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Gears of War


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Before anyone calls it an FPS, it's not. It's called a "tactical shooter" apparently, but it's still an FPS to me. Halo with ducking and minus the jumping.




It's got a fan following because it's got a rather innovative style. I don't mean the lancer and bolo grenades (the chainsaw rifle and swingy grenade) which are hardly original in my opinion, but the gameplay elements. The duck-cover, new reload bar, etc are fun quirks, but it's the team based combat and the somewhatrealistic fighting (as opposed to the chaotic nature of FPSs like Halo) that appeals to hardcore xbox shooter fans.




Is it the new Halo, popularity wise? It might be, but i dunno. It doesn't have that pizazz, that simple but satisfying entertainment Halo has. It's multiplayer and co-op is pretty good, but don't expect much from the storyline or any deeper meaning in the game.




PS: Did I mention the great graphics and detailing? Not that it's exactly colorful. I hate how the predominant color is brown in it. The people, the sky, the water, the bullets, all brown. Argh.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I wouldn't consider Gears an FPS for the simple fact that its not played in a first person view. It's more of a third person perspective with first person elements considering the camera is always behind Marcus and only goes into a first person perspective when aiming.




Either way, it was still a brilliant game despite the shortness of it.

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I hate how the predominant color is brown in it. The people, the sky, the water, the bullets, all brown. Argh.




This simple fact ruins the enitre game for me. I've played many shooters (fps' included) and Gears of War is one of the worst ones I've played because even when you set the graphics to "vibrant colors" it is still all brown/grey. Also, when you try to take cover, the a-button option keeps switching around, which makes you roll into combat when you wanted to duck behing a wall. :x


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doubtful, but i had my hopes up before halo 3 came out, lol




The main reason why GOW is such a good game isn't its campaign (which in my view was only decent). It's the multiplayer thats so good . Hosting a game and beating a team of 4 while you only have 2 (which may sound like im bragging, but im not when you host its kinda easy to win, even when someone like me plays :oops: ) The best thing i like about GOW Multi is the fact that you can glitch, it doenst make you invincibly! Sure, if someone is crab-walking (you are running and shooting at same time incase someone doesn't know) all you have to do is down them w/ a sniper, stick them w/ a tork, or stick them with a grenade. Its ever possible to shotgun them to death.*




* ok so there are some gltiches which get you out of the map, but once your our there you no help to your team.

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I was far more wow'd by GoW than I was by all three Halo games combined. Halo's online is the only reason anyone plays that game (because it's quite good) but GoW was all-around awesome.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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I'm not sure why everyone considers Gears' multiplayer that good. There's only four game types, around a dozen maps and hardly any game variety. The sheer number of glitches is alarming, and new ones are being found as patches remove the old ones. There's a little more than half dozen or so weapons that people actually use (11 if you count them all), and few of them are really innovative. After a month or so, the multi justs get boring, which explains why the achievements take so long to get; that is, to prolong the playing time.


Although I'm more of a free-for-all game person, the team-based gameplay isn't bad at all. But the point is there are better team based games. Gears is a good game to be sure, but it isn't the greatest game I've ever seen.




Note that I like the game and am definitely not opposed to it, but it just gets to me when people say "gears teh best thing evah".

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I stayed at a friends house for a few days and we decided to play this. Me and him finished this so quickly it wasn't funny. I'd heard all this hype and then it was over before I had really got into it. The graphics were good but the gameplay was average at best. Guess I'm more of a halo person. :D


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Great single player campaign (or if you played it co-op). I never really played the multiplayer so can't comment on it.








I loved the campaign but its gone down hill since most over rated game of the century.






I'm with you there. I thought it was a good game, and to be honest worth of a lot of the praise, but to be thought of as one of the best games ever is simply misleading.






However I had a great deal of fun with the campaign. Perhaps it was because it was the first co-op game in ages me and my little brother played, but it was good fun.

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Great single player campaign (or if you played it co-op). I never really played the multiplayer so can't comment on it.








I loved the campaign but its gone down hill since most over rated game of the century.






I'm with you there. I thought it was a good game, and to be honest worth of a lot of the praise, but to be thought of as one of the best games ever is simply misleading.






However I had a great deal of fun with the campaign. Perhaps it was because it was the first co-op game in ages me and my little brother played, but it was good fun.




also halo 3 six hr completing didn't do it any favors at all tbh.


But it comes on pc soon!!! :D

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also halo 3 six hr completing didn't do it any favors at all tbh.


But it comes on pc soon!!! :D


Halo 3's 11 levels was more than Gears' what, five? Although gear's campaign is more fun, especially when playing for the first time. I have to say halo has more replay value though.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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  • 8 months later...

Great for co-op single player, insanely overated multiplayer. I don't get what everyone sees in the multiplayer; it's glitchy, the host advantage is massive, the shotgun is random. I still don't see the point of using a chainsaw when you start with a shotgun.

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also halo 3 six hr completing didn't do it any favors at all tbh.


But it comes on pc soon!!! :D


Halo 3's 11 levels was more than Gears' what, five? Although gear's campaign is more fun, especially when playing for the first time. I have to say halo has more replay value though.






Bump from the grave .. Shoot me. I dare ya.




But still no halo3 doesnt .. Insane on gears lasts much much longer than halos legendary.

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My favourite 360 game, played online multiplayer to death. With a group of friends it's actually really fun and only gets more fun when you're "good" at the game and playing against other good people. I'm in a clan and Gears is our main game, we play it pretty much every night, everyone is at a similar level with certain people being better at certain things, in fact our clan has even been featured in a 360 Magazine 8-)




In my official clan games at Gears, I'm unbeaten. Only played two mind you, but one of those was on Warzone while my clan normally play execution, so new tactics had to be used




I don't understand all the hate for the game <3:

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