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Who are Runescape players?


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Nerd? No.




Geek? Yes, (and proud of it :lol: )




Anyways, I'm 15, I live in Canada and go to high school like any normal person my age. I find school to be very easy, although personaly I hate it because it bores me to hell. And I'm one of those people that lives to play Runescape, its just something I do to unwind and have some fun after school and on the weekends.




I'm not so much a nerd as a person of exceptional intelligence, poor hand-eye coordination, and a social demeanor such that I don't get invited to many parties.




^ Had to quote this for the truth. (Describes me perfectly)


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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I have a ton of strong relationships with quite a few people and I consider myself very social. I thoroughly enjoy school and probably spend too my time on my laptop, but I don't consider myself a nerd/geek. I also like physically pushing myself to the limits and I am physically fit, but I could never see myself being on a sports team.




It appears that I'm balanced, and I quite like it. :D

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31 years old... Married with 2 kids and a dog. Have my own IT consultancy firm in conjunction with my business partner. Been playing computer games since before a lot of you were even born. Outside of which though I run every day (first marathon coming up in just over a week), hit the gym five mornings a week, play guitar, serve on various committees for my kids' school and kindergarten. Enjoy going out to our friends houses for dinner or having them over to ours... usual sort of life I suppose.

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I'm 17 years old (18 in October). I train football (soccer) each day and have at least 1 match each week. From next summer when I'm done with gymnasium - can be compared to college - I'll play football on a professionel stage. Yes, I'll get paid for playing - it will be my job :D


I have been together with my girlfriend for more than 3ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý years, I have many friends and I obviously got a shaped body. No nerd here - RS just my "hobby" :P




God, this world sure is small..




I have 16, I will turn 17 on March, also train soccer, i live in Mexico. Where the good stuff is!


Some guy from Chivas (It's a team in Mexico) saw me on a game my team won like 10 - 0 :XD: he decided i could enter the training prgram, which i am adapting too. I have good grades, very good social life and a grilfriend for 1 year now <3:

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I'm an almost-17-year-old high-school student from Washington State. Although I'm not "popular", I have a decent circle of friends and am respected as one of the smartest kids in school by many of my classmates. I don't play sports, but I'm still reasonably in shape - I walk 2.5 miles to school and back each day, and do weight training and conditioning excercises. Along with video games I like reading and self-directed study (learning is fun when you're not in school 8-) ), and participating in activites with the local Boy Scouts.




P.S. Anyone here who has heard the myth that it rains 24/7/365 in Seattle, it's not true - the rain takes a day off once a year :wink: .

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Sorry about posting this, but hating school doesn't make you not a nerd, most 'nerds' I know actually hate school, they bunk off ect. to play their PC games, when I say nerd I didn't mean a good two shoes or whatever, a computer nerd was more implied.


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Oh, I'm totally a geek. But only at work, which is where I mostly play RS. Outside work, I have friends, a pleasant relationship with alcohol, and a rather time-consuming hobby of sleeping. To be honest, I've only just got back into RS after about six months off caused by taking up with some girl, who now falls into the ex category. I'm currently trying to tempt another into going out with me, and I sincerely doubt I'll mention RS to her. But in the mean time, I have rats to catch.

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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