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Strange Dreams


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Some scientists say that dreams are a way of sorting information, but I have the weirdest of dreams. Sometimes my dreams wake me in the middle of the night because I become frighten from the chaos. I have dreams of my friends deserting me or saying nasty things which sometimes which gives me an upset attitude and makes me reflect on what the dream really was and what if it was true.




Other times they are just so chaotic so many things happening at once. Frequent dreams I have are of me being a politicain (my future wanted profession) and bringing prosperity and peace to an unsettled area while other dreams of failure to complete such tasks.




I also sometimes get dreams of failure such as running to or from something and not being able to move.




So does anyone know anything about this? Do I just have a creative imagination or do I have a guility conscience(not that I know of) or what?




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I don't know much about dreams, but I do know they're your brain sending you a message in the form of a image. Maybe you feel it will not work out if you became a politician or maybe you feel you won't get anywhere in life? Maybe not out loud, but you might have thoughts about it and your brain is just showing you what seems to be bothering you.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Well I've had dreams about Communism and stuff a couple weeks ago for nearly a full week. One night I witnessed a Great Purge around 2015 and saw someone I loved get executed (slit throat and pushed off of the platform she was on after she died, cheering crowd, burning hatred inside of me). The next night I dreamt that the world was on brink of World War because a powerful Neo-Bolshevist (the new form of Communism) party called the Advent came into power and Russia, China, and a few countries were plotting against America, Europe, and the rest of the world (but mainly America and Europe) to start a global Revolution. Then the next night I dreamt that the war was happening and I went into hiding. The rest of the world dissolved into a supercountry called the United Nations. The Advent was drastically destroying the UN and had already conquered South America, Mexico, Eastern half of the United States, most of Canada, most of Africa, most of Europe, most of Asia, etc. The world was under Nuclear Winter because of all the nuclear weapons detonated in the War. Then I got captured by a Russian man who worked for the Special Police (Advent Party) and was taken and shown what was happening and saw some battle strategy. Then I was taken into a place called Room 32 and tortured and then executed. The dream ended as soon as I was dragged into Room 32.




Weird, eh?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Serephurus, if you can pretty much act out an entire war in your head, that takes some skill.. and a very vivid imagination :shock: thats only a slightly disturbing thing to think about.




as for my dreams.. they make no sense to me and have nothing to do with anything i have ever thought of before most of the time. so i really have no idea how to decipher what they mean. but for most people its what you think about most is what you usually dream about. i spose.. im probably wrong

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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I don't remember any of my dreams. Not in enough detail to explain them....






The most vivid would be when I was like 6 years old.... OK I was on a beach with a palm tree... and a crab came from the area around the palm tree and bit my toe? yeah... lol.

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Well I've had dreams about Communism and stuff a couple weeks ago for nearly a full week. One night I witnessed a Great Purge around 2015 and saw someone I loved get executed (slit throat and pushed off of the platform she was on after she died, cheering crowd, burning hatred inside of me). The next night I dreamt that the world was on brink of World War because a powerful Neo-Bolshevist (the new form of Communism) party called the Advent came into power and Russia, China, and a few countries were plotting against America, Europe, and the rest of the world (but mainly America and Europe) to start a global Revolution. Then the next night I dreamt that the war was happening and I went into hiding. The rest of the world dissolved into a supercountry called the United Nations. The Advent was drastically destroying the UN and had already conquered South America, Mexico, Eastern half of the United States, most of Canada, most of Africa, most of Europe, most of Asia, etc. The world was under Nuclear Winter because of all the nuclear weapons detonated in the War. Then I got captured by a Russian man who worked for the Special Police (Advent Party) and was taken and shown what was happening and saw some battle strategy. Then I was taken into a place called Room 32 and tortured and then executed. The dream ended as soon as I was dragged into Room 32.




Weird, eh?




Help! :uhh: :ohnoes: :anxious:

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Well I've had dreams about Communism and stuff a couple weeks ago for nearly a full week. One night I witnessed a Great Purge around 2015 and saw someone I loved get executed (slit throat and pushed off of the platform she was on after she died, cheering crowd, burning hatred inside of me). The next night I dreamt that the world was on brink of World War because a powerful Neo-Bolshevist (the new form of Communism) party called the Advent came into power and Russia, China, and a few countries were plotting against America, Europe, and the rest of the world (but mainly America and Europe) to start a global Revolution. Then the next night I dreamt that the war was happening and I went into hiding. The rest of the world dissolved into a supercountry called the United Nations. The Advent was drastically destroying the UN and had already conquered South America, Mexico, Eastern half of the United States, most of Canada, most of Africa, most of Europe, most of Asia, etc. The world was under Nuclear Winter because of all the nuclear weapons detonated in the War. Then I got captured by a Russian man who worked for the Special Police (Advent Party) and was taken and shown what was happening and saw some battle strategy. Then I was taken into a place called Room 32 and tortured and then executed. The dream ended as soon as I was dragged into Room 32.




Weird, eh?




You should turn it into a novel...Hell, i'd buy it :thumbsup:

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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I always have very random dreams... And I always forget them... For example:




I'm drunk, so I grab a speaker, start flying on it, sail into a hail storm, get saved by the Flying Dutchman, walk out of a barn and start eating roasted pork, take my space helmet off, and die because of decompression.


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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I think I got the dream because I read George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. =\




Fortunately no more disturbing dreams. lol.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Recently for some reason I've had a lot of dreams about Aliens coming down and taking over the world. I'm not talking like just some Aliens, like some serious scary stuff, I see people getting like ripped in half and de-organed. (Probably not even a word.) Also, Some times I feel stuff in the dreams and when I wake up I can think of the feeling exactly like it was in my dream like it happened.

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Well I'm a baptist in the christian religion and lately I've been wondering if I have the right religion. Then a few days later I had a dream where the armageddon happened, and god came down from the heavens and kept me safe in my house. I peeked open the blinds of my windows and FLASH! A ginormous flash which almost blinded me. Anyways, God hung around my house and I asked him some questions, then I woke up. I think this dream was a message, and now I believe I have the right religion.

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Mm,i don't have too much disturbing dreams,but most disturbing was:


Grim Reaper chasing my teacher (Bwah,she deserves that!)


Then one Vampire vs. Werewolf war,uh buh,it was VERY realistic dream and i was Vampire Lord in it....(I really need stop reading that much books)


Well,that's probably it.Of course,sometimes i see war going on my country,but that's just my war paranoia.

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Strangest dream ive ever had:




about 6 years ago, I feel asleep. Then I woke up. Odd thing was, I was switched around the opposite way that i usually sleep. I looked over at the door. A tall figure, at least 7 ft tall walked into my room, slowly. All I did was stare in horror at the shadow, which stood over my bed. He then lifted his arm, and punched me right in the jaw.




At that moment I woke up, and was in my right position for sleeping. I quickly looked over at the door. A small figure, I couldn't tell if it was human or not, was walking out of my room and looked to be as tall as one of my cats (it could of been). At that moment, my jaw started to ache, on the opposite side but kinda in the same place (hard to explain, basically everything had become opposites at this point). ever since, my jaw has hurt a little bit.






Also, for the past two nights, ive been having weird dreams. Oddly enough, they have to do with the internet. I keep calling peoples names who i know online, and seeing them embodied as WoW characters, and we do weird and random stuff, and sometimes even fight. only got 4.5 hours of sleep last night cause it was a really distracting dream.


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Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Dreams are very strange, I can't tell you much about them but I can share my own with you.




When I was little, I distinctly remember having a nightmare where a skeleton had no skull but a pelvic shaped bone in place of a skull :shock: This was a weird one, I had this dream every night for a few months and one time it escalated to me trying to protect a dragon from a knight and I got stabbed. In waking hours I had a pain right in the place I dreamt I was stabbed.




Also when I was little, I had a dream of something biting my fingers, my fingers really hurt when I woke up. Now I either have to wear socks and gloves to bed or keep my hands and feet covered. My brother recently decided to play a trick on me be grabbing my leg and because i couldn't see him I screamed the place down. :oops:




More recent dreams have two narratives, one set are scary the other are oddly comforting yet creepy at the same time.




I'll start with the scary ones, sometimes I get a dream of faceless beings dressed in scarlet cultural attire from all over the world. For example, I have recognised, a sombrero (lol) and turban etc... They have green almond glassy eyes. they torture me and show me images of my dead twin brother (he passed in the womb). There are usually 7 but sometimes 9 or 14 of them. when the come I can hear high pitched whistling and lose all capability of movement, yet I can open my eyes and see my ceiling. :shock:




Another reoccurring dream I have is rather confusing, I see my dead brother and he is almost real, I can hang about with him, play games etc... It is full colour, and sometimes he has beautiful Dreadlocks other times he has long straight hair. I mentioned earlier that he passed on in the womb so i have never seen him. the weirdest factor of these dreams is that he can speak to me in a Russian type of language (I only know a few words of Russian) but in this dream I can completely understand him. :-k Sometimes he shows me this mirror, what i see in that mirror sometimes comes true, but that could just be coincidence. These dreams change every time it's like a second life in my head, hmmm ...

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