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Tip.It Times Presents: RuneScape: A game for the young?


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Ok where is all this preteen stuff coming from? a preteen is someone who is NOT a teenager (that seems unclear to some, as does the fact that [developmentally delayed] will be [developmentally delayed] no matter the age), they have to blatently lie to create an account which puts it down to them no matter where jagex advertises the game.



And Jagex encourages them to lie by getting them interested in the game and then forcing them to lie in order to sign up.




Jagex really doesn't give a fig about what age players play the game. The "you must be 13 or over" stuff on the website was almost certainly put there by their lawyers in order to comply with COPPA laws. (Look them up.) It lets Jagex pay lip service to the law while continuing to make money from kids who are under 13 and sign up anyway.




Why? Because it's easier and they make more money this way. And making money is pretty much Jagex's primary concern.




berbatovsky, like so many other rabid Jagex defenders, is in flat denial. So are the people who "don't see" the significance of this. It's not just "one book" it is the OFFICIAL Runescape guide. They very clearly went out of their way to ensure that as many kids as possible would find out about it and buy it.




Runescape deliberately targets children using the book, the cartoonish appearance of the game, the free version, the ease of access using any browser and more. It is played in schools and libraries, and in many cases parents cannot even find out when their kids are playing it.




Jagex doesn't care about any of this. They just want their money.












FACT - runescape will grow, attracting more people




FACT - runescape will be easily accessible by ALL ages, you talk about looking at things rationally, how the hell would jagex STOP kids under 13 from signing up by lying about their age, they can't, no game like this can and as it grows more people will come, from all age groups.




FACT - no matter where you advertise kids will always find it, how many kids do you think have seen games sites hailing runescape, how many people have caught on through word of mouth?




You have some good points but it's just like an X-rated ad or film - there's nothing to stop kids getting to it (nothing foolproof), runescape is advertising, and advertising can't be contained to one strict group.

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I'd also really like to see this 'proof' that's being talked about if someone could tell me where and what it is. EDIT - never mind, found it, strange how you always look right in front of you last lol.




If you'll look verrrrry carefully you'll see it's non-members only, non-members is not runescape, it's the demo and has been said so many times, while making that book there might not be helping the situation, non-members is not the game and being a free online game with no downloads or sign-up required it's obviously accessible by these ages anyway, you can't honestly expect it to make any difference,




Actively encouraging 8-12 year olds to sign up for the real game would be a violation of jagex's principles, a combonation of not having the members guide and young kids just not having the means to pay ensures this (how many parents are gonna pay monthly for a game for an 8-year old?, i've known tribes of kids younger than me grow up and i can tell you very few indeed), showing and educating them on what cannot be hidden to prepare them for later on while not affecting the serious players who pay i see no problem with.




Also durial was not smart, he was a coward, sure it was tempting but it doesn't make it right, he found a loophole and exploited people with no defence for everything he could like a mugger preying on children and babies

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prankster king said runescape is now overrun by "immature" players. Well he is missing the point of runescape! Jagex made runescape to make money and there is a large market for games targeting kids. They didnt make runescape as a way for loser adults to "escape" the real world. Theyre making money and it so happens that kids make up a large part of their buyers. you want a game prankster_king? get yourself a job, buy a real game for more than 5 dollars a month, and escape to that world.

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I think everyone agreeing with prankster king knows that businesses are in it for the profit, its just they feel the game has been targeted at young children and that this has led to the community being immature and or rude (a big thing in an MMORPG). I happen to disagree, given that there is very little evidence that Jagex is targeting younger players, but i've said all i can say on that issue in my previous posts, so i'll leave it here.

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i pretty much made this account to reply to this message. :roll: i created my first runescape account at age 11 i'm now 13 and ama player moderator. ur discriminating against us younger players. :shame: if a five year old did underground pass, well do you think they'd play again? jagex cant stop them! (and jagex is not the person who puts the ages on there books :shock:

Actually... the worst possible thing that could happen is... I could die!

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I remember the early days, the community was indeed much better. Whilst Miniclip didn't help RuneScape much by bringing in a fair few immature players, it can't receive all the blame. Even when the community was better, there were still a few immature people here and there.




The bad thing is that as the game grows and more people join, a larger percentage of the community will be the typical immature, too lazy to follow the rules person. :/




I don't quite think Jagex is targetting younger players though, they just make the game suitable for most ages (13+). But they can't easily enforce the rule of not being allowed to play if you aren't 13, hence the amount of immaturity in the game.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I personally think Runescape will make this generation a lot less cautious. First of all, these little kiddies are told what to do every step of the way. I mean, if you had to notice an obscure clue, then yes, that would help them, but if you give them a feature that tells them what to do, you aren't helping them, you're spoiling them. Then with all the warnings, they won't know something is dangerous unless there's a sign telling them so. I mean, say there's a stray dog wandering around, following. If a kid, who think's the Varrock update was meant to clearly represent real life, tried to yell at the dog, show signs of aggression, he/she might get attacked by the dog. Now, common sense might tell the kid that the dog could be dangerous, however Runescape tells the kid that all this dog is going to do is follow you around, whining and barking, and that if you fell and be mean, it will go in a corner and wimper. Oh, and I also noticed that there are no more puzzles or mazes in quests. They even allowed you to by pass a maze altogether without any risk! (Chaos alter). I think this shift towards the players Jagex says are not allowed is quite obvious. No thirteen year-old kid would get nightmares easily, but a ten year-old would. Any thirteen year-old could make his way through a maze, or a complicated quest, however again, a ten year-old would likely not. Basically, Jagex is gearing towards kids that are younger than what they say they allow. Wake up and smell the coffee Jagex, because I'm sure you can buy enough already.








P.S. Andrew Gower has been reported as one of the richest men in the U.K., just more proof that Jagex has trned to gold digging. I guess kiddies are their latest gold nuggets.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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I personally think Runescape will make this generation a lot less cautious. First of all, these little kiddies are told what to do every step of the way. I mean, if you had to notice an obscure clue, then yes, that would help them, but if you give them a feature that tells them what to do, you aren't helping them, you're spoiling them. Then with all the warnings, they won't know something is dangerous unless there's a sign telling them so. I mean, say there's a stray dog wandering around, following. If a kid, who think's the Varrock update was meant to clearly represent real life, tried to yell at the dog, show signs of aggression, he/she might get attacked by the dog. Now, common sense might tell the kid that the dog could be dangerous, however Runescape tells the kid that all this dog is going to do is follow you around, whining and barking, and that if you fell and be mean, it will go in a corner and wimper. Oh, and I also noticed that there are no more puzzles or mazes in quests. They even allowed you to by pass a maze altogether without any risk! (Chaos alter). I think this shift towards the players Jagex says are not allowed is quite obvious. No thirteen year-old kid would get nightmares easily, but a ten year-old would. Any thirteen year-old could make his way through a maze, or a complicated quest, however again, a ten year-old would likely not. Basically, Jagex is gearing towards kids that are younger than what they say they allow. Wake up and smell the coffee Jagex, because I'm sure you can buy enough already.








P.S. Andrew Gower has been reported as one of the richest men in the U.K., just more proof that Jagex has trned to gold digging. I guess kiddies are their latest gold nuggets.






How many kids do you really think look at a pixelated image and compare it to real life, few,




The lessons learnt online and the lessons learnt in life very rarely cross over, simply because it isnt practical, you can't learn the sleight of mouse tricks out of a book and you can't learn who's trying to scam you with a stolen credit card (which happened to me today) on a game, how did i learn to avoid losing 700 euro and spot real theives?? i looked to the right sources, a free online game not being one of them




Life's important lessons are taught in life, a game is there for fun.

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I personally think Runescape will make this generation a lot less cautious. First of all, these little kiddies are told what to do every step of the way. I mean, if you had to notice an obscure clue, then yes, that would help them, but if you give them a feature that tells them what to do, you aren't helping them, you're spoiling them. Then with all the warnings, they won't know something is dangerous unless there's a sign telling them so. I mean, say there's a stray dog wandering around, following. If a kid, who think's the Varrock update was meant to clearly represent real life, tried to yell at the dog, show signs of aggression, he/she might get attacked by the dog. Now, common sense might tell the kid that the dog could be dangerous, however Runescape tells the kid that all this dog is going to do is follow you around, whining and barking, and that if you fell and be mean, it will go in a corner and wimper. Oh, and I also noticed that there are no more puzzles or mazes in quests. They even allowed you to by pass a maze altogether without any risk! (Chaos alter). I think this shift towards the players Jagex says are not allowed is quite obvious. No thirteen year-old kid would get nightmares easily, but a ten year-old would. Any thirteen year-old could make his way through a maze, or a complicated quest, however again, a ten year-old would likely not. Basically, Jagex is gearing towards kids that are younger than what they say they allow. Wake up and smell the coffee Jagex, because I'm sure you can buy enough already.








P.S. Andrew Gower has been reported as one of the richest men in the U.K., just more proof that Jagex has trned to gold digging. I guess kiddies are their latest gold nuggets.


First of all: Just because Jagex made a quest that allows you to skip the Chaos Maze does in NO WAY mean the game is directing itself to yougner players. Players do the quest, and thus, get the reward that makes life easier.




Second of all: Just because Andrew Gower is one of the richest men in the U.K. does in NO WAY mean Jagex is trying to get younger audiences. It means the game is expanding and becoming more succesful. More and more players, some of which are younger than 13, some of which are older, are playing.




Third of all: Anyone who thinks that all of Runescape is going to the children need to do the quest Another Slice of H.A.M. In said quest, the antagonist holds the protagonist in a hostage style grab with a sword pressed against her neck, and says that if you (the player) come any closer, he'll slit her throat. Oooooh yeaaaah, that is soooo much for the kiddies.

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i also have to disagree with all the comments against the warning signs. im wondering if prankster_king ever even read the manual himself. does he have any idea how long that is? most players - even "jagex legal" 15 year olds like me - dont want to read the whole manual before the play the game. the most sensible thing to do for me would be to jump right into the game. we learn from our mistakes. im sure even a 20 year old player who has never read the manual could somehow wind up lost in the wilderness. the new warning signs just help teach these players. Im not sure why its such a bad thing to put warning signs up. You all learned about dangerous spots somehow. is it such a crime to help these newer players gain the same knowledge you all have?

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I personally think Runescape will make this generation a lot less cautious. First of all, these little kiddies are told what to do every step of the way. I mean, if you had to notice an obscure clue, then yes, that would help them, but if you give them a feature that tells them what to do, you aren't helping them, you're spoiling them. Then with all the warnings, they won't know something is dangerous unless there's a sign telling them so. I mean, say there's a stray dog wandering around, following. If a kid, who think's the Varrock update was meant to clearly represent real life, tried to yell at the dog, show signs of aggression, he/she might get attacked by the dog. Now, common sense might tell the kid that the dog could be dangerous, however Runescape tells the kid that all this dog is going to do is follow you around, whining and barking, and that if you fell and be mean, it will go in a corner and wimper. Oh, and I also noticed that there are no more puzzles or mazes in quests. They even allowed you to by pass a maze altogether without any risk! (Chaos alter). I think this shift towards the players Jagex says are not allowed is quite obvious. No thirteen year-old kid would get nightmares easily, but a ten year-old would. Any thirteen year-old could make his way through a maze, or a complicated quest, however again, a ten year-old would likely not. Basically, Jagex is gearing towards kids that are younger than what they say they allow. Wake up and smell the coffee Jagex, because I'm sure you can buy enough already.








P.S. Andrew Gower has been reported as one of the richest men in the U.K., just more proof that Jagex has trned to gold digging. I guess kiddies are their latest gold nuggets.


First of all: Just because Jagex made a quest that allows you to skip the Chaos Maze does in NO WAY mean the game is directing itself to yougner players. Players do the quest, and thus, get the reward that makes life easier.




Second of all: Just because Andrew Gower is one of the richest men in the U.K. does in NO WAY mean Jagex is trying to get younger audiences. It means the game is expanding and becoming more succesful. More and more players, some of which are younger than 13, some of which are older, are playing.




Third of all: Anyone who thinks that all of Runescape is going to the children need to do the quest Another Slice of H.A.M. In said quest, the antagonist holds the protagonist in a hostage style grab with a sword pressed against her neck, and says that if you (the player) come any closer, he'll slit her throat. Oooooh yeaaaah, that is soooo much for the kiddies.






Don't forget being held on the train tracks at the end, if only it didn't have such a stupid name

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No offence prankster king, but if you have a problem with the game content, appeal to jagex, and/or quit, don't try to quit and drag a community of players with you.


Did you just read the first line of the article (yes you did)


He said something around the lines of this "As most of you already know I am retired"

This feels exceptional on my under-carriage.

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While I can appreciate certain parts of the original post, I can't help but wonder why ex-players still feel the need to contribute to this forum?




What are they expecting this will achieve? I don't think that their opinions are relevant at all, but of course, that is merely my own opinion.




I for one joined at the very start of the "miniclip era", at this time I was by no means immature, being in my late twenties. I had my own business and when I wasn't so busy I used to play miniclip's other games to pass the time.




I was intrigued by the runescape ads and finally decided to give it a shot. I did and I haven't looked back. I'm a high level player now myself and I have prided myself in sticking to my original goal which is never to kill another player in the wilderness. I help the new guys also when I have the time, but I will politely decline if it will get in the way of my own enjoyment of the game.




I enjoy the quests, levelling skills and talking to the few people I have on my friends list. I think that if you are having a problem with the community in general, there are many ways this can be worked around, i.e. turn chat to off or friends only, this applies to both public and private chat. Otherwise simply ignore it, that's why I do.




At the end of the day, it's only a game and it shouldn't be taken as seriously as some people obviously do. And my feeling is, if you don't like it, simply don't play it.

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"The themes of the quests never get too scary, and when they do, they always have a happy ending for the little tykes of RuneScape. "




Has he done Darkness of Hallowvale? While not particulary scary, I am pretty sure the Vyrewatch would give younger children nightmares.


As for the happy ending, it ends with King Roald preparing to go to war against the Vampyres, And trying to find a loophole with would stop Guthix from Destroying everything and recreating it. Yes. That's very happy.

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I agree with everything in this article... I've been playing for 4 years, and I found the game randomly when I was messing around on the internet, at the time I was 10. I never ran around calling people "noobs" or swearing, as is the norm nowadays. It's kind of sad... I was privileged to watch the game fall, at least I can find comfort in the fact that other's noticed it too.




I started over 3 years ago, when i was about 10 1/2. I was never too much of a noob, and i learned about it from friends in my grade. I got a membership about a month or two after i started playing. This article is right, name one person who isnt seven that wqould want a frog mask.

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I think all the town crier and tutor stuff is crap. READ THE FREAKING KNOWLEDGE BASE! And also, i cant believe people stand their and say NEED BF/GF!!! Go to atlanta, shout that out and see what happens. :) And why do they need to censor butt? They also censor crap, i mean its sposed to be a game for 13+ year old come on. Its just crazy what jagex has done. Heck skilling is so easy im fletching while doing this ::'

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You know I agree with the article but the bottom in Jagex is a company and need to make money.




Why shouldn't they cater for, as the author put it, there biggest audience slice.




That said I am 26 and do get a bit annoyed with all the kids at times. People who follow you for help on a quest just because I have a quest cape. Is it that hard to to figure out? Is it that hard to find a fan site?.




I've said for a while Runescape need more servers. Part of the members speil on the site is "more room to train more skills" yet recently member worlds have been more crowded at peak times than f2p worlds. Anyway I've rambled a bit, Jagex needs to make some adult servers. Members who pay by Credit Card/Debit card should have a tickbox option to access adult servers where there is no censor, maybe a bit more swearing in quests, blood effects and maybe other graphical differences. This would be like the German servers. As the option would need to be ticked as you make the payment parents could decide if they wanted there kids on these servers so everyone would be happy.




I agree with u that would pwn. Im only 14 this sunday, but my mom pay with credit card for me :D

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I also Agree with this.


mini clip is how i found out too


i just say.......go runescape =D> =D> =D>

I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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i have to say i disagree, i am an older player myself, but i believe that the game itself has always been about skill and still is, now lets define the term 'skill'.




The skill in Runescape is not the same as say the skill it takes to win a racing game, but it's the skill of organisation, planning, thinking ahead, testing and unless you look up every single detail of the game, then error as well.




It's the smarter of us that when farming was released didn't spend our time complaining about how bad farming was, but made a major profit from the herbs and various other products.




It's the smarter of us who don't spend our time using a bronze hally against a black demon thinking, this will make me rich.




You may have noticed that i also mentioned error, there are still things that people are unaware of when a new update comes out or just generally and it's up to the smarter of us to come up with the ideas that gives us the advantage, and everyone has their share of defeats but in the end it's a game of skill and always will be

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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This is all true. Runescape is mainly middle school to junior high kids who are cocky or lazy. The grown players realize this and therefore play the game with as little noob contact as possible. There is no community, at least no older community. One time to celebrate getting 5m i decided to be nice and give a beggar something. He didn't even say thank you. He asked for more. He added me and continued to message me. Jagex needs a 18+ world.




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This is all true. Runescape is mainly middle school to junior high kids who are cocky or lazy. The grown players realize this and therefore play the game with as little noob contact as possible. There is no community, at least no older community. One time to celebrate getting 5m i decided to be nice and give a beggar something. He didn't even say thank you. He asked for more. He added me and continued to message me. Jagex needs a 18+ world.




So that noobs can go there and claim to be 21 and talk about drugs and drinking? I dont think thats a good Idea. Personally, I myself am 14, and While Im definately not the most mature player, Im no noob. I dont agree with the stereotype's your placing on Middle school - Junior higher's. As a 14 year old, I have put the time and dedication into runescape to have 2 level 70 skills, and 3 more within the next two months (Depending on when I get members again). But regardless, Im obviously no god at runescape, but Im no noob. Im not a beggar, never have been. Im not a newb, Im extremely familiar with most things in Runescape. (Cept for quests. Havent done most of them, but I've done a few hard ones, such as Horror from the Deep, I did the Haunted House puzzle without a guide) . Either way, watch your Stereotypes, sir.

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anyone who agrees with this BS can go join this whiny f2per in quitting (yeah hes f2p hmm i wonder why he made this article) this is ending up being another "im f2p and i want updates but ill rant about something else instead" thing im glad to hear you quit. i joined runescape at hm when i was about 8 or 9 and im 13 now so yeah im one of this stereotypical game ruiners but really who cares what the persons age is it has to deal with maturity... which sadly you dont have if you have to go and make a article just dissing younger players and runescape just go quit and leave us alone




as i said earlier anyone who agrees with this BULL can go join him and quit


i would say more but its 4:34 AM and its already been said

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