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Who says you need strength to pk?

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Strength nor attack is "better" than the other. What you need is to get used to PK'ing with what you're better in.




You need high attack, enough to KO with, that's something without a double. But, you can either leave it semi-high like you have, with little chance at a whip KO, but a better one for a DDS Ko by stacking two medium-high numbers.




Me, I've almost never gotten a DDS KO, I've ran a few combos with really high whip hits, or a Dh swing.


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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98 Combat


86 attack


71 strenght


74 defense


70 prayer


82 hp




Was using whip+dds fighting. Both of them were 95+ strength.


I'd love to fight you sometimes, I'm 97 lvl, 86 95 45 :-k

My 150m+ gallery

69 whips and a lot barrow stuff.


My videogallery

150m+ loot, 50+ whips on video, Great vegas editings, Unused music, greens&edge, what else do you want?

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I love the high attack with str like 10 or so lvls behide ( attack in the 90s)




along with some mage...




I am with you on that, I vsed someone my lvl, but he had higher str, i had higher attack. (And better mage and range , but we were only doing meele)




And I won almost every time (a majority of it)




I think attack is good because you hit more often and what happens is when you do your specials you ewill be more dconsistent, much better for DM's, if the person doesn't run or tele

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I like defence myself. :)








But yeah str is overrated. Mine will stay at 80 until I decide otherwise or max my other cmb stats.








97 def ftw \'

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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I dare you to go into the wild with 1 str, 99 attack. Goodluck pking.








No one pk's with 1 attack 99 strength so that statement is silly. 60 attack 99 strength is more realistic.








So yeah, you should have said: I dare you to go into the wild with 60 str, 99 attack. Goodluck pking.

Old school

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Lo0k im 80 atk 77 def 84 str and ill dm all of jo0.. stats only matter if u totally dominate the other in atk and str.. if ur around my combat which is 97 either u have same kinda stats or either lower defense. So i will stake , dm, or just fight anyone around my level till death.. Now them level 107's - 110's who think 95's-98's are noobz because they dont practically give there stuff away by fighting till death are the same ones who rune from level 111's. so i dont wanna hear it.

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