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an appeal to all usa tipiters


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If at all possible, try the West Virginia mountains. Almost every resort over here would be open for skiing by now, and it's really quite fun. Beyond that, make SURE you go to Philadelphia and get a cheesesteak. You will thank me for it. :thumbsup:

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Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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The most important thing to remember is that the US is MUCH bigger then most countries. Driving from one end to the other takes around 5 days to a week depending on how much you stop, so unless you plan on flying all over the place, pick one area of the country (at most 1/4) and find things to do there. That being said, there is TONS of stuff to do wherever you go. Theres already been many great suggestions in this topic, but one place I would recommend is Washington DC. Between the Smithsonian (the largest museum in the world) and all the monuments there, you really cannot go wrong. That, along wit NYC will easily keep you busy through three months.

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If your into history and on the east coast Philledalphia is a must because of independence hall and the liberty bell. If you go to washington DC the smithsonian museum and the many monuments should keep you busy. Try to be careful if your in Pennsylvania, our less intelligent hunters have been known to shoot certain color cars thinking its part of an animal in season.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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The most important thing to remember is that the US is MUCH bigger then most countries. Driving from one end to the other takes around 5 days to a week depending on how much you stop, so unless you plan on flying all over the place, pick one area of the country (at most 1/4) and find things to do there. That being said, there is TONS of stuff to do wherever you go. Theres already been many great suggestions in this topic, but one place I would recommend is Washington DC. Between the Smithsonian (the largest museum in the world) and all the monuments there, you really cannot go wrong. That, along wit NYC will easily keep you busy through three months.




DC is a nice area, good bit to do there. I lived in a suburb of it for around a year and a half-ish.

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I reccomend Zion National Park, Niagra Falls, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, the Redwoods of California, all worth the trip.




Dunno how many of those have been posted but they are all good.

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