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Wish Me Luck! *gulp*


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personally, im glad your losing weight, nothing worse then a fat lass








Nothing worse than an attractive man with a [cabbage] personality either.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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You can lose the pounds, sure, but based on genetics and a smaller variant that you can control, it can change how easy it is to keep it off. Nothing I can say to help besides good luck! :D On a side note: I'm skinny, but I was one of the few people who passed a pull-ups physical test in Gym class. I amazed my self when that happened.

You have no idea how powerful words are....until they hit you in the head.

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Em's Blog Day 4 + 5








Sorry for not posting yesterday, my computer was doing some weird thing where Internet Explorer would be working fine, then randomly go offline for a few hours, then start back up. Its never happened before. But anyways. I hit a little roadbump yesterday. The casserole turned out great, but I ate too much. I snacked on the cheese while I made it, and haven't had the chance to take another bike ride. I do play with my sister outside more frequently, playing basketball, but I still feel guilty.

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I myself was 220 lbs a few months ago (rough break up lol) i now weigh 185 my regular weight.








1st thing you need to do is get yourself a work out buddy alone will be 10x harder to get motivated trust me i tried... i jogged 2-3 miles a day for the first week and i felt great then i started skippin 1 day then another and i stopped for 2 weeks, so my brother helped me (he is skinny and can't gain weight lol) but he pushed me now i jog 3x times a week (i do 4-5 miles) but start out slow.. u dont wanna lose weight too fast either not healthy.... of course try and eat right 4-5 meals a day (small meals) portions is the key to any successful diet, eat your greens lay off the soda and once a week cheat ur diet eat whatever you want (but not too much of it you know enough to take that crave away)








it worked for me maybe it can work for you, again good luck with everything.








also my last 2 cents if you wanna lose weight do it for yourself... not for your friends..

Trupimp (Banned 03')

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personally, im glad your losing weight, nothing worse then a fat lass








Nothing worse than an attractive man with a [cabbage] personality either.








What about ugly men with [cabbage] personalitys? That is in no way good.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Good luck.








Do you play any sports? Try soccer, you'll run enough that extra pounds will just melt off. Trust me on that one, my buddy was 5'6 and pushing 200 pounds, he played soccer for a season and lost 56 lbs. But he was running on the side, at home and stuff too.




But eat normal... don't starve yourself and go anorexic.


[>>Thanks to Yaff2 for Reaper,Trooper,and DOOM sigs, Navyplaya for nature sigs, Hardwick246 for gold sig, ThruItAll for Darkwatch and guitar sigs, and Aijiru for avvy!<<]

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Wow, good luck. I'm tall in real life (5'10 at 13 :P) and weigh 150 or so, I'm trying to lose -some- weight. I'm mostly doing it to train for track next year, but recently I've been having major problems with my toes (ingrown toenails and having them worked on, not fun.) and I can't walk far without hurting. But, if you ever need to talk to anyone, you can pm me if you'd like.








Wow im 5'7 (guy) and weigh 140 trying to lose some extra punds for basketball :D



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Wow, good luck. I'm tall in real life (5'10 at 13 :P) and weigh 150 or so, I'm trying to lose -some- weight. I'm mostly doing it to train for track next year, but recently I've been having major problems with my toes (ingrown toenails and having them worked on, not fun.) and I can't walk far without hurting. But, if you ever need to talk to anyone, you can pm me if you'd like.








Wow im 5'7 (guy) and weigh 140 trying to lose some extra punds for basketball :D




What the hell are you doing trying to lose weight at 140!?!!?








What, does the emaciated African look appeal to you o_O?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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i am also somewhat fat, none of my trousers fit anymore!!! i may start next week doing some sports, but first i have to eat a lot of chocolate to get the necessary energy :P








still its good that you decided to lose a few kg! good luck and dont give up!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Click my main sig to see my fakes :D

Proud to be Mexican, yay!

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Goodluck on losing some weight just make sure that your mind is set right. My aunt is extremely overweight and just accepts it even though it could take years off her life. You need to make sure that you don't feel self pity also.

Getting another sig


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I'm kind of doing the same thing. I seem exactly like you (except male). I am about 180 lbs and 5'9" or so. I've got some fat, and I really don't like it. You know how there's always that obese kid in class? Well I'm not him but I'm not the toothpick either.








MY plan: It is about a 2 mile walk from my house to the high school. I live in the states and NOTHING is close by. Everything is miles away. Even worse, there is no sidewalks except for in neighborhoods. In the mornings it is too early to walk (I'm not waking up that early!).








Physical: But on the way home I will make that walk. After I come home I will lift some weights. This burns fat even at rest. At night, I will do some more weights (just reps not heavy lifting) and get on the elliptical.








Diet: I will carry a bottle of water around with me everyday. My goal is to finish the bottle and refill it three times: once before lunch, once after, and at the end for the walk home. I will drink more water when I get home. After my weights, I will eat some fruits and vegetables for a snack. I will try and decrease my portions at dinner because I won't be too active after dinner so the food goes to fat (bad).








Other health goals: I plan to cut out all video games and start reading for fun instead. Since my courses are significantly harder I will have tons more homework than I did last year. This should keep me occupied and "less" lazy.








Hopefully, by the end of 7 months I will be less than 160 lbs.












That is my goal. I wish you luck on yours and hope that you wish me luck on mine.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Wow, good luck. I'm tall in real life (5'10 at 13 :P) and weigh 150 or so, I'm trying to lose -some- weight. I'm mostly doing it to train for track next year, but recently I've been having major problems with my toes (ingrown toenails and having them worked on, not fun.) and I can't walk far without hurting. But, if you ever need to talk to anyone, you can pm me if you'd like.








Wow im 5'7 (guy) and weigh 140 trying to lose some extra punds for basketball :D








140 and trying to lose weight? Instead of trying to do that, work out and gain some weight in muscle. At the same time keep playing basketball and running to keep yourself agile. That way, you are able to move well and you have some strength to push guys around with.








To Sour Tacos: One thing of advice: Dont make excuses for yourself. If you say "well eating this wont be to bad I guess" or "well, it will be fine if I skip just a day of work out. I mean it looks like its going to rain anyway...". Thinking that way will only cause you to fall short of your goal because eventually you will start to think that more and more often. So basically have a lot of will power and be willing to sacrafice a lot of free time.

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Take soft drink out of your diet, eat 3 times a day, don't snack unless it's fruit and walk every where.








I lost 16 kilos in 3 months without even trying just by doing that.








I went from a size 16 to a size 8/10 (Australian sizes here)
















Here are a couple of tips that worked for me








* Drink a glass of water before you eat a meal it fills you up




* If you do slip and eat something naughty, it means you need to go for a 20 min power walk.




* Invest in an Ipod or Mp3 player and take it with you when you walk it will help to motivate you.




*If you're constantly hungry invest in a few protein bars that are low in fat, they fill you up and you don't feel hungry until meal time and give you energy so you don't go to sleep.




* Where ever there is stairs near an escalator or a lift, climb them.
















It's important that you maintain a semi healthy life style because when overweight/obese people go on a diet and stop the diet they've conditioned themselves to, they increase their weight.








In an astonishing study they also found that people who sit next to obese persons are less likely to be hired for job interviews!



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Em's Blog Day 6








Thanks IGoddessI! That pretty much matches what I'm doing right now. I had some chips and ice cream with lunch, but we were at a water park so I'm pretty sure I swam it off. Tomorrow? Tubing! I have to go, we're planning a Get Well party for my friend, who crashed on his bike and broke the two main bones in his left arm. Ouch.

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Chips and ice-cream is naughty, if you're trying to lose weight you shouldn't be eating them.








That's like ordering a whole pizza with a diet coke.








Just because you went swimming, doesn't make it okay to eat it. If you're serious about doing this, you need to change what goes in to your body.








I'd hate to show you what chips do inside your body and how difficult it is for it to break down inside of you but if you need a scaring to stop eating them so often I will show you a youtube clip.








You will never want to eat chips again.








I might sound harsh but if you're serious about doing this, someone needs to get on your back about it and give you a little Oomph.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Ask your mom to sign you up for a gym and maybe look into a personal trainer, he will give you a plan to lose weight, and it worked for me (even though i was gaining weight not losing it)

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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I'm back from my trip up north. I swam alot in the hotel pool, but my aunts (who are both extremely overweight) made me feel bad whenever we ate. "Aren't you going to put sour cream on that potato? No salt? I can't believe I didn't get cheese with this... Are you crazy, girl? You only ordered the 6 oz filet mignon? I'm going for the 12 oz myself... or maybe a nice king crab, with plenty of melted butter sauce! Oh yeah, that's the ticket! Em, you're going to starve, all you're having is that little steak and potato?" The "little steak and potato" made me feel horrible. I should've gone for the salad, but I know I would've instantly become the black sheep of the table. And as for signing up for a gym, we have a membership, but kids under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, and I'm only 14. (And a half as of next thursday... but who's counting?)

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I'm back from my trip up north. I swam alot in the hotel pool, but my aunts (who are both extremely overweight) made me feel bad whenever we ate. "Aren't you going to put sour cream on that potato? No salt? I can't believe I didn't get cheese with this... Are you crazy, girl? You only ordered the 6 oz filet mignon? I'm going for the 12 oz myself... or maybe a nice king crab, with plenty of melted butter sauce! Oh yeah, that's the ticket! Em, you're going to starve, all you're having is that little steak and potato?" The "little steak and potato" made me feel horrible. I should've gone for the salad, but I know I would've instantly become the black sheep of the table. And as for signing up for a gym, we have a membership, but kids under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, and I'm only 14. (And a half as of next thursday... but who's counting?)




Don't be afraid to be the black sheep. Look at it this way... You could teach your aunty a few healthy eating habits. Reach for the salad, say actually yes I am having a salad, it's good for me and I'm trying to stay healthy. Don't worry about what she says, it's only gotten her where she is today and if you don't want to be like that, have the guts to reach for the healthier option. I don't mean to offend you here but if I had an extremely over weight aunty who was suggesting my eating habits, I would be shovelling in that salad and making facial expressions as if I'm eating chocolate so she gets the hint. I'm rude though so... :P



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm not sure if its because of the time of day I weighed myself, or the amount of clothes I'm wearing but according to the scale I lost 4 pounds. :thumbsup: Honestly, I've done horrible. I'm weak when it comes to food. But I am trying harder.

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I'm not sure if its because of the time of day I weighed myself, or the amount of clothes I'm wearing but according to the scale I lost 4 pounds. :thumbsup: Honestly, I've done horrible. I'm weak when it comes to food. But I am trying harder.








Feeling any better about exercising?

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