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Ruining Runescape 1 day at a time :/


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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc. the days of rs being a good game are gone, its just a game for 12 yr olds who havent hit puberty now, i log onto rs for my clan events only and the only reason i dont 100% quit is because my pc isnt good enough for other games and i completed all my console games, thatll change soon though.

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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc.








after you.








can't you write anything that doesn't sound arrogant or condecending or downright negative?



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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc.








after you.








can't you write anything that doesn't sound arrogant or condecending or downright negative?




lol, you are one of the immature kids ruining it, my point is RS IS A DEAD GAME just quit and get over it, rs is RUINED thanks to miniclip. nice replying time btw, do you sit on the forums pressing f5 or something?

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the thing i find the most amusing is that when rs classic was alive people where like "haha, rs classic is for autoers, it should be closed". yet rs2 is now suffering from autoers. the rs classic autoers where bad but not asbad as the rs2 ones, the rs2 ones do it for RL profit, the rsc ones did it to play the game. jagex as a company is doing better than ever and thats all they care about, the game is at the lowest point its ever being.

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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc.








after you.








can't you write anything that doesn't sound arrogant or condecending or downright negative?




lol, you are one of the immature kids ruining it, my point is RS IS A DEAD GAME just quit and get over it, rs is RUINED thanks to miniclip. nice replying time btw, do you sit on the forums pressing f5 or something?








i read your post, saw that you're a scumbag and jerk, and replyed. some people can actually read and write at a fast speed, apparently you can't since you're flaming me for it. rs isn't ruined, there are plenty of people who are still nice, if you actually tried to meet them you could.



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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc.








after you.








can't you write anything that doesn't sound arrogant or condecending or downright negative?




lol, you are one of the immature kids ruining it, my point is RS IS A DEAD GAME just quit and get over it, rs is RUINED thanks to miniclip. nice replying time btw, do you sit on the forums pressing f5 or something?








i read your post, saw that you're a scumbag and jerk, and replyed. some people can actually read and write at a fast speed, apparently you can't since you're flaming me for it. rs isn't ruined, there are plenty of people who are still nice, if you actually tried to meet them you could.




just stop, reading your posts is killing my braincells, i dont have time for you. you dont know about that rs IS DEAD seeing as you started playing AFTER IT WAS DEAD. just look at your posts + join date (nice 13 posts a day, spammer), and your profile, you lost your rights to call anyone immature along time ago. not replying to you again now, dont wanna get suspended/banned.

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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc. the days of rs being a good game are gone, its just a game for 12 yr olds who havent hit puberty now, i log onto rs for my clan events only and the only reason i dont 100% quit is because my pc isnt good enough for other games and i completed all my console games, thatll change soon though.








If you have "quit" RuneScape, then why do you still post on a RuneScape fansite forum? Hmm?








And don't feed me garbage about me being an immature little kid as it's so apparent that you are. :roll:

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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc. the days of rs being a good game are gone, its just a game for 12 yr olds who havent hit puberty now, i log onto rs for my clan events only and the only reason i dont 100% quit is because my pc isnt good enough for other games and i completed all my console games, thatll change soon though.








If you have "quit" RuneScape, then why do you still post on a RuneScape fansite forum? Hmm?








And don't feed me garbage about me being an immature little kid as it's so apparent that you are. :roll:




because i like reading the forums? to see whats going on ingame? i quit playing to play, i play for my true friends (my clan) only due to the game being flooded with immature 12 year olds.

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rs is dead yes, i advise you all quit rs and goto your local games shop, and buy some games + a console, or a good gaming pc.








after you.








can't you write anything that doesn't sound arrogant or condecending or downright negative?




lol, you are one of the immature kids ruining it, my point is RS IS A DEAD GAME just quit and get over it, rs is RUINED thanks to miniclip. nice replying time btw, do you sit on the forums pressing f5 or something?








i read your post, saw that you're a scumbag and jerk, and replyed. some people can actually read and write at a fast speed, apparently you can't since you're flaming me for it. rs isn't ruined, there are plenty of people who are still nice, if you actually tried to meet them you could.




just stop, reading your posts is killing my braincells, i dont have time for you. you dont know about that rs IS DEAD seeing as you started playing AFTER IT WAS DEAD.








reading MY posts is killing YOUR braincells? you apparently have an IQ of three. and if you have quit because rs is ruined, why are you discussing it on a FANsite? because you're apparently not a fan anymore.



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In my honest opinion, this thread was doomed from conception. It began with bad communication and what seemed a hasty rant on a topic under fire literally every day. With this bad beginning comes angered replies against the poster (even stabs at his poor mastery of the english language, whether he is foreign [forgivable] or ignornant [less so].) There are also retorts on runescape being a 'dead' game already, obviously a completely ignorant statement (200 thousand players at once would say otherwise.)








Apart from my critical view of this topic and some of the banter therewithin, I'll offer my say on what I 'think' this topic is about. Gold farmers. Itmay be considered a scourge as a game becomes merchandized, but as Wakka said it does offer jobs to the billion+ living in china, which from watching a farming workshop documentary has very poor employment opportunities. I feel sad that it had to turn to this, but at least it is above autoing as people are playing the game. Still, trading ingame currency for real money is against the game's rules, and thus ultimately is a bad thing.

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Doesnt jagex ip ban users that macro? So if its a company it should stop




its easy for them to change their IP.








im not even going to read what rareghoul wrote, im sure it consists of "omg u smell like poopy!!!!!!" or similar, and as i said before i read these forums because i like to see whats happening on rs i DONT PLAY except to goto my clans events.








is there an ignore button on these forums? i dont wanna get suspended/banned but i for some reason cant resist replying :(

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Doesnt jagex ip ban users that macro? So if its a company it should stop








problem is these companies know how to easily change their ip address, even have multiple ips in one building. but no, they don't ban ip addresses much, they usually just ban iduvidual macroers. since as i just told you, banning an ip address wouldn't even get rid of that account.



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we all play because its a game. these ppl are Ruining the game.








One day there will be no free server!




Runescape will cost more then $5 US Per month!




Money Value Over infalted!




150m for blue party hat???




theres still so many in game... some ppl still got 10 of them+ hell when thay where droped i got over 30 of them. dew to bank space back then i got rid of them. nor do i want them. just get ppl asking if i know the price or if i am selling them... me not!








or even constrution skill. ligit players have a real hard time even getting that high in that skill. cost me 800k just to get to lvl 50... to max the skill with oak it be 53m gold and thats not even any thing good in it. 220k oak planks. to have the best at 99 you would need 200m gold. hell i think out of 7 years of RS i had a total of 45m in all... most at once 6m. i dont sit and try and sell stuff over priced. i dont have time to. and its boring and to much spam...








i have the skills to make ok money. but its costly to do alot of thing. and out of the worst luck on dragon drops i get alot of rune items... lol.








ether way China needs to be sew for all there havoc thay have caused...








Not really sure how else to say this.. You're an idiot.

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Guys ignore M4tty, he's just one of those WoW fanboys who likes to mindlessly flame 'scapers.








I believe Jagex should keep banning autoers. If we give them a hard time, the Gold Farmer bosses will give up and switch to another MMORPG.




There's just no way we can stop the Gold Farmers at once, but if we do it at a steady rate, it just might give the poor fellows time to leave that job and join another.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Guys ignore M4tty, he's just one of those WoW fanboys who likes to mindlessly flame 'scapers.








I believe Jagex should keep banning autoers. If we give them a hard time, the Gold Farmer bosses will give up and switch to another MMORPG.




There's just no way we can stop the Gold Farmers at once, but if we do it at a steady rate, it just might give the poor fellows time to leave that job and join another.




i dont play wow, its worse than runescape TBH. i dont "flame" scapers i just point out the facts to new players that rs is terrible compared to how it was before it was swamped with 12 year olds who havent hit puberty.








m4tty, I beleive you are suffering from something called 'nostalgia.' In essence, a longing for an idealized past. IDEALIZED, as in, only the good parts. Essentially you are not unlike the old men at the nursing home sitting around talking about 'back in the day,' and when someone from 2005,6,7 (me) comes around you yell at them for being on your lawn. I think maybe you should realize that going around saying to new players 'oh this game sucks compared to back in the day' is like talking about how earth today sucks compared to when the dinosaurs were around. It doesn't make a lick of difference. I think you should stop yelling for the kids to get off your lawn and either quit this game that 'is dead' or keep your negative comments about a clearly prospering game to yourself.








Also, if you just stopped now and didn't continue, everyone here would think a lot better of you than if you continue to flame. Do you want to be regarded as a crotchety old man?




no its not "Nostalgia" its the fact that runescape has degraded alot and 90% of the players are 12 year olds who havent quit puberty. rs is a joke now, it doesnt take a genius to see that, but it does take an idiot to not see it. if people stopped replying i would, its that simple.

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Guys ignore M4tty, he's just one of those WoW fanboys who likes to mindlessly flame 'scapers.








I believe Jagex should keep banning autoers. If we give them a hard time, the Gold Farmer bosses will give up and switch to another MMORPG.




There's just no way we can stop the Gold Farmers at once, but if we do it at a steady rate, it just might give the poor fellows time to leave that job and join another.




i dont play wow, its worse than runescape TBH. i dont "flame" scapers i just point out the facts to new players that rs is terrible compared to how it was before it was swamped with 12 year olds who havent hit puberty.








m4tty, I beleive you are suffering from something called 'nostalgia.' In essence, a longing for an idealized past. IDEALIZED, as in, only the good parts. Essentially you are not unlike the old men at the nursing home sitting around talking about 'back in the day,' and when someone from 2005,6,7 (me) comes around you yell at them for being on your lawn. I think maybe you should realize that going around saying to new players 'oh this game sucks compared to back in the day' is like talking about how earth today sucks compared to when the dinosaurs were around. It doesn't make a lick of difference. I think you should stop yelling for the kids to get off your lawn and either quit this game that 'is dead' or keep your negative comments about a clearly prospering game to yourself.








Also, if you just stopped now and didn't continue, everyone here would think a lot better of you than if you continue to flame. Do you want to be regarded as a crotchety old man?




no its not "Nostalgia" its the fact that runescape has degraded alot and 90% of the players are 12 year olds who havent quit puberty. rs is a joke now, it doesnt take a genius to see that, but it does take an idiot to not see it. if people stopped replying i would, its that simple.








Well you could always be the bigger man and stop it here.








On the subject of kids playing this game ruining the experience. Remember, they are entitled to play it as much as anyone else, in fact, this game is shifting its marketing towards these kids. It is nostalgia because I've seen cases of nearly the same thing before. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck, it's probably a duck.

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i posted my opinion on the current state of rs. i play 1-2 hrs a day to goto events with my clan, i dont do anything but that. i wasnt "flaming" until rareghoul1 and the other usual spam crew started flaming me for no reason. i just try to ignore them, but they follow me on every thread.




Fair enough, but it's better off you just not continue anymore, or get flamed to eternity by everyone here.








Wow yes Gold Farmers ruin it but meh prices are lower.




And how can goldfarmers "ruin" the game if it lowers prices? Wouldn't that be a plus to keep them? NOT that I'm suggesting that. :-w.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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no its not "Nostalgia" its the fact that runescape has degraded alot and 90% of the players are 12 year olds who havent quit puberty. rs is a joke now, it doesnt take a genius to see that, but it does take an idiot to not see it. if people stopped replying i would, its that simple.








1.) You probably don't know what Nostalgia even means.




2.) Guaranteed 90% of the RuneScape population IS NOT 12 year olds, maybe 50-60% AT MOST.




3.) Apparently you consider yourself a genious for pointing out that a game that has over 200,000 people playing it at any given point is DEAD :| . If you are, in fact, a genious, then I'm afraid to think of what this world will be like in 30 years when all these "geniouses" have grown up and have jobs in the real world.




4.) "If people stopped replying i would, its that simple" You're telling people to stop replying yet you won't do it yourself? Nice job, "genious"








*Sigh* People like you make me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon. #-o

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to be perfectly honest it's doing alot more good than it is harm. It gives people in poor countries jobs and money to support themselves that they may not otherwise be able to get. Autoers are not a COMPLETE menace like we think they are, put you're self in their shoes.








yeah thats wha ti always think


Doing a little bit of everything

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ether way China needs to be sew for all there havoc thay have caused...




1st, learn basic spelling and expand your limited vocabulary








2nd, do you know how stupid "Lets sue a country" sounds?








3rd, change title to, "Ruining Tip.It One Thread at a Time"








4th, @ the people above me, SHUT UP! if you don't know what you're talking about as most of you don't. Stop making stupid absolute false assumptions about RSC, RS2 years ago, and China in general because most of you don't know what you are talking about and it's just becoming more apparent.

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