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Basically, I have ingrown toenails on both big toes. The one on my left foot had minor surgery to pull out some of the nail, and so now they both hurt when I walk. I'm getting bored\fat sitting here at the computer and playing games all day. Could someone help give me some advice for excersise that isn't mind numbling strenuous and doesn't hurt my feet? (I'd also prefer something that isn't too expensive).

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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I saw this show one time on PBS with old people sitting on chairs and exerercising with towels. I think it was called "Sit and Be Fit"








Notice how the chick leading that is, infact, overweight. That's probably the most worthless thing I've ever seen. :shock:




Ride a bike? Shouldn't hurt your toes, of course, you'll have to be able to walk a few feet to GET to your bike, so if you're incapable...Ummm...I dunno'.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Ride a bike? Shouldn't hurt your toes, of course, you'll have to be able to walk a few feet to GET to your bike, so if you're incapable...Ummm...I dunno'.




I was trying to get a bike from my parents but pretty much everytime I raise the topic they always kind of trail off in 'Well we'll see later' which leads to me asking 4 more times, sooo.




It doesn't exactly hurt to walk too long .. I can walk for about five minutes. But then my feet start hurting, bad.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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Ah I've got the ingrowing toenail gene -.- Sucks. I had it on my other toe, it comes, I had a minor op to remove it, worked pretty well (except the nail cracked), then a week after that it came back on the other toe... I'll be having that op on wednesday. After my previous ops I found I could exercise pretty soon after... 3 days after I had my last operation I enterred a rowing regatta lol. As Tigra suggests, a bike would be the best option.


Infact I never had any pain after my operations, I could walk straight after and when the local wore off I didnt feel any pain at all :shock:

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Well personally, it's been nearly three weeks and the thing is still [kitty] and hurts if you barely touch it. Ew. But yeah, I'm going to keep hounding my parents to buy me a bike. Thanks for the advice so far.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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bending over attempting to pick it out could be a good exercise :P



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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If you have some free weights do some curls and do some triceps. This way you can work your heart and get some big biceps.




Edit: Oh and if it doesen't hurt to much go swimming in a pool.


2104th to 99 Hunting January 10th 2008

Proud Fan Of The Offspring Since 1998

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dig out your ingrown toenails




Well I may as well have the surgery for the other toe -due to the extreme pain-. I'm wondering, have you had one? They hurt if you touch them ..

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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I clip my toenails alot so they don't really get ingrown. Sometimes they start too but I dig em out myself :ohnoes: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:




Anyways, just do some upper body lifting if you're looking for exercise. Like pushups or some work with dumbbells.

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Just get your toenails pulled off. I had an ingrown toenail that was painful, so I told the doctor to pull it off and put acid on the nailbed so it wouldn't grow back. Problem solved.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Just get your toenails pulled off. I had an ingrown toenail that was painful, so I told the doctor to pull it off and put acid on the nailbed so it wouldn't grow back. Problem solved.




You have no toe nails? :-s




I have nine toenails. The big toe on my left foot has no nail, just some hard skin. It's just a toenail, what's the big deal?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I have had ingrown toenails on both my big toes for over 3 years, it hurt at first now my toes have adjusted to the nails so it doesn't hurt at all.(unless I kick something super hard, like a rock)




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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dig out your ingrown toenails
Easily the stupidest advice of this topic.








Don't touch them, just wait for them to heal, maybe soak them in salt water to help them heal? Salt water speeds up the process.








I just got back from hospital where I had my other toe operated on lol.

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If you go to my signature, and click the "My DVD's" part, you'll go to a list with a bunch of movies. I'm sure there's one or two that you haven't seen. And since they're all great in their own special way you might want to see some of them.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Maybe you should try walking it off.....


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Maybe you should try walking it off.....








Except that it starts to bleed pus s and hurts. A lot.








Update: Docter said there might still be a nail fragment so he went to go numb it, and I had a panic attack and cried and shook uncontrollably. I also got a bike. Yay.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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I have a ingrown toenail, I think.








When it gets too deep it start to hurt, but I dig it out by myself using some scissors.












Or I just bite the toenail off =P~

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