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Why I LOVE this update.


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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




I never "flamed" him. In fact he "flamed" me!




People can still buy/sell accounts.. Jagex killed the game to protect it from RLT. Somewhat like 9/11 and the Partiot Act... -.-


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




i swear your retarted mate, real world trading definatedly has not stopped.


My friend did he research and showed me that a 'used to be gold selling site'


now sells the gold on accounts.


For example


"$49;95 for - Lvl 50 Combat, 30/60/20 with 1 Mil gp."




RWT hasn't stopped. It just changes with the updates.


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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




i swear your retarted mate, real world trading definatedly has not stopped.


My friend did he research and showed me that a 'used to be gold selling site'


now sells the gold on accounts.


For example


"$49;95 for - Lvl 50 Combat, 30/60/20 with 1 Mil gp."




RWT hasn't stopped. It just changes with the updates.




Come January, how will people RWT?




If anything, you are "retarted".


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




i swear your retarted mate, real world trading definatedly has not stopped.


My friend did he research and showed me that a 'used to be gold selling site'


now sells the gold on accounts.


For example


"$49;95 for - Lvl 50 Combat, 30/60/20 with 1 Mil gp."




RWT hasn't stopped. It just changes with the updates.




Come January, how will people RWT?




If anything, you are "retarted".




Did i not just explain?


Let me refresh your memory.


- A person BUYS the account online, WITH the cash.


- Then they LOG (take note of the LOG) onto the account and start playing.




Isn't that Real World Trading?


Or am i missing something?


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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




i swear your retarted mate, real world trading definatedly has not stopped.


My friend did he research and showed me that a 'used to be gold selling site'


now sells the gold on accounts.


For example


"$49;95 for - Lvl 50 Combat, 30/60/20 with 1 Mil gp."




RWT hasn't stopped. It just changes with the updates.




Come January, how will people RWT?




If anything, you are "retarted".




Did i not just explain?


Let me refresh your memory.


- A person BUYS the account online, WITH the cash.


- Then they LOG (take note of the LOG) onto the account and start playing.




Isn't that Real World Trading?


Or am i missing something?




That's one form of RWT'ing, yes.




But would everyone want to abandon their account to get a new one with money on it?


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




i swear your retarted mate, real world trading definatedly has not stopped.


My friend did he research and showed me that a 'used to be gold selling site'


now sells the gold on accounts.


For example


"$49;95 for - Lvl 50 Combat, 30/60/20 with 1 Mil gp."




RWT hasn't stopped. It just changes with the updates.




Come January, how will people RWT?




If anything, you are "retarted".




Did i not just explain?


Let me refresh your memory.


- A person BUYS the account online, WITH the cash.


- Then they LOG (take note of the LOG) onto the account and start playing.




Isn't that Real World Trading?


Or am i missing something?




That's one form of RWT'ing, yes.




But would everyone want to abandon their account to get a new one with money on it?




Am i right in saying that mostly noobs (lvls 3 - 60) buy gold. Any higher lvl could easily make the money.


The sellers would provide accounts of all lvls i am guessing.


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-Roaming the wildy with your clan


-No more sharing the loot of boss monsters(The lootshare system sucks badly, have you even used it??)


-No more clan pking("Clan Wars" is hardly a substitute! I've tried it.. It's a cheap imitation of castle wars, nothing more)




1) Why would you do that? To gang up on people 50 vs 1? real brave.


2) I agree there. But you've got a month to figure something out.


3) Get over it. Its a damn fine replacement.






TBH- If all the pkers in RS quit, I wouldn't care to much. Judging by what I've seen today, RS is better off without them.





Im out there fighting willing pkers, we are all willing pkers, as a matter of fact even the scumbags who kill skillers are fighting people who willfully entered AFTER reading the warnings.




Warning. Thats your excuse. Hmph. Never mind the fact you are killing someone (and stealing their work) because they wanted to raise prayer or do a clue scroll (which are not easy to get btw.)




You seem to forget, either through sheer ignorance or stupidity, that there were warnings when entering the wilderness. Why do you think the training spots held greater exp than non wild trading spots? Why do you think the abyss was there, and not in non-wild? You really are an idiot. Most people there were willing pkers who chose to risk their items, and the others were skillers/cluers who also CHOSE to risk their items. THAT WAS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE WILDERNESS. How would a clue hold any risk if it wasn't in the wilderness? Why do you think the rewards are so great? Risk, risk, risk. It's the same in real life. If you buy some stock in Google knowing it may fall, you have noone to blame but yourself if that does indeed happen.




Don't give me this "stealing" BS, if you wilfully click "yes" to a death waiver then by God, if you die you have nothing to complain about. You really aren't thinking logically. The wilderness wasn't designed to piss of skillers, it was made for a risk PvP area, as well as an area for greater-exp-yielding training spots. For you to have the right to runecraft at the abyss and gain the added EXP, you should have to risk something.


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If you want to kill for money, go to a boss monster. Killing players for money was getting ridiculous to the point people were attacking defenseless people on clue scrolls in hopes that they had the reward already. How is it fair/fun to kill someone with no armor and a weak weapon?
Yeah, only problem is that you can't do boss monsters come January, since of 3k limits, and no splitting it equally between teams. I really can't solo a boss monster. Sorry, but i fail everytime. And btw, I hate pking. I'm not a pker. But I have enough sense to see where this is going.




They came for the stakers, and I kept quiet.




They came for the merchanters, and I kept quiet.




They came for the Pkers, and I kept quiet.




How long before they come for skillers?








And lemme clear up something:




They didn't come for the stakers. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the merchants. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the PK'ers. So you better shut up.


They won't come for the skillers. So keep quiet.






Lootshare doesn't work too well in may cases. If you were fighting a GWD boss, would it be fair if one player got a hilt and another got just a few coins?






They did destroy 1v1 staking.


They removed merchanting.


I won't say they destroyed PKing, but IMO the changes weren't very good.


I'll wait and see whether anyhting happens to skillers....


All against the new updates, don't log in!

But I want to play... What if I log in, but put all my chats on 'off' so they don't know I'm on.

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Rwt is dead, becouse with 0 people playing the game no one will buy gold.


Gf jagex you won the war against rwts, at the cost of memberships, self respect, the game you have worked for years to build, integrity, any chance of anyone wanting to play mechscape.


Congrats :|

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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




That's nice for them, really.




Sadly they also stopped my fun and my subscription in it's tracks.




Fair trade? Perhaps.




I can no longer feel like a break from WoW / Lineage 2 and log in for a few hours PKing. I can't. Have you tried to solo in bounty hunter? Really? Twice today I ended up 'teaming' with a bunch of random illiterates, my target amongst my own team, unable to kill him 'cause I would get jumped by my own team. Twice I narrowly avoided getting lured.




Honor is dead, Solo PvP is dead.




'Long live teaming luring level 90 newbs in dhide gangbanging lone level 60's'??? Lol.




Add solo PvP zones, and stricter level ranges and I may play.




Either way, it seems entirely ridiculous to sacrifice the only reason I ever logged into RS - To solve a problem that hardly impacted me.




Maybe you care about RWT'ers. Maybe. But believe me, the vast majority don't.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Lmfao, everyone who's flaming Rob hasn't once mentioned that Jagex stopped RWT'ing its tracks.




That's nice for them, really.




Sadly they also stopped my fun and my subscription in it's tracks.




Fair trade? Perhaps.




I can no longer feel like a break from WoW / Lineage 2 and log in for a few hours PKing. I can't. Have you tried to solo in bounty hunter? Really? Twice today I ended up 'teaming' with a bunch of random illiterates, my target amongst my own team, unable to kill him 'cause I would get jumped by my own team. Twice I narrowly avoided getting lured.




Honor is dead, Solo PvP is dead.




'Long live teaming luring level 90 newbs in dhide gangbanging lone level 60's'??? Lol.




Add solo PvP zones, and stricter level ranges and I may play.




Either way, it seems entirely ridiculous to sacrifice the only reason I ever logged into RS - To solve a problem that hardly impacted me.




Maybe you care about RWT'ers. Maybe. But believe me, the vast majority don't.

Ditto, i canceled 7 subscriptions, 4 of them have been going since february 2004 non stop till the duel arena update.
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Bounty Hunting is pretty much the wilderness except improved a little bit since it's more people in a compact space.




That said it's still teaming central just like regular wilderness was which I think is a huge problem that needs to be solved.




No point in trying to be your own bounty hunter when you go in and 20 kids pile you as soon as you hit your target.

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Sadly they also stopped my fun and my subscription in it's tracks.




I'm really sad to hear that... You were one of the first friends I had on RS.




I know, you were fun to help. :P




Well enjoy your game... I can't any longer.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Yup, there is no more fun in playing the game... F2p duel arena was a lame attempt to sidetrack the devestation of the stupid bounty hunter game. Unfortunately we dont want to set options everytime we fight someone and then win 3k yay! Or go into one of those stupid craters and fight people 30 lvls higher then you noticing only a second later you are swarmed by 50 random people kicking, punching, one iteming, wind striking your [wagon]. Kill someone pick up their stuff then you have to start running for dear life in all directions becuase you can't escape? Yes they stopped RWT in its original form but they totally nuked everything else. Including the trade system... and the bloody GE price fixing everything.




Some people (like me) don't want to grind my way for the simple satsifaction oif watching a counter next to a picture go up. Pking was the only thing that made runescape stand out - everything else was done better on other games. Hell i got bored of this game years ago, the only thing that wasn't boring was the risk and adrenaline of pking. There was 1v1 which was brilliant. There was the multi where you could have awesome 2v2's or big team fights. Even when you got piled you could get away and if you did they were probably around your level. Not anymore jagex made sure of that.

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Sadly they also stopped my fun and my subscription in it's tracks.




I'm really sad to hear that... You were one of the first friends I had on RS.




I know, you were fun to help. :P




Well enjoy your game... I can't any longer.




I was able to separate myself from the people this update hurt... not anymore though... I think this update is going to start affecting all players sooner or later... Even non-pkers... I never really thought to much about people who really liked pking, I was too busy remembering the pkers who are just plain mean... I'm sorry if my rant offended anyone, I'm starting to see why this is such a big deal.

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still its a waste risking millions to just kill someone




Duel arena.




Rewards cheapen the aspect of PvP. I don't want pking to become like Barbarian Assault, where no one returns after they get a torso.




Pking now is something nobody goes to in the first place. Bounty hunter has already degraded to nothing more than groups of friends pking anybody that steps foot into the arena - no more single zone, no more spacey wildy, no more mage bank. Nothing but a vast waste of mapspace filled with monsters that take months to kill and drop crap.




The "clan arena" or whatever is a travesty of a clan war. Wars now have no more meaning than a simple game of CW - except you don't even get tickets. -.-




Then comes the trade update. It's impossible to share anything, even a superset, anymore. This may not seem so great, but just think of the hassles this will cause to simple, everyday functions; "Trade says my diamond is worth 3,723gp and my gold bar is worth 201 gp, I can't trade that for your power ammy because people sell those on the GE for 7,254 gp, and that's 531 gp over the limit." Yeah.




I've already quit. Back when the duel arena got wtfpwned by the crusaders in Jagex Towers, I had a feeling this was coming, and did what I could to show my nonsupport. And no, I didn't even stake.




There's absolutely no way I'm ever coming back. Not for my 500m bank, my skillcapes, my rares, nothing.




Besides, the other games out there have so much more to offer, anyway. RuneScape had little to offer in the first place. Now, it has nothing.

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If you want to kill for money, go to a boss monster. Killing players for money was getting ridiculous to the point people were attacking defenseless people on clue scrolls in hopes that they had the reward already. How is it fair/fun to kill someone with no armor and a weak weapon?
Yeah, only problem is that you can't do boss monsters come January, since of 3k limits, and no splitting it equally between teams. I really can't solo a boss monster. Sorry, but i fail everytime. And btw, I hate pking. I'm not a pker. But I have enough sense to see where this is going.




They came for the stakers, and I kept quiet.




They came for the merchanters, and I kept quiet.




They came for the Pkers, and I kept quiet.




How long before they come for skillers?








And lemme clear up something:




They didn't come for the stakers. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the merchants. So you better shut up.


They didn't come for the PK'ers. So you better shut up.


They won't come for the skillers. So keep quiet.








so you better shut up?




what the hell is that lol?




or what?




u'll make urself look stupid by posting again? :ohnoes:




or you'll go to duel arena and take his 3k from him :ohnoes:








seriously if you dont like the update so bad then






2)continue playing-i mean come on, i pked but i still went to BH after the update, tride it out and had fun




Dont like BH, fine-theres lots more to do on runescape, aru

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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You say Old pking was seen as a way to make money ? BH ADVERTISES THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE MONEY. It is totally impossible to fight unless you have the lowest skull because otherwise you are immediately piled by a group of dds speccers as soon as you enter the crater. Everyone hugs the doors because of this and so it is ridiculously restrictive. Really really awful update, has to be made single combat.


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seriously if you dont like the update so bad then






2)continue playing-i mean come on, i pked but i still went to BH after the update, tride it out and had fun




Dont like BH, fine-theres lots more to do on runescape, aru




People need somewhere to kill others that isnt as utterely impossible as the duel tournaments. BH doesn't cater for that at all, it caters for 1 item ddsers and range teams.


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I hated it when I heard of it, but now, I'm starting to see that this will do the "Greater Good" of RS. No macroes = Funner RS.


Come to my Clan chat (I'm there if I'm online) if you wish to borrow a Green H'ween mask, Blue H'ween Mask, Red H'ween Mask, or Santa for a reasonable price.

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Bounty Hunter has obviously changed since I did it on the release... I'm also starting to see other effect of PKings change and how important those people were to the economy and skillers. I'm not rioting, I'm not complaining, But I have a bad feeling about this... This thread is no longer an accurate representation of how I feel. I'm so sorry of how short sighted I was. I feel like an idiot.

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