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A NEW PIXEL SIG after a while...


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I know how graphics gale works thankyou, I THOUGHT you were using paint from what others said. People seem to think I only do 3D, fact is I've been using photoshop allot longer, and have done isometric pixelart in the past. Doing alias stuff in pixel avoids the point of it being pixel. You may as well just do it in vector.








Eheh...the explanation wasn't totaly aimed to you...let just say there's a lot of ppl asking why i use it and how it does work...however i see your point now you express this way and it seems reasonable somehow. However i think AA is part of pixel work itself. I'm not doing sprites or isometrical pixels so i prefer to get a nicer. softer look. That's mainly all about it, just a matter of taste i guess. However i can assure you that , in this case at least, the pre AA version wasn't that far from the final version mainly because the whole image is color based. About vectors i doubt i can get the same results due to the way 2 clean and somehow cold look you get using those...maybe with raster graphics...but i don't find it as funny/challanging as this.

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Yep... i'll reshape her chin and work a bit over the land on the right in my next version (that is tomorrow since i'm not gonna open GG again today lol)




I wasn't that sure myself about those 2 details and your feedback proved me right *sniffles* :cry: . Thx again for your C/C everyone, it's helpful as usual.

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That is really beautiful, how long did it take?








Also love the imps!








Great Job! :D








Thx, it actualy took me shorter than expected...around 5-6 hours overall, mainly cause anything went the right way...








and you didn't have to worry about as much shading as usual :D








But amazing job. Realy, this is definitly a unique pixel sig :P I love the little bits of land in the background and the water is awsome.








very good job :D probaly my favorite from you yet.

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Just looked at it again, and noticed how nice the simple border does the trick. While you make great sig borders, you chose well to add something simple to a calm and peaceful sig like that one that didn't take the attention away from the moment. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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yeah mrxman ur right i agree wit ya, i think a fancy elegant boreder would prob take away from the whole sig and distract people while a simple border does the trick prob wouldnt have noticed that if u hadnt pointed it out


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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EEEEeee! That's so cuuuute!!! Especially the imps, I bet the couple would LOVE it. And yeahh anti-aliasing is allowed in pixels. Fantastic detail, only 2 probs is the chin and the castle the part "under the castle near the right" harrd to explain oh well. I was like this: :shock: when i saw it

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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his arm around her waste kind of looks deformed because theres 2 bumps right after each other. Maybe make a faint outline around the guys arm so you can tell thats what it is (that is what it is right?)




just my opinion :) and the birds by the castle seem a bit to dark compared to the other birds.

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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yeah allot :D it looks even greater then before great job :D








o and thanks for the advise you gave me earlier it really helped me allot, im making allot of changes to it now :D








No prob bro, my door is always open :)




And wow, nice to hear it's better :D




Thx again, every1, for your C/Cs

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Only one niggle to niggle at which has already been mentioned a few times.... girls profile












Can't fault the rest :o



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