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Seers Vill Flax Field Macro-Prevention


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Well this is a simple let seems to be effective idea. Please read through and constructively critisize.






Well, everyone who is a member here probably knows that Seers Village's Flax Field has many autoers, I have conducted several observations and on average the autoers average amount in the flax fields are 6, (in low populated worlds). I for one am feed up of autoers in a game made for fun, so I am suggesting an "obstacle" be placed.






There should be a screen that pops up the first time you log on, and randomly inbetween entering the flax fields that you must solve to enter. The main idea is there is a guy, lets call him Boris and his gate keeps breaking because of X factor. He volunteers you to fix his gate.




Meet Boris:




He owns the flax fields and he set up a gate to keep out "intruders"(refering to macroers).




So now that you've "volunteered" to fix the gate, a screen pops up:






The object is to click the circle of the gate with the hammer in it, the hammer moves everytime you click and you must do this 5 times. Since Boris is running low on nails you have a 0% margin for failure. If you fail he kicks you back to seers bank where you must come back and fix his gate if you wish to enter. On the side under progress is displayed how many nails you have left (decrease with every click of the fence), how many gate posts you have left(decreases everytime you correctly click the fence i.e. on the hammer) and gate condition(which the percentage raises 20% everytime you correctly click).




You may exit the screen and that resets the fence but you still may not enter unless you fix the gate.






Q: Why would Jagex ever put up something stupid like this? It will show me down!


A: Its only when you first log on and randomly in between, it is designed to stop the large flow of autoers who come to this field. If you believe it is too efficective to use this field anymore, I suggest the gnome stronghold or if you started ME Part I use the patch right infront of the bank.
















[hide=Supporter List]










Thread Sig(s):








O and I hope you enjoyed my state-of-the-art-photoshoping( 8-) ), looks like Jagex made it themselves, no?




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Looks pretty good TBH. Might be a bit annoying at first, but not hard to get used to. Let's just hope the autoer's don't find some complex way of getting around it >.>




And what about the east side? Correct me if I'm wrong, but theres an opening from the beehives to the flax patch, just add in more fence maybe?




Good job.






Feel free to HYT me in-game =)

~~3,483rd to 99 Thieving, Feb 22, 2008~~

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin (& Hobbes)

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Nice idea, it will slow them down for at least a little while. But actually I think they do have ways of finding the hammer, I saw another post about how they use pretty much the same thing to solve other randoms, if you want a more descriptive answer please pm me, I don't want to give macroers any ideas. But you can definitely add my name to support list.

"Nothing in life is permanent, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.


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how would an autoer be able to tell were the hammer would be?




And no I didn't spell it wrong, I mean you've (you + have) as in you've been volunteered.




And I said constructive critism not sarcasm.




They'll find it the exact same way they solve every other random made, by checking for pixel colors and images shapes.

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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I was thinking about this and maybe after you beat it the guys gives you a certain amount of flax(about as many as you could get in the time it takes to fix the gate) to thank you for helping him.

"Nothing in life is permanent, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.


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I think that might work in terms of macros. However, I'm under the imperssion that the majority are really Asian gold farmers playing very repetively, not macros.



You can find loads of information, such as mini-guides I have written, my laws, and links to my stories here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=696442


This is a link to the story Council of Oblivion: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=695628

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It's a nice thought, but practically, it's absolutely useless -- you could simply search for the hammer color within a boxed area (in this case, the interface window).




If you wanted to get more complex, you could even use a DTM (Deformed Template Model) and search for a fuzzy match of the hammer shape.




Overall, this has got to be one of most easily solved randoms I've seen.



Web designer, PHP programmer, security analyst, and occasional goat milker.


ESCAPE WINDOWS! Dedicated poweruser of Ubuntu Linux.

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