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Kid checked out 3 times for possibly being a Terrorist


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Thats horrible. People say alot of Canadians arent like that. However true that may be you'll always find the random racist. Just for being brown, not even being muslim, i get targeted. I remember, 2-3 years ago i had to travel through Amsterdam as i was boarding my flight i was taken aside asked to lift my shirt up, take my shoes off and allow them to pat me down. I thought hey! everyones gotta do it. Look back in line and its only me. It frustrates me, but what can i do about it. I have a white girlfriend, im not shure if many of you know what wonderland is, its a amusement park. So we're standing in line, for a ride. And we're talking and im holding her hand, holy geez the looks we get. It used to make me feel awqward/bad. But now i just laugh it off. Its funny how people are sometimes. One last one before i hit the Submit button. Rugby season was starting up, so I figure might as well get some drills down before we have try outs. So i but the ball my cleats and the tee into my bang get on my bike and head down to the park. Im just kicking the ball, its almost sunset. Cops decide to empty my bag because i might have weed, even though i offered to do that for them myself. Then ask me to take off my cleats to check if i had hidden any in there. The world with its irrational fears is going nowhere really. -.-




What if instead of the middle east attacking the US, it was any other group besides them. And the same group continues to get caught doing terrorist activity. Would you not want them getting checked out? Would you be perfectly OK sitting next to one? It sucks for people like you I know, but think about it from the other side.




Hey buddy.




Seven freaking years old. :wall:

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Thats horrible. People say alot of Canadians arent like that. However true that may be you'll always find the random racist. Just for being brown, not even being muslim, i get targeted. I remember, 2-3 years ago i had to travel through Amsterdam as i was boarding my flight i was taken aside asked to lift my shirt up, take my shoes off and allow them to pat me down. I thought hey! everyones gotta do it. Look back in line and its only me. It frustrates me, but what can i do about it. I have a white girlfriend, im not shure if many of you know what wonderland is, its a amusement park. So we're standing in line, for a ride. And we're talking and im holding her hand, holy geez the looks we get. It used to make me feel awqward/bad. But now i just laugh it off. Its funny how people are sometimes. One last one before i hit the Submit button. Rugby season was starting up, so I figure might as well get some drills down before we have try outs. So i but the ball my cleats and the tee into my bang get on my bike and head down to the park. Im just kicking the ball, its almost sunset. Cops decide to empty my bag because i might have weed, even though i offered to do that for them myself. Then ask me to take off my cleats to check if i had hidden any in there. The world with its irrational fears is going nowhere really. -.-




What if instead of the middle east attacking the US, it was any other group besides them. And the same group continues to get caught doing terrorist activity. Would you not want them getting checked out? Would you be perfectly OK sitting next to one? It sucks for people like you I know, but think about it from the other side.




Hey buddy.




Seven freaking years old. :wall:




The fact that he was seven years old shouldn't detract from security, but there is definitely some american stupidness there. Why would you be so simpleminded as to flag a name? Can you imagine the problems caused if a well known terrorist on the run was named Mr. John Smith?




Surely you should only start worrying when all of your details (date of birth, nationality, name etc.) are all the same as a terrorist suspect?

~ W ~



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Thats horrible. People say alot of Canadians arent like that. However true that may be you'll always find the random racist. Just for being brown, not even being muslim, i get targeted. I remember, 2-3 years ago i had to travel through Amsterdam as i was boarding my flight i was taken aside asked to lift my shirt up, take my shoes off and allow them to pat me down. I thought hey! everyones gotta do it. Look back in line and its only me. It frustrates me, but what can i do about it. I have a white girlfriend, im not shure if many of you know what wonderland is, its a amusement park. So we're standing in line, for a ride. And we're talking and im holding her hand, holy geez the looks we get. It used to make me feel awqward/bad. But now i just laugh it off. Its funny how people are sometimes. One last one before i hit the Submit button. Rugby season was starting up, so I figure might as well get some drills down before we have try outs. So i but the ball my cleats and the tee into my bang get on my bike and head down to the park. Im just kicking the ball, its almost sunset. Cops decide to empty my bag because i might have weed, even though i offered to do that for them myself. Then ask me to take off my cleats to check if i had hidden any in there. The world with its irrational fears is going nowhere really. -.-




What if instead of the middle east attacking the US, it was any other group besides them. And the same group continues to get caught doing terrorist activity. Would you not want them getting checked out? Would you be perfectly OK sitting next to one? It sucks for people like you I know, but think about it from the other side.




Hey buddy.




Seven freaking years old. :wall:




The fact that he was seven years old shouldn't detract from security, but there is definitely some american stupidness there. Why would you be so simpleminded as to flag a name? Can you imagine the problems caused if a well known terrorist on the run was named Mr. John Smith?




Surely you should only start worrying when all of your details (date of birth, nationality, name etc.) are all the same as a terrorist suspect?




And what if, for example, he was 1 year old. Apparently this story was have never been told because there is no such thing as a baby terrorist.




7 years old and on the most wanted list? Thats one TUFF kid. Cmon, use common sense people. Obviously I doubt he is some mastermind at age 7 planing to kill tons of people. All he wanted to do was see mickey mouse..





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Thats horrible. People say alot of Canadians arent like that. However true that may be you'll always find the random racist. Just for being brown, not even being muslim, i get targeted. I remember, 2-3 years ago i had to travel through Amsterdam as i was boarding my flight i was taken aside asked to lift my shirt up, take my shoes off and allow them to pat me down. I thought hey! everyones gotta do it. Look back in line and its only me. It frustrates me, but what can i do about it. I have a white girlfriend, im not shure if many of you know what wonderland is, its a amusement park. So we're standing in line, for a ride. And we're talking and im holding her hand, holy geez the looks we get. It used to make me feel awqward/bad. But now i just laugh it off. Its funny how people are sometimes. One last one before i hit the Submit button. Rugby season was starting up, so I figure might as well get some drills down before we have try outs. So i but the ball my cleats and the tee into my bang get on my bike and head down to the park. Im just kicking the ball, its almost sunset. Cops decide to empty my bag because i might have weed, even though i offered to do that for them myself. Then ask me to take off my cleats to check if i had hidden any in there. The world with its irrational fears is going nowhere really. -.-




What if instead of the middle east attacking the US, it was any other group besides them. And the same group continues to get caught doing terrorist activity. Would you not want them getting checked out? Would you be perfectly OK sitting next to one? It sucks for people like you I know, but think about it from the other side.




Hey buddy.




Seven freaking years old. :wall:




The fact that he was seven years old shouldn't detract from security, but there is definitely some american stupidness there. Why would you be so simpleminded as to flag a name? Can you imagine the problems caused if a well known terrorist on the run was named Mr. John Smith?




Surely you should only start worrying when all of your details (date of birth, nationality, name etc.) are all the same as a terrorist suspect?




And what if, for example, he was 1 year old. Apparently this story was have never been told because there is no such thing as a baby terrorist.




7 years old and on the most wanted list? Thats one TUFF kid. Cmon, use common sense people. Obviously I doubt he is some mastermind at age 7 planing to kill tons of people. All he wanted to do was see mickey mouse..








Agreed on your first point, but at 7 years old he is old enough to make decisions on his own, and is actually more prone to influence than a 20 year old.




The reason there are no 1 year old terroists is because a 1 year old cannot make that kind of decision and be able to act on it. However, a seven year old (ok, I admit it would be a pretty strong minded 7 year old, but they exist) can make a decision and act on it, wether its going on a Disneyland ride, or blowing up an airport.

~ W ~



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Actually, people's views on common sense in this issue makes the possibility more dangerous. If anybody under the age of, say, 8 was exempt from a random check, that can be exploited by real terrorists by sending in their 7 year old kid in with a bomb.

~ W ~



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Actually, people's views on common sense in this issue makes the possibility more dangerous. If anybody under the age of, say, 8 was exempt from a random check, that can be exploited by real terrorists by sending in their 7 year old kid in with a bomb.




It wasn't a random check. It was purely based on his last name that a terrorist 3 years ago had. By his looks he could easily be greek, turk, maybe indian, (he is Saudi Arabian). But because he's a muslim and he shared a last name with a terrorist from Pakistan, he gets triple checked?




What makes you think terrorists can't recruit white, christian children to do their dirty work for them? Why isn't "Johnny Smith" exempt from a triple security check? You'll wonder about this once this sad scenario will most likely become true in the near future.

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Actually, people's views on common sense in this issue makes the possibility more dangerous. If anybody under the age of, say, 8 was exempt from a random check, that can be exploited by real terrorists by sending in their 7 year old kid in with a bomb.




It wasn't a random check. It was purely based on his last name that a terrorist 3 years ago had. By his looks he could easily be greek, turk, maybe indian, (he is Saudi Arabian). But because he's a muslim and he shared a last name with a terrorist from Pakistan, he gets triple checked?




What makes you think terrorists can't recruit white, christian children to do their dirty work for them? Why isn't "Johnny Smith" exempt from a triple security check? You'll wonder about this once this sad scenario will most likely become true in the near future.




Yeah, that is a sad truth. There does seem to be an element of racism somewhere along the line. Again, I wonder why the name wasn't cross referenced with other details? I'm pretty sure they had plenty of details on the real terrorist, and they had the kid's passport.




And what is the real purpose of a triple check? Shouldn't he have recieved the high-security check sticker the first time around?




What is the logic behind the filter which sorts possible terrorists from innocent passengers anyway? I'm pretty worried if it works on something as changable and prone to coincidences as names.

~ W ~



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I can understand where people are coming from who say he should of been checked.




I mean I went to a football match before (soccer to you amercian people :roll: ), and I wasnt checked, but my older brother was.




He could of gave me a weapon or something (he didnt obviously), but I wouldnt do anything like that anyway.

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Thats horrible. People say alot of Canadians arent like that. However true that may be you'll always find the random racist. Just for being brown, not even being muslim, i get targeted. I remember, 2-3 years ago i had to travel through Amsterdam as i was boarding my flight i was taken aside asked to lift my shirt up, take my shoes off and allow them to pat me down. I thought hey! everyones gotta do it. Look back in line and its only me. It frustrates me, but what can i do about it. I have a white girlfriend, im not shure if many of you know what wonderland is, its a amusement park. So we're standing in line, for a ride. And we're talking and im holding her hand, holy geez the looks we get. It used to make me feel awqward/bad. But now i just laugh it off. Its funny how people are sometimes. One last one before i hit the Submit button. Rugby season was starting up, so I figure might as well get some drills down before we have try outs. So i but the ball my cleats and the tee into my bang get on my bike and head down to the park. Im just kicking the ball, its almost sunset. Cops decide to empty my bag because i might have weed, even though i offered to do that for them myself. Then ask me to take off my cleats to check if i had hidden any in there. The world with its irrational fears is going nowhere really. -.-




What if instead of the middle east attacking the US, it was any other group besides them. And the same group continues to get caught doing terrorist activity. Would you not want them getting checked out? Would you be perfectly OK sitting next to one? It sucks for people like you I know, but think about it from the other side.




Hey buddy.




Seven freaking years old. :wall:




The fact that he was seven years old shouldn't detract from security, but there is definitely some american stupidness there. Why would you be so simpleminded as to flag a name? Can you imagine the problems caused if a well known terrorist on the run was named Mr. John Smith?




Surely you should only start worrying when all of your details (date of birth, nationality, name etc.) are all the same as a terrorist suspect?




And what if, for example, he was 1 year old. Apparently this story was have never been told because there is no such thing as a baby terrorist.




7 years old and on the most wanted list? Thats one TUFF kid. Cmon, use common sense people. Obviously I doubt he is some mastermind at age 7 planing to kill tons of people. All he wanted to do was see mickey mouse..








Agreed on your first point, but at 7 years old he is old enough to make decisions on his own, and is actually more prone to influence than a 20 year old.




The reason there are no 1 year old terroists is because a 1 year old cannot make that kind of decision and be able to act on it. However, a seven year old (ok, I admit it would be a pretty strong minded 7 year old, but they exist) can make a decision and act on it, wether its going on a Disneyland ride, or blowing up an airport.





Hide Tags. They work wonders. If you're gonna quote the pyramid, please use them...




But defender, just because he is seven doesn't mean some terrorist strapped a bomb to him... they aren't above that, you know...


They figure that a little kid won't be checked. Which they usually aren't. Personally, I'd rather have one scarred for life[/sarcasm] seven year old searched than 350 people dead... but hey, that's just me. :roll:


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whats a worse mistake?


1) thinking someone is a terrorist and them not being one.


2) thinking someone isnt a terrorist but they are and thousands of innocent people die.


Neither. The worst mistake is that they harassed a little boy.




Oh yes, so that little boy's trip is more important that 1,000 lives would have been?






If that little boy had been white-colored, would you have thought of him as a potential terrorist?




Actually I agree with you, I just think you acted like an [wagon] by saying that kid's trip was more important than 1,000 lives.




So again I say it. [wagon].

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I think it would make more sense to inspect women more, since they have better hiding places...... :-$ #-o :-X :-# :uhh:


Im not saying women are prime suspects or being sexist, its true




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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I dont see why there isn't a possibility that he was a terrorist. Maybe someone could have trapped explosives to him or something similar. I dont think some people realise how devious and underhanded some of these terrorists can be, they're perfectly happy killing innocent people so i dont think leading a small child to their death is something they wouldn't consider. Hey its better than not checking the kid and then having a story of a small child being a terrorist.




You're exaggerating. I don't think the terrorists would send a kid to do their bidding. Remember that they have their own separate ideology. It's not some mindless cult.




If they can arrest seven year old kids, they can arrest anyone. It's just an example of the government's policy of "You are the Terrorist!".




I honestly would rather be a little less secure if it means we will keep our sanity. Not that it matters. I know full well that the terrorists are still perfectly capable of launching a major attack. They're just biding their time.




The terrorists are winning. They're turning us into paranoid twits. That's what terror does, eh?

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You're exaggerating. I don't think the terrorists would send a kid to do their bidding. Remember that they have their own separate ideology. It's not some mindless cult.




Actually, its not uncommon for children to be suicide bombers.





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I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not, but here is a link regarding suicide bombers in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_suic ... n_conflict




And a quote, from the article "estimated 20,000 children involved in active combat roles in the Sudan alone"




Hmm, I never knew that.




But I still don't believe they'd do it to a seven year old.

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Hmm, I never knew that.




But I still don't believe they'd do it to a seven year old.




The only reason they wouldn't is because the 7 year old is not yet old enough to fully appreciate the 'gift' of being a suicide bomber, and not fully capable. Yes, gift; thats what it's considered. Some kids actually BEG to become bombers, even at that age and earlier, but wait until they are 14 or 15 so they become capable of doing some damage. Their parents, as well as most of the radical community, become immensely proud of their children when the deed is done.




I think you need to realize the terrorist mentality, and change your mentality regarding these issues; its not a curse to them, its a blessing. They believe so much in their convictions that their god will reward them for killing people in his name. Child suicide bombers feel rewarded in this. Your thinking of it as, say, letting a 7 year old join the US military. Its the farthest thing from that.

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Hmm, I never knew that.




But I still don't believe they'd do it to a seven year old.




The only reason they wouldn't is because the 7 year old is not yet old enough to fully appreciate the 'gift' of being a suicide bomber, and not fully capable. Yes, gift; thats what it's considered. Some kids actually BEG to become bombers, even at that age and earlier, but wait until they are 14 or 15 so they become capable of doing some damage. Their parents, as well as most of the radical community, become immensely proud of their children when the deed is done.




I think you need to realize the terrorist mentality, and change your mentality regarding these issues; its not a curse to them, its a blessing. They believe so much in their convictions that their god will reward them for killing people in his name. Child suicide bombers feel rewarded in this. Your thinking of it as, say, letting a 7 year old join the US military. Its the farthest thing from that.




I was pointing out that so many people seem to think of terrorists as evil killers when they truely believe they're doing good.

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I was pointing out that so many people seem to think of terrorists as evil killers when they truely believe they're doing good.




But then your statement of "I still don't believe they'd do it to a seven year old." doesn't make sense :?.




I'm saying that they have their own set of morals that are different than anyone else's. The reason they won't do it to a seven year old is because they know a seven year old can't truely comprehend their belief system, though a 16 year old probably can.

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I'm saying that they have their own set of morals that are different than anyone else's. The reason they won't do it to a seven year old is because they know a seven year old can't truely comprehend their belief system, though a 16 year old probably can.




They do feed the kids a bunch of propaganda so they believe its right at that age. However, you are correct when you said they can't comprehend it, which is what I also said a few posts earlier.


I guess this is a case of misunderstanding, I thought you said that out of it being immoral or something like that, and I ended up missing your point. Sorry bout that.

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It's things like this that make me ashamed to be american. I'm living in a country of idiots.
This kind of thing makes me ashamed to be half-American.
mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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I think this is great. We dont need any more arabs/muslims coming into this country anyway. I dont care if theyre terrorists or not. Maybe incidents like this will decrease the number that travel to America. That will only make things easier on the rest of us since less muslims equals less terrorism.

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I think this is great. We dont need any more arabs/muslims coming into this country anyway. I dont care if theyre terrorists or not. Maybe incidents like this will decrease the number that travel to America. That will only make things easier on the rest of us since less muslims equals less terrorism.




Another brainwashed American. #-o

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