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Top GFXMaker People of RS?

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Best Overalls: Greatsilverwyrm and Keiphus.




Best in Abstract/3D: FrothKahn, Iw and DementedHero.




Best in Pixel: DementedHero, The_Jeppoz, Princess9something, Misterxman.




Best in Other (ie. Vector/drawing/landscapes): Tttia, ColAvanor, Nadril.












Didn't leave out anyone who didn't deserve it.
















// Azvi.


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Ok, I'm bad with names, so if your name resembles anything like the ones I posted, then it is probely you ;)
















The Jeppoz




Demented hero












Terley (does he still post?)




The dude with the brushed pixels :?




Font Khan

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Ok, I'm bad with names, so if your name resembles anything like the ones I posted, then it is probely you ;)
















The Jeppoz




Demented hero












Terley (does he still post?)




The dude with the brushed pixels :?




Font Khan




I think you mean Jabrulter when you say the guy who does who does brushed pixels!









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Ok, I'm bad with names, so if your name resembles anything like the ones I posted, then it is probely you ;)
















The Jeppoz




Demented hero












Terley (does he still post?)




The dude with the brushed pixels :?




Font Khan




I think you mean Jabrulter when you say the guy who does who does brushed pixels!
















oo i forgot jab... he made my sig.... he owns


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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Some of the old Sig Makers Guild (Digital Art Group) members, from this forum. I think that Huang is totally overrated on deviantart.








Me, trunkswrath, Sub.Divi, mirai, sHrEzZi, P U R E 069, Alex, from Runescape Community.








Nobody from RuneVillage or the other RS forums that I know of come close.
















tttia - Overall, RunescapeCommunitys GFX Discussion board is not as good as this board but I think that the best few people there are better than the best few here.




















(This is Fire.Freek)

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best in pixel is several people








The Jeppoz for the hours he spends in his work and ability for expressions in faces and has truly mastered textures and really good at linework but surely the Best at textures and light sources.








Ran Shadow2 for his unique style that you can easily recognise and stands out from the rest and spends good time on his linework and good shading








Misterxman for the ability to capture action capture what is happening and is easily guessed whats going on and good at shading and also has his unique style which you know is misterxmans stle and the background detail with his characters expressions and good linework also








these are my favourite pixelers and in my point of view the rulers of pixel in the media board that im always looking forward to seeing

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Lol, i find it kind of funny that people here think theyre the best.








Anyways, some other random artwork by people from RSC/Other boards of whom uve never heard coz uve never ventured out;




I just find it funny none of these people have been posted under any category.








By Fire.Freek (paintings + a wp)
















































































http://img232.exs.cx/img232/7647/snowstormtall6cf.jpg -WP




http://img166.exs.cx/img166/7314/wp2102 ... nal7kf.jpg - WP
























(if u cant view all images rightclick and click 'view immage')

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Lol, i find it kind of funny that people here think theyre the best.








Anyways, some other random artwork by people from RSC/Other boards of whom uve never heard coz uve never ventured out;




I just find it funny none of these people have been posted under any category.








By Fire.Freek (paintings + a wp)








http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2004/23 ... wnRush.jpg




http://images3.deviantart.com/i/2004/14 ... Shores.jpg




http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2004/26 ... _Return_by _FireFreek.jpg
















http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v715/ ... /bldsg.jpg




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v715/ ... a60fe6.jpg












http://fs5.deviantart.com/i/2004/304/c/ ... Webbie.jpg
































http://img232.exs.cx/img232/7647/snowstormtall6cf.jpg -WP




http://img166.exs.cx/img166/7314/wp2102 ... nal7kf.jpg - WP
























(if u cant view all images rightclick and click 'view immage')












Actually, some of us have ventured out, that was not the reason for my lower assesment. In fact, you will notice I listed some of the artists from your boards.












Of those you posted I would say that Kimmy and Firefreak are the only ones I am impressed with. Although if I could see Swift's ship one in a larger format, it looks like it has promise.








This is a GRAPHICS discussion, so I will cut you a little slack, but still don't think renders with junk thrown on them are real skill. For that matter, while lay out etc. are great for marketability, I value being able to actually take a concept..anything..and put it on the screen. In other words, I like actual art, not just non-representational stuff with some nice lighting, or even nice lettering.








Besides, you forgot Tenshi, she is one of the best over there in my opinion.








Trunks is fantastic, can form some great stuff with brushing.








Is tan man even still around over there? he did nice sprites, though he was a total jerk half the time. I would like to see some of his new work.








I like Fire's paintings, not so much his renders. I think if fire continues the painting he will be great.








The folks over at DA seem to agree. In fact, most sites besides simply this kind of mainly low teen-age populated individuals seem to like actual drawing, brushing, rendering skills better than the so called abstract work. As I have belabored for a long time, it is not truly abstract at all. The actual abstract artists masters , could draw their hind ends off, they just couldn't make a living at it after photography. They made something recognizable be seen in a totally different way.








This 3d work we see is properly called non-representational. In other words, there is no recognizable subject matter that we can see that your skill put into terms the brain can relate to. There might be some elements of art there....composition, layout, good use of lighting etc., but in general you don't have to have lots of skill to do it. And here is what I mean by that. I am not saying everyone knows how to use 3d programs, or could do it exactly the same. Although learning would be quicker than learning traditional art. . I am saying that if you changed half of the work, no one would know the difference, because you are not representing anything recognizable. There is no discipline, no reproducing what you see in your mind or in a reference. You never have to "get it right." . You splat some stuff till ya say it looks good, then jazz it up. Finally There is no market for it beyond simply sigs.








As for people here, I will list those I see with artistic skill, who can put their idea on the page/screen.








Jeppoz is way under rated, even though he is famous for pixels. He can do some fantastic traditional drawings, etc.








Xman as well is superb at pencil work, though he gives us precious little of it...as well as pixels. In all the sprites I saw over there, I never saw anything close to these two in pixels either.








Froth's brushings are alright, but his new work in vector and painting are just awesome. I know the brushing with pics sells sigs, but I think he sells himself short too. And his recent works show he realizes it. They have been his best.








Keiphus recent work with vectors, and some of his 3d work is great. Obviously he tends more towards the graphics arts, and the professional side of things rather than concept art, but since he is going to be employed their, can't blame him for that. His marker drawings though show some real traditional skill. And while he has to work mainly in the 3d end etc. I think he should pursue that as a hobby. No sense wasting it.








Witty does really well, though I wish he would actually paint some more. The paintings he has done have been some of the best in the rs community. In fact, his wilderness painting is the only piece I ever favorited on DA (not because there are not better, but I tend to actually comment on those artists I know a bit better). I still get people who see it in my favorites asking me to make my painting into a sig for them. I refer them to witty :) Unfortunately witty has been slacking, but shows signs of returning. Message to witty: don't waste talent. As Bertoldo Giovanni (the student of Donatello, and the teacher of Michalangelo) said to Michelangelo, , "talent is cheap, dedication is costly."












Princessa9 has good drawing skills, and I would love to see some non-pixel stuff from her.








Those like entangle who actually use 3d to model are great. And I have seen some nice brushing from him too, at least on the coloring end of things.








I don't always keep up with all the pixelers, so I am sure there are some I am missing who can draw. The late to tip pixel craze has actually helped to bring out the actual artists in my mind.








To summarize, if you consider non-representational renders with some ps work art, then I guess you all have some standouts. I don't really consider it art, so I would say you have 4 or so solid artists, Fire, when he wants to, Tenshi (should probably finish more works, but very good), Trunks, and Kimmy. Kimmy has gotten better btw. Very nice work there that you posted. I will have to see if she has a DA page.








Snipped images from quote. ~Peter

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Great post tttia. I agree with all that ;).








This swift guy that you posted his images..they seem very sketch. There's some really detailed scenes in the depths of them and then some horrid brushing and such over the top. Not to mention the horrible text. I would be very surprised if he made all of it. You can tell they'd be so much better without all the foreground junk.

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Great post tttia. I agree with all that ;).








This swift guy that you posted his images..they seem very sketch. There's some really detailed scenes in the depths of them and then some horrid brushing and such over the top. Not to mention the horrible text. I would be very surprised if he made all of it. You can tell they'd be so much better without all the foreground junk.












Yup, definitly a great post by tttia :D








I also agree with Keiph on Dementedhero (teh uncovrd). he realy has gotten ubar good over the past 6 months or so lol :) . not only with abstract but vectors as well :D












And FF... didn't know you were fire.freek lol... thought you were some random guy with a happy avatar :lol: but uhm... yeah welcome back :P
















I know personaly, i realy should get... un-lazy, and try some brushed stuff... but i guess i'm just that, lazy. I realy can draw (if i try, although i usualy need a reference :() just doesn't seem like i want to do it :D












Also, I agree on the abstract stuff realy, but i've seen some abstract works that definitly took some skill. That is "some" though, quite an elite few :P Like.. i saw one that was photoshop only (on deviantart) and it looked like a 3d render :| but thats a different story.












Anyways... to end my rambling, i'm still kind of aiming towards the whole landscape route, just because i enjoy it and i seem to get better with each render i do :o









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Lol Nadril.








Got any recent work I can see?








hmm... i have a recent landscape and stuff at nadril.deviantart.com








:D i've improved a bunch since you last were here :P

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3000000000000000000. Itachi








Because i mean I am the 1337 how can I not be on that list :( :( :(












cmon itachi i dont think ur that bad :lol: im just into pixel more than stick figures




:lol: :o :lol: :o 8) :lol: :o 8) :o :lol: 8) :D :o :lol: 8)








and nobody loves me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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