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Dreadnought [Sketch]


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Inspired by playing a bit of Dawn of War, I drew a Dreadnought...
















Didn't use any reference so it's probably a little too tall compared to the normal squat chassis, but I think it's pretty good for the lack of reference.

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hey, WH40k flashback :)








is that were it came from? if so, draw an eldar walker thingy next, they look really cool.








I think this one looks cool, the proportions seem good, it has a very twisted torso, but I that's what you went for, so it's ok.








there isn't much shading on it, however, maybe you could choose a lightsource and work from there?

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Heh, thanks.








I tried to add shading by using the muzzle flash as a lightsource as well as another lightsource from the right, but with the amount of pencilwork on the paper it couldn't be done any more without horrible smudges. :?

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space marine neeb, i'll scan in a picture of abbadon the despoiler i drew (chaos rules)
















here it is :P








I hate abbadon, always slaughtered my Catachan squads :cry:




Yeah it gives som WH40k flashbacks, pretty nice sig.

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I hate abbadon, always slaughtered my Catachan squads :cry:




Yeah it gives som WH40k flashbacks, pretty nice sig.








And he kicked the imperium's [wagon] in the last campaign.








Both awesome drawings anyway.

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aah, Abaddon aswell :) gotta love him








*runs off to see if they made a new model for him








did they?
















yes, ncie sketch on that...umm...warrior...thing









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wh40k is a version of war hammer. this is basicly a massive, morden (in the case of 40k) game of chess. you buy new and better characters and have a certain amount of points for your amry. genraly the better the character the more points it uses up.








this is what i remember, i havent played it for quite a while and have never had an army.....








(too much money)


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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wh40k is a version of war hammer. this is basicly a massive, morden (in the case of 40k) game of chess. you buy new and better characters and have a certain amount of points for your amry. genraly the better the character the more points it uses up.








this is what i remember, i havent played it for quite a while and have never had an army.....








(too much money)








or its like dungeon and dragons.....








and i really like your drawing zonor... better than ran's :lol: lol jk



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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wh40k is a version of war hammer. this is basicly a massive, morden (in the case of 40k) game of chess. you buy new and better characters and have a certain amount of points for your amry. genraly the better the character the more points it uses up.








this is what i remember, i havent played it for quite a while and have never had an army.....








(too much money)








or its like dungeon and dragons.....








and i really like your drawing zonor... better than ran's :lol: lol jk








ok.. so its one of those things you paint and then just.. let it stand there and chess with it?




i kinda know what it is now.. never seen one in real life.




dont know what dungeons and dragons is either, guess im not that interested in these kind of things.








well ok time for some c-c








ran your drawing doesnt even have close to the amount of depth it should have.








zonorch, to dark more highlights.

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wh40k is a version of war hammer. this is basicly a massive, morden (in the case of 40k) game of chess. you buy new and better characters and have a certain amount of points for your amry. genraly the better the character the more points it uses up.








this is what i remember, i havent played it for quite a while and have never had an army.....








(too much money)








or its like dungeon and dragons.....








and i really like your drawing zonor... better than ran's :lol: lol jk








ok.. so its one of those things you paint and then just.. let it stand there and chess with it?




i kinda know what it is now.. never seen one in real life.




dont know what dungeons and dragons is either, guess im not that interested in these kind of things.








well ok time for some c-c








ran your drawing doesnt even have close to the amount of depth it should have.








zonorch, to dark more highlights.

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A bit more complex, actually.








*whips out his weirdly-colored Eldar army*




*notices he lost his Codex*








It was actually a nice game, but an EXTREME money drain. I spent about $90 for the starter pieces, then about $200 for the paints and brushes, and then kept adding pieces from 10-25 dollars apiece. My total army is probably over a half thousand, with some interesting hovertanks and such :)








Seriously, the game is more complex than chess, although I only ever played the single fights. I was never involved in campaigns, because I couldn't find someone who would play.








The game works using terrains, movement, and dice. You move every piece in your turn, and then shoot or attack other enemy groups or squads.



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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