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They should have a "free members day"


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I don't think this could ever work. Too many p2pers would complain about noobs filling up member worlds. and although the f2pers would be happy for a day they'd want more "trial days" like this and become unhappy when jagex refuses, which will lower the percent that'd be willing to pay if they had more of a tatse. also, if there was a "select few" who did get chosen to try members, the lower level people would complain so much it wouldnt be funny. for example:








Level 100 f2per: Woo-hooo i get to go on members!




level 99 f2per: What???? I don't! No Fair!








just wouldnt work

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Can a mod please close this? All it's going to do is get out of hand and flame-like again. Besides...the last post from the one that bumped it is 6 months older...that's a bit TOO long ago to be bumping a dead topic. lol








I seriously wish people who search topics would look at the last date it was posted on. If it hasn't been posted on for like a week, for God's sake...don't post on it.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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I suppose you are right that a trial would end with some idoit loging out in members area to try to stay there.












On the theory it is great but in practice it prob wont work there are just too many idoits out there...

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Having something like that would be horrible...








We pay for RuneScape so WE can get the extras provided by Jagex. If they offered no extras, I wouldnt be a member... Making a day where anyone is available to these extras would really make alot of members, like myself, mad...








Except for Agility, ANYTHING that the free players would do would be a waste of time. Most objects found in members only worlds can only be used in members worlds... In Free Worlds, they give no bonuses, no stats, nothing... I counts as though you arent weilding anything...








If free players want to know what being a member is like, then $5(An estimate, of course. Depending on what country you live in, and what method you choose, this will vary) isnt that much to lose. If you dont like it, you can unsubscribe.

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Here is the problem.








Noob: OMGz0rs I can;t login cause I left my account in a members area!!!!








Jagex: Right, that's it no more free member days!




Auctually, when you log on a free server after being in a members area on a members server, you log back on in Lumbridge.








Anyways, as for the idea. Its pretty interesting. Not sure how well it will work, but I dont see any harm in trying. Other games do things like this.

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I think you should be shot. The amount of people would be over whelming(sp?) not only for the worlds but for jagex's money. Might aswell put a hole in their pockets.








[EDIT] Oh yeah, f2p is basically a taster so either become a member or don't post something like this.

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i may f2p but this is a bad idea to do a free member day. to many things could go wrong. its near impossible to change the lvls. if you read the FAQ on the site it says once a lvl is there it stays forever. they could never reset all the f2p skills to what they were.

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It sounds like a good idea to me.








But if you think better, listen to the consequences.








-Everyone of F2P will log on to a Member World, making the F2P Worlds almost empty..so this will cause empty Member Worlds.











How will the member worlds become empty because there are no ppl on the F2P ones? or are you suggesting no one would log on at all?

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If I had a dollar for everytime I heard an f2p player say something like this...well, lets just say I'd never have to worry about paying for my membership ever again, no would my future children, or grandchildren, or great-grandchildren....


"And if Strength is born from Heartbreak, then mountains I could move..."


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...Its not that members hate f2p for being f2p..... its that they act like noobs!!! ever been to world 1 lumbridge? hmmmm? IT WOULD BE LIKE THAT FOR MOST OF THE MEMBERS WORLD!!! :roll:








Honestly, all you sound like to me is just another f2p noob who refuses to pay a lousy 5 bucks a month for members.








^Wow, posts like these in this thread by certain "paying members" sure show how "mature," "unnoobish," and "sophisticated" they are.








Come on, its obvious these forums are dominated by members, but sometimes it seems like a cult, the KKK.








Some but not all members on these forums are straight-up jackasses who generalize that all f2pers are noobs and want free membership. Just because you begged your mommy for some petty cash out of her purse doesn't make you a better person whatsoever.








Everytime there's a topic like this you always have a few members running in acting extremely defensive in an arrogant manner. Why? cause if Jagex would ever give f2p updates, then they would feel gipped, and cant stand the thought of others getting stuff that they paid for (I would probably feel gipped as well)








But there's no need to generalize and call all f2pers noobs, so what if there are noobs on F2p? Everyone was a noob at one point and I actually enjoy helping/harassing noobs.








Btw I think the free members day is a bad idea, nor do I think f2p should get updates. Go bang ur moms u p2p @sswipes!!! j/k :twisted:

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If f2p people could go to p2p worlds for one day, they wouldn't be able back to free to play worlds, unless they were in f2p spots.*Which I doubt would happen, because they would explore the p2p world*Good try, but it won't happen

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It's a good idea, I think. By the way, I'm a member. F2p has no idea what they're misssing. When I was one, I decided to try out members, I was shocked. I hadn't realized how much more stuff p2p got. A "Free Members Day" once a few months would dramatically increase business.








This is how they should do it:








F2p'ers would be atreated the same as any member that day. They could do any member's quest, and train any member's skill. However, they would not have the ability to trade for members items. A f2p person would have a red X over them to signify what they are. If they tried to trade for a members item, a "You can't trade for member's items, you're a free member" woulld appear.








At the end of the day, any skills would revert to 1, any finished members quests would chagne back to red. Any quest gained items would dissappear.

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If f2p people could go to p2p worlds for one day, they wouldn't be able back to free to play worlds, unless they were in f2p spots.*Which I doubt would happen, because they would explore the p2p world*Good try, but it won't happen








Exactly, That will cause alot i mean ALOT, of complaints to Jagex due to this, so no freakin way Jagex will ever do this, i pay to be in the members world and dont want noobs flooding our worlds that we pay for, cause they may also get alot of the members stuff and be pissed off that they cant use the item(s) anymore, nor trade them. Bad idea, case closed.

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fight fight




nah just jokes




peple who r in p2p spots will jst be teled to lumby or fally or varry










Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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