likely "flip" and get lost.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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