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AGH! i hate people in rs...


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OK, so some kid called me a noob and told me to a get a life, anyone else find something about this contradictory?


Oh, and his name was something like skiller god 69? So, i guess 69 skiller gods came before him... and no thats not his real rs name, but its kinda close.


So, calling someone a noob, telling them to get a life, and having a name that has the word skiller and god probably contradicts a lot of things.


There are a ton more reasons why i hate a lot of people in rs, but i can't really think of them, because i'm lmao at the kid who called me a noob and told me to get a life, when his name was skiller god.

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Get the [bleep] over it.




This is the rants forum, he has every right to rant about this, numbskull.




And I have every right to give him my advice/input on the situation.


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Get the [bleep] over it.




This is the rants forum, he has every right to rant about this, numbskull.




And I have every right to give him my advice/input on the situation.




If your advice/input involves "Get the [bleep] over it", then no, you do NOT have every right to give him your advice/input on the situation. Remember... code of conduct.



You're being watched.

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If your advice/input involves "Get the [bleep] over it", then no, you do NOT have every right to give him your advice/input on the situation. Remember... code of conduct.




Ok, I played nice and took out the badword. Happy now?


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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I'm guessing the 69 refers to an activity unrelated to RS... Google it >_>




Don't worry about [bleep]s like that, there's idiots everywhere - Just tell them 'Thanks :)' and move on. :P




Get over it.




Witty, encouraging and thoughtful. Clearly you're a valuable member of this forum.





'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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I get called alot of other things, just because I don' t want to talk in the game since grammar is something they never heard of... Just laugh at them, if they can' t say anything else than "noob" then I can' t care less for them as a person.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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Hey Paaaaarker you see that little tab at the bottom of the screen that says public chat? Yeah well why don't you click "Off".




Solves a lot of problems \'


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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Another victim of the word noob o__O




Here's some tricks:


1: Fight back (within the rules), it gets it out of your system. Say something like: K, nubcake


2: Say: I love you too






Get over it.






Witty, encouraging and thoughtful. Clearly you're a valuable member of this forum.







I don't know what we would do without him. :o

2480+ total

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Well, Im pretty sure the 69 didn't have to refer to that -_-


He seemed very childish to me, so i'm guessing he's around 10?


And I can't turn public chat off, because people'll think im autoing, because i'm lvl3 and have been woodcutting for the past 2 weeks? doing the same thing over and over.




Don't worry about how you seem to players mate. Jadex have ways to tell if you're autoing or not - You won't get banned from player reports alone.










Oh, and highlanders, I fed your plushie :P

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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I'm guessing the 69 refers to an activity unrelated to RS... Google it >_>


:-s I think that's highly unlikely.




On Topic:


Like the others said, get over it. This sort of thing happens to me nearly every day. Just ignore them.


All against the new updates, don't log in!

But I want to play... What if I log in, but put all my chats on 'off' so they don't know I'm on.

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69, Yeah.... Good times <3:




People go around calling others noobs because they think it's cool.


You can either fight back a little, making him seem the idiot or just ignore it :)




Many immature players came on due to Miniclip :(




*hi-five* to maturity...


Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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Many immature players came on due to Miniclip :(




*hi-five* to maturity...




Heh, I feel like a rare, a mature kid from Miniclip. <.< my kind sure is rare... Oh yea I fed the litlle plushie thingy.




On topic, I don' t get called a noob since I work in a noob-free area, I cut yews. I' m alone with my tree for 5 minutes, waving my axe back and forth gracefully... ::'




Just try to make them look stupid, you' ll be left alone quite quickly \'

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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- Ignore function is there for a reason, USE IT


- Turn chat off


- Build a bridge...




And if you really hate everyone in RS, you are more than welcome to leave. Just because a person calls you a "noob", doesn't mean everyone who plays is like that. But well done with the generalization.


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Another victim of the word noob o__O




Here's some tricks:


1: Fight back (within the rules), it gets it out of your system. Say something like: K, nubcake


2: Say: I love you too




Get over it.






Witty, encouraging and thoughtful. Clearly you're a valuable member of this forum.









ohyeah i love that one ^.^


I don't know what we would do without him. :o

My Goal Signature
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Go cry about it! http://forum.tip.it/images/smiles/icon_cry.gif




Look this happens eveyday rl life or in rs. Ppl r douches. u gota ignore them or diss em back in terms of rs diss em back not breaking rules sometimes hard to do. but when u get good at that u wont get urself banned.








no life noob!!!


Me: dont be so harsh on urself


noob: no u have no life


me: Of course not without u!


Noob: ARg!




Noob is there to get u angry or cry bout it. he is like a bully. if u either ignore him hide chat or show him u dont care by dissing him back not breaking the rules!!

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