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Am I crazy?


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Hello everybody! I am making this post primarily to vent, but also to see if it's me or my parents who are crazy. This post is angsty and involves going to see a "show," but please take it at face value if you are going to reply.




Let's rewind to exactly one week ago. My family and I are eating dinner sans my brother who is sick. Somehow the topic comes up of how I am not especially fond of my high school principal because he institutes various policies that make little sense and serve only to give staff something to do (these include making parts of hallways one-way only so that when you need to go from one end of the school to the other you end up being late every other time no matter how hard you try, not being able to listen to music even during free periods or lunch, making late buses in the afternoon queue up and wait until all the others depart so if your bus driver is a minute late all the time then you end up being 10 minutes late home every day, etc.). My dad seems to be on some personal crusade to change student opinion of staff members who seem to not be doing a very sensible job, since after all he is the one that has to deal with them every day and not me :roll: , so he asks why I don't like him.




I say I don't want to go into it several times, then I ask to stop talking about it, but he pursues. So eventually I mention "we cannot listen to music." Knowing very well what I mean because I have mentioned this point before, he said "so does the band and choir practice in silence? Or do you mean that you can't listen to iPods?" I respond to this by saying "If you had to guess what would you guess?"




This resulted in him calling me a smartass and leaving in a storm of fury. Call me crazy but I usually respond to sarcasm with sarcasm.








So now one week later my mom says "Gee you should apologize to your father." Long story short I tell her that I refuse to apologize to somebody with such a glaring double standard and ignore the the social rules of civilized society to appease somebody who made me buy an $800 laptop because the speakers sounded "fuzzy" when they were turned up all the way (but that's another story).








So today I'm getting ready to be picked up by a friend to go to this big festival with a bunch of local bands. I am going to see my friend's band because I owe him a lot for helping me out with guitar, etc. as well as to see my friends. His band is playing in the morning and another is playing at 4:00. I plan to stay for 12 hours and I have a ride home (this costs $20 per day so I want to get my moneys' worth even if the music sucks). I worked this out four days ago.




However, today my mother tells me that since I was so disrespectful I can only stay for 4 hours or so. She is telling me this an hour before I am set to leave. I mention the fact that perhaps this information might have been more useful to me on a day before today, since now I have to work around her BS. I also mention that I am now paying $20 for 4 hours and missing one of the bands I wanted to see. I can't help but also point out the fact that what I did to warrant such a "punishment" happened a week ago, and her reply was that "she was so stressed out that she just now thought about it."








So call me crazy and angsty, but am I the only one that finds it strange that my parents send me to an adult job and expect me to kiss their [wagon] but turn around and tell me that I have to spend my money a certain way and talk to me in a demeaning manner?


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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No, i never realized how petty some parents were.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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So call me crazy and angsty, but am I the only one that finds it strange that my parents send me to an adult job and expect me to kiss their [wagon] but turn around and tell me that I have to spend my money a certain way and talk to me in a demeaning manner?






nope.. all parents are like that.(at least mine are) Put up with it and smile knowing when they're 60-70 you can take your revenge by sticking them in a crappy old folks home.

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You're both at fault here, you know. You can't lay the blame all on your parents (though they are being rather irrational), you're not helping much. Try to work things out. And if you give an honest effort to compromise and recognize your own faults, but they don't give the same in return, then you are guity of nothing, and I'll sympathize completely.


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To be fair, you could have just pointed out to your dad that bands and choirs can practice without listening to what they're playing.




If you're in high school, they tend to do that a lot.

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I'm sure all our parents are like that. They are irrational at times, but you being sarcastic isn't helping. Parents can get a whole lot worse, i dont mean grounding you all the time, I'm sure you've heard of abusive parents on the news. Just be happy yours aren't like those. Anyway when you post such threads it sounds like your just whining, people have worse problems.

Im Froto



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Final Fantasy 7

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I think the punishment is something handed out because your mom just couldn't be bothered before, so it makes her feel good that "she is getting even" (if that makes sense). In another way, ya sarcasm isn't a really good way to go with parents.




I have a question though. I have seen topics like this from you before, and heard about how your parents are pretty extreme at times. What I am wondering is your age. Because I think that if you are old enough and have a job, you might be able to stop these things by trying to find a way out. Go out and find a cheep apartment to live in. What ever you need to do to get away, try it. If you really want to stop this kind of BS from your parents, you can leave, get emancipated.


Sig by Ikurai

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Ah parents aren't they just loverly people?




Sometimes parents give out punishment because they don't know what else to do, your mother probably knows that your fathers in the wrong, but she's not about to admit it either is she?




Best thing to do is tell her straight, no sarcasm, be straight to her sit her down and TELL HER that you want an adult conversation to discuss whats gone on. Tell her that you don't want to discuss until you've finished.




Not only that but you need to make sure that you don't sound like a whiney child not getting their own way or get angry at it. After all parents make mistakes too! <3:






I get the same problem sometimes, and I end up being angry or upset at whatever they happen to say.




To be quite honest I don't really want to say the ''oh yeah don't be sarcastic'', ok so being sarcastic isn't helping, but then was his dad REALLY helping by being sarcastic in the first place? not only but then he storms off like a child..? just because they are your parents doesn't mean you can't banter with them, and I wouldn't smack my child for doing such a thing, harsh much?




If my dad smacked me for a comment like that at 17, he'd have some sort of problem.




As it is, make sure you talk to your mum, DO apologize to your dad and explain that he wound you up so you retorted with it, again make sure it's a polite conversation where YOU appear like the grown-up.




Let your intentions know if you wish for this kind of conversation to cease. I hope it helps!!! <3:

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.




You don't smack teenagers for being sarcastic, that would only make the situation worse. Then again your dad smacked you and you turned out fine right?

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.




which i s why you wont be having children :)

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.




You don't smack teenagers for being sarcastic, that would only make the situation worse. Then again your dad smacked you and you turned out fine right?




I did.

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Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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So call me crazy and angsty, but am I the only one that finds it strange that my parents send me to an adult job and expect me to kiss their [wagon] but turn around and tell me that I have to spend my money a certain way and talk to me in a demeaning manner?






nope.. all parents are like that.(at least mine are) Put up with it and smile knowing when they're 60-70 you can take your revenge by sticking them in a crappy old folks home.




Your going to get revenge for them looking after you for like 20 years?

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.




You don't smack teenagers for being sarcastic, that would only make the situation worse. Then again your dad smacked you and you turned out fine right?




I did.




No you didn't, you're advertising your home address online to a bunch of people you don't know. Your avatar is a picture of a stuffed animal.

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.


OK, so would you rather your child mouth off to his mates that you're a variety of coloured words and work himself up, or would you rather he post about it on an Internet forums in privacy asking people what they think of it, questioning his own judgement? At no point is he saying how "righteous" he is, he's asking for other people if they think he's right.




Also, I don't believe you would just smack a child spontaneously for that comment. The fear factor in smacking a child comes in the threat of being smacked, not the act itself. Get 100 parents in a room, and 99 of them will tell you actually smacking a child has no effect, or if there is an effect, it's counter-productive because it makes the child more hostile, not more obedient.




As for the matter in hand, you were slightly disrespectful, so you did deserve a cold shoulder from both your parents. At the end of the day you have to respect there is a heirachy. I can understand that you think just because you have an adult job, you must be treated as an adult by your parents, but as long as you're living under their roof, abide by their judgement.




Having said that, I do personally think your Dad handled the situation wrong and both of your parents have completely blown this out of proportion. I know my Dad would be a tiny bit more understanding, and in fact probably wouldn't have got so annoyed at the sarcasm in the first place. He's always taught me and my siblings that if you can't take it, don't dish it, and he also understands he has to abide by that in order to set an example.

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I used to always come back with these 'smart arse" comments, but then i realised how much my dad has sacrificed to me, working a 12 hour job (4 days on 4 off) for 20 years then i decided, even if i don't agree with what he says i'll not disrespect him by saying something that could offend him. I have good respect for people who work for their family and if i disagree with them i'll not lower myself to little jibes like the one you said. I don't know what your parents are like but if they're anything like mine i'd say you were wrong for treating your dad that way.




The punishment, well thats anyones guess, from your perspective its 'what the hell this happened ages ago" and from theirs they are teaching you one of those "life lessons". If it happened to me i'd be annoyed. 8-)

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It seems as if a topic like this comes round every few months from you. Just on the basis of that you gotta wonder if the way you're handling things is right. I think the best course of action (in general, not specific here) is to bite the bullet and just do what they say, without the sarcasm. It's not the greatest situation, but it might improve things a little.




Also, rules like no music and one way systems are enforced in lots of schools, they're quite common health and safety rules.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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No music is actually because people's 400 dollar iPods get stolen and they expect the school to reimburse them because of it




That and because as much as teenagers think it helps, the music actually distracts your brain from working at full compacity, therefore it is not as good for learning.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I want to hear that laptop story. drop me a pm if you dont want everyone else to see it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I want to hear that laptop story. drop me a pm if you dont want everyone else to see it.


Yeah, and me pl0x! :P




That and because as much as teenagers think it helps, the music actually distracts your brain from working at full compacity, therefore it is not as good for learning.


He mentions the ban is in breaks. Why would be learning in a break?

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That and because as much as teenagers think it helps, the music actually distracts your brain from working at full compacity, therefore it is not as good for learning.


He mentions the ban is in breaks. Why would be learning in a break?




Then we go to reason one, what Shadowfax said.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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