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Gender Dysphoria

The Dark Lord

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Er, actually I took defenders post in jest as I am sure he had intended it. That's why my post was kinda light hearted.




Fight humour with humour I say! In fact, fight most things with humour, you may get killed but you end up with a lorra friends at the funeral :lol:




Edit: There is a serious side too, have you ever thought that Serephurus is going through a lot at the moment, and that she feels so much about this part of her life that it is inevitable to come out a lot. I would love to see how you would react in such a situation.

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I have a wee bit of a story for you, Ser.




I had these two friends, a couple. (yes, I mean like dating, living together and all that.) They were both transgendered, off the opossite ways(one being male going female and the other vice versa). They had their problems becuase they hadn't fully made the transition, but were both on hormones, and getting therapy from good people and all that. One had problems with her parents. Her mother had named her strangely, being born male and given a female name, but I don't think that was the cause of that. The mother was a druggie and pretty much disowned Ashley when she came out and told her story. The other half, Alex, had his issues and was living on his own, but had problems finding jobs because he was going from female to male. But he did find them, and was able to keep them due to understanding people. His family, from what I had gathered, didn't care too much about the issues, but they lived in another state so I had never heard much about them. Buth they got on fine, got jobs doing things they fairly enjoyed, and didn't care what happened in the long run, as long as they were happy. Only thing I regret is losing contact with them due to my moving to a new place and then other family stuff happened and I lost their number.




What I'm trying to say is that you can be you, you just may have to wait a bit first. Even if you have to suck it up until you turn 18, and then find a nice college up north to go to, and get your education. You will be able to lead a normal life, just gonna have to deal for 2 years.




Best wishes, and don't let them get to you. Their beliefs lead them to think it's wrong, but they are just trying to do what they think is best for you according to what they believe in. They still love you, don't forget that.

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There is one other thing you have to consider, the longer they wait, the worse the effects the male hormones in the body will have. And no woman wants all that.




Of course, one wouldn't want to start taking them at the age of 40, but you can wait until 18 to start. My friend Alex didn't start taking the male hormone until he was 20, when he could actually get them. And physically, he's normal.

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Yes but the effects of male hormones are much more severe than female hormones. i.e. facial hair, voice deepening bone density etc. Female hormones do not reverse these effects. This is why it is much harder for male to female TSs to "pass" in everyday life. Once diagnosed, the earlier they start HRT the better.

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Yes but the effects of male hormones are much more severe than female hormones. i.e. facial hair, voice deepening bone density etc. Female hormones do not reverse these effects. This is why it is much harder for male to female TSs to "pass" in everyday life. Once diagnosed, the earlier they start HRT the better.




Unfortunately, being underaged, one would need parental consent to start taking any kind of hormones, so that may be out of the question. So waiting would be the only option at this point.

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Yes but the effects of male hormones are much more severe than female hormones. i.e. facial hair, voice deepening bone density etc. Female hormones do not reverse these effects. This is why it is much harder for male to female TSs to "pass" in everyday life. Once diagnosed, the earlier they start HRT the better.




I'm afraid of the testosterone damaging me further. Right now, my face doesn't seem too masculine. I hope the testosterone doesn't make me go through any changes before I can get HRT. I've thought about taking my mom's birth control pills, but I would be caught and punished. I don't know what to do.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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DO NOT TAKE ANY KIND OF HORMONES WITH OUT A DOCTORS CONSENT. I seriously don't recommend it as it is super unnatural to get extra hormones like that.




And seriously... stop worrying about it.


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Nothing wrong with it, but homosexuality is still a sin.


The only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus of the Old Testament, and if you follow Leviticus, then you must also follow the rules within it regarding incense, altars, and meat offerings.


Genesis 2:23-24


[hide]The man said,


"This is now bone of my bones


and flesh of my flesh;


she shall be called 'woman,'


for she was taken out of man."




For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. [/hide]




And thanks for the response on genes, but it makes me wonder about the Hypothalamus thing that ClareJonsson posted.


That is a description of reproduction, not a condemnation of homosexuality. For example, a passage in the bible that talks about vaginal sex does not condemn oral sex.




Once again, the only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus in the Old Testament, which contains a whole bunch of other outdated rules.

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Once again, the only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus in the Old Testament, which contains a whole bunch of other outdated rules.




Romans Ch.1


(I know it's offtopic, but just wanted to point out the inconsistency in your thought.)

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Once again, the only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus in the Old Testament, which contains a whole bunch of other outdated rules.




Romans Ch.1


(I know it's offtopic, but just wanted to point out the inconsistency in your thought.)




Isn't romans a letter written by paul? Is that considered divine word?

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I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Share the rest of your concerns with your psychologist (who would have to have the most patience I have ever heard about) and save any other impulsive rants for the people on your msn list (if they aren't already tired of hearing about it).




"I'm impressed by how much you know" - If I had a dollar for every time that was said in the counselling office...



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Once again, the only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus in the Old Testament, which contains a whole bunch of other outdated rules.




Romans Ch.1


(I know it's offtopic, but just wanted to point out the inconsistency in your thought.)




Because of this [idolatry], God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.




Paul assumed that homosexuality was a conscious deviation from heterosexuality, in the same way that a heterosexual couple who practice oral sex can also have vaginal sex but choose not to, or a fat man who continues to gorge himself and chooses not to lose weight. In the two millenniums since Paul wrote his letters, science has shown that homosexuality is related to modifications in genetics and psychology, which means that homosexuals are not inherently hetero and are not able to have sex with women. Unlike the fat man who is inherently healthy and must make the choice to lose weight.




Paul criticized homosexuality because he thought it was a willful sin that could be self-corrected at any time. Since his criticism was specifically in that context, and that context has since been disproved, his criticism is no longer valid.




Edit: That was kind of wordy. The basic idea is that Paul only considered the sexual aspect of homosexuality. Namely, the actual act of anal sex. He believed that men who have sex in the butt with other men could easily switch back to having sex with vaginas, in the same way that one could easily switch from oral to vaginal. He did not consider that homosexuality could be more than a just a preference for a particular orifice.

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I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Share the rest of your concerns with your psychologist (who would have to have the most patience I have ever heard about) and save any other impulsive rants for the people on your msn list (if they aren't already tired of hearing about it).




"I'm impressed by how much you know" - If I had a dollar for every time that was said in the counselling office...




What do you care how long this topic goes on? Don't post here if you are too immature to care about someone else. She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise.




Serephurus, I hope your parents learn to accept you one day. Good luck.

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I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Share the rest of your concerns with your psychologist (who would have to have the most patience I have ever heard about) and save any other impulsive rants for the people on your msn list (if they aren't already tired of hearing about it).




"I'm impressed by how much you know" - If I had a dollar for every time that was said in the counselling office...




What do you care how long this topic goes on? Don't post here if you are too immature to care about someone else. She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise.


Ultimate FAIL.




Lecture Goddess of all people. Not to put her on a pedestal, but Jesus Christ, she's the frikkin' Tip.it psychologist, one of the, if not the only, person actually qualified to fully discuss this matter, other than explaining the biology of it. Don't even act like you have any right to use condescending words, especially in this thread of all places.




Have you even read this thread at all? Or did you just pop in looking for a quick ego-boost? I'm not being rhetorical; it seems like you just chose someone at random to insult, without even thinking about what you were saying or who you were saying it to. If that's true, you sure as hell picked the wrong person and the wrong post to attempt enhancing your e-credz.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Share the rest of your concerns with your psychologist (who would have to have the most patience I have ever heard about) and save any other impulsive rants for the people on your msn list (if they aren't already tired of hearing about it).




"I'm impressed by how much you know" - If I had a dollar for every time that was said in the counselling office...




What do you care how long this topic goes on? Don't post here if you are too immature to care about someone else. She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise.


Ultimate FAIL.




Lecture Goddess of all people. Not to put her on a pedestal, but Jesus Christ, she's the frikkin' Tip.it psychologist, one of the, if not the only, person actually qualified to fully discuss this matter, other than explaining the biology of it. Don't even act like you have any right to use condescending words, especially in this thread of all places.




Have you even read this thread at all? Or did you just pop in looking for a quick ego-boost? I'm not being rhetorical; it seems like you just chose someone at random to insult, without even thinking about what you were saying or who you were saying it to. If that's true, you sure as hell picked the wrong person and the wrong post to attempt enhancing your e-credz.






She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise.




but i do have to agree with this statement he made...if she really needed to come here and spill everything out to us..then i think we can show our sympathy and empathy..other wise if you don't

have nothing really nice to say or something then just don't post..




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DO NOT TAKE ANY KIND OF HORMONES WITH OUT A DOCTORS CONSENT. I seriously don't recommend it as it is super unnatural to get extra hormones like that.





I agree with this, taking anything that was not prescribed for you is extremely dangerous.


The last thing you would want is to damage yourself before your life has even begun.




I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Well this thread is about this subject and how she feels, and looks like she may be getting some advice and help too. Carry on posting I say.

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Good for you. If you feel unhappy with whatever and you can change it, then go ahead, just as long as it makes you happy.




For some reason, I can never fully understand the Churches. Me, being an Athiest, really makes me look at the Churches beliefs and systems.




I haven't read the Bible, but would anyone mind telling me if it has a problem with all this? I know it does about gays, but I'd like to know.




I don't fully understand. You were born a boy, you feel you were meant to be a girl/should be a girl? Are you going to get surgery?




Sorry if the questions seem blatent/harsh. I am just wondering. I grew up with a gay brother and I understand how Church/most of Society feels about him and his choices.




Btw, do you like the opposite/same sex. I know this whole condition, which is where you were supposed to be born as the opposite sex of which you currently are, so you probably do like the opposite sex. God, I just confused myself, lol.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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I believe your condition but now it's time to stop attention seeking. You've had your rant, you've had your spot on the centre stage, now it's time to turn off the light, climb off the stage and go home like the rest of the audience.




Share the rest of your concerns with your psychologist (who would have to have the most patience I have ever heard about) and save any other impulsive rants for the people on your msn list (if they aren't already tired of hearing about it).




"I'm impressed by how much you know" - If I had a dollar for every time that was said in the counselling office...




What do you care how long this topic goes on? Don't post here if you are too immature to care about someone else. She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise.


Ultimate FAIL.




Lecture Goddess of all people. Not to put her on a pedestal, but Jesus Christ, she's the frikkin' Tip.it psychologist, one of the, if not the only, person actually qualified to fully discuss this matter





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Btw, do you like the opposite/same sex. I know this whole condition, which is where you were supposed to be born as the opposite sex of which you currently are, so you probably do like the opposite sex. God, I just confused myself, lol.




Believe it or not, but generally what gender you are and what your sexual preference is is not really connected. For instance, lesbians are girls and they don't want to be men. And the same for gay men, they don't feel like they are women.

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Well this thread is about this subject and how she feels, and looks like she may be getting some advice and help too. Carry on posting I say.




Indeed the thread is about this subject; perhaps I should have been clearer when stating it was about the transgender posts in general. Sep may be getting help and advice but most probably no more than what her local psychologist has already given.




Sure, use this thread to carry on posting. However, I was kindly suggesting a tone down in other threads because frankly I'm sure I'm not the only person tired of hearing about it. And, this happened well before your opinions were given on off topic, however thoughtful or valid they may be.




IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m having a problem and IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m unsure if anyone else is having the same problem but I can't even have a normal conversation with the young lass. Quite quickly it becomes a one way conversation with Sep talking about herself and only herself.




To be honest I have never spoken to someone who is as self absorbed. Sep is a wonderful person; there is no doubt about that! However, there is no need to bring it up in topics that don't even require a lecture about transgender.




There is a time and a place and regardless of your thoughful opinion, it really is time to get over it.




mrpez says some silly things






To quote Sep for anybody who is having an empathy over-loading break down:




Me: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅIt sounds to me youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re more interested in hearing from someone who is both interested and baffled by your condition, rather than actually treating it.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Edit: That was kind of wordy. The basic idea is that Paul only considered the sexual aspect of homosexuality. Namely, the actual act of anal sex. He believed that men who have sex in the butt with other men could easily switch back to having sex with vaginas, in the same way that one could easily switch from oral to vaginal. He did not consider that homosexuality could be more than a just a preference for a particular orifice.




Note that Paul also condemns men being "inflamed with lust for one another" - this isn't an action, it is an attitude, or way of being.




Isn't romans a letter written by paul? Is that considered divine word?




It's irrelevant. It's a part of the Bible.

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When someone is genuinely having a problem they ask for help.




When someone is attention seeking, they constantly cry for help about the same thing, repetitively even though they have already been heard.





I find it quite helpful to write things down and post them on a forum. For some reason it's important to me that it's public. Otherwise i could just write a diary.




Also i some comments you gave made me realise how self absorbed i am myself. So discussing this topic isn't just about Serep. It's about all people involved.




I guess you are right that you shouldn't drag your problems everywhere you go, but this thread is about Seps problems. So Serep can leave them on this thread now, instead of voicing them on random threads. For my part this is the first time though that i heard about Sereps gender issue (do you notice how i avoid pronouns?). I guess it's just nothing that would catch my attention.






@Serep: Your parents don't allow you to shave your legs? lol! Really that's basically the same problem soo many teenagers have. They want to be that or do that and their parents freak out. "What? No way you are going there/doing that!" "Let me see your (idk what)! Omg! You are meeting xy again, you are doing drugs again, you were fighting again!"




Ultimately nobody can force you to do anything without tieing you to your bed and feeding you intravenous. Next time you shave your legs, go to your mother, plant a leg on the table and say: "I shaved my legs. Wanna touch? Feels all smooth now." :D ) Just because you feel like a girl doesn't mean you can't stand up for yourself, does it? I reckon you aren't a transvestit, yet i think you could learn something from them.




I'm all for confrontation. Sometimes it's better to swollow it up, because the matter is just too trivial, but in your case it's something you really want to do and your parents really don't want you to do. So just rub it under their noses, instead of hiding. Eventually they'll accept it or they throw you out.




ah well.. just another 2 cents of mine.

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