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Boycott runescape to save it please read!


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Writing a rant on the RSOF would be easier, and probably have more effect than a "boycott" as at least Jagex would be aware of what you think, as with a boycott, their not going to assume "Whoa, we have less players today, must mean the players are unhappy".




At least with a clearly thought-out rant in the right place, the right people (Jagex) will see what you think, other than making the servers slightly less laggy with an un-noticed boycott.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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You are an idiot.




That is all.








Explanation: Too lazy to type it out, I think the majority of everyone on these forums who read the Rants knows what I'm thinking.

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Please keep on topic everyone. :P




I don't think eliminating Real World Trading will ruin runescape. Nor do i thinking planning a boycott will give you what you want. Just remember this may be one part to a bigger plan that you just need to wait to be fulfilled.




I myself like the fact that everyone will be able to level the same way without an outside benefit.


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Lol. Even IF everyone in Runescape logged off for a day Jagex wouldn't care much because we pay by the month.






[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Furthermore, isn't eliminating RWT taking steps towards SAVING the game!? People have to work for themselves, rather than spending real money on [cabbage] in a game.




Obviously doing things relevant to an objective yourself rather than having others do it for you is going to ruin said game.






[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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I'm getting the idea that you want us to boycott because they are making Real World Trading even more difficult, I hope I'm wrong but that's the only hint of a reason you mentioned for boycotting.







Maybe Twisted's getting mad that Jagex is making it harder to buy his geepees. [/not serious accusation]




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"Whoa, we have less players today, must mean the players are unhappy"




Or it' s happy new year and most of the players are cracking some crackers. Unlike me with a cracker in one hand and a beer botlle in the other ( hehe :twisted: BOOM goes the bottle).




On topic, won' t anyone just lock this topic allready, it' s becoming a flame war.




Oh and, your name suits you.

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If you don't like the updates, go complain on a rant forum. But please don't bother us with a boycott. You and I know very well that this boycott is never going to happen.




Where the hell are we?


Rant forum ofcours. My first sentence was a little bit inacurate, that's why I changed it but you were before me :) . Anyway what I mean is that he should rant here (posting real arguments and such) not advertising his boykott.





p.s learn some grammar man.


P.S. read my location man


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If everyone boycotted Runescape, it might make an impact on Runescape.


But i know i'm sure as hell not going to go ahead with it as it would be a stupid waste of time.




If anyone does go ahead with this, no-one (meaning Jagex) will even notice and if they did would probably laugh at such a feeble attempt at making a difference.


I do not wish to sound like i am attacking you or your idea but this is my view.

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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I'll try not to soun like the next idiot but what is boycotting?


also i didnt know hell came with pixels.... :-k




Boycotting is refusing to use a good or service(such as buses) because you




A)Don't agree with them




B)Don't agree with the behavior of their employees/managers




C)Don't agree with the company's policies




D)Don't agree with how the managers treat their employees(as is labor strikes)




E)Racist reasons(like Rosa Parks and the bus boycott)


Here be dragons ^


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First of all boycotting isn't going to solve any of your problems. Second of all how is one day going to affect Jagex's stance on the game? You pay by the month and also most of the general public don't even know about this topic. Thirdly, there has been nothing to this point that should merit a boycott.




Good luck proceeding with this.

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