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shadow warrior d half shield drops


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you may not like this but the truth is you get more dragon drops from slayer monsters than any other monsters. i personally think if it is an assignment drop rates are improved. but there is no doubt in my mind that slayer monsters drop dragon spear, half-shield, and med more than regular monsters.




also the higher the slayer lvl required to kill the monster, the better the chance of a dragon drop; but even low lvl slayer monsters have a significantly better dragon drop rate than regular monsters.




so, you are most likely to get a dragon drop from a high or low lvl slayer monster while on your task.




as for the shadow warriors, they probably do have a better rate than regular monsters for the half shield since it is the legends guild and the right half is for sale there.

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there's a higher chance the higher level monster. But i'm guessing that it's just that high level monsters have a better chance, medium don't.






Tell me how many times have you seen someone say they got a left half from a skeleton? I've seen it once.




Fire giants...a lot more...dks...more.




Shadow warriors i think is a rumor, but it's probably more than skellys..

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Jagex stated that the chance of getting a piece of third age armor from a clue is the same as getting a left half from a skeleton. That implies that you are less likely to get a left half from a skeleton than from some other monster. Therefore, it can be assumed that some monsters drop it more often than others. Obviously level plays some part in this, but there may be other factors as well.




But to answer your question I have no idea if shadow warriors have an exceptionally high drop rate :P

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Jagex stated that the chance of getting a piece of third age armor from a clue is the same as getting a left half from a skeleton. That implies that you are less likely to get a left half from a skeleton than from some other monster. Therefore, it can be assumed that some monsters drop it more often than others. Obviously level plays some part in this, but there may be other factors as well.




But to answer your question I have no idea if shadow warriors have an exceptionally high drop rate :P




Jagex has also been known to say things as an expression, like "Hold on to your robin hood hats", in an off the cuff manner. So their use of the word "skeleton" may just mean a low-leveled monster, like a rat.

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Ffs, it's a crappy square shield, who cares? :shame:
at one time in RS dragon sq was the best of the best.. i can guarantee that if 3rd kite, Dragonfire shield or crystal sheild weren't introduced d sq would still be where it once was. I really dislike when people like you make stupid comments like you did though






I believe it was stated that the shield half is about 40x as rare as a half key drop.
That's also a lie l0l.


I've probably had 500 half key drops... 2 left halves.

yeah lol I've had TONS and TONS of half keys and only 2 left halves but it was stated i think when it 1st came out that those were the odds lol..




as for shadows dropping i don't think they have a better chance

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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just a thought






if you do legends (before we go on lets just make en example




your chance of getting a half is 1%




if you do legends would it go up to 2%






i got my half after legends


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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if ne monster has a better chance at dropping a shield left half, its abyssal demons, i have gotten 2 off of them and a d med and like 7 whips off these guys :P




and no shield halves of ne thing else :P


No if any monster has a better chance it's the highest level monster that drops it, which is the Kalphite Queen.


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I think that it's totally untrue. However, I do agree with what someone else said about with Slayer monsters, there's more of a chance of getting a rare drop then when attacking a monster that's not your task.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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