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Why would you do this..?


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Will you please tell me the name of your account that has extensive combat experience? I'd sure like to look him up.








44 att


67 str


75 rng


74 mag


27 pry


69 hp


2 def -___________-




currently the bounty hunter game is quite recent and therefore has many people at it. when bounty hunter has been out for 6 months or less, it will probably die down a bit and not have so many all out 90+ teams.




That still doesn't fix the horrendous level ranges

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Before asking this question, you should put yourself in other people's skin. What would you do if Jagex ruined the only reason you played RuneScape? What if they ruined skilling? Would you quit? I would. I'm a skiller myself and I can still understand those who quit. So stop saying that they are quitting over nothing :shame: .




I wouldn't quit. I'd rant and/or just continue playing. I always find a way around something...




Ray, they DID ruin the wild, and it is a valid reason to quit...




Yes it is a valid reason, but to think so many people quit, when the wilderness is only... 20% of the game?! <.< I doubt even that.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Before asking this question, you should put yourself in other people's skin. What would you do if Jagex ruined the only reason you played RuneScape? What if they ruined skilling? Would you quit? I would. I'm a skiller myself and I can still understand those who quit. So stop saying that they are quitting over nothing :shame: .




I wouldn't quit. I'd rant and/or just continue playing. I always find a way around something...




Ray, they DID ruin the wild, and it is a valid reason to quit...




Yes it is a valid reason, but to think so many people quit, when the wilderness is only... 20% of the game?! <.< I doubt even that.




That 20% for you is 99% for a lot of people.

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No, I mean the area of the Wilderness is 20% / 100% of RS




The PKers are like 50% of RS




To me, the only thing the wild was good for, is being insulted.


Now, there are no hyper A.D.D kids going around insulting people/bypassing the filter. :XD:

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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The whole reason a lot of people played RuneScape as opposed to other less graphically challenged MMOs was the PKing system. Is was and has been (until this update) one of the major attractions to this game for a lot of people.




And then you ask why people are quitting because of this update? You're a fraking idiot Ray.

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Ray, I'm getting really pissed off at you.




First you bad mouth Rap, then claim Jagex is ruining skillers, and now this.




Bloody grow up. Realise this, we all play games for different reasons, one reason to play RuneScape is the PvP aspect of the wilderness. Now JAgex takes away the thing you play the game for. OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT! Face it, take away the fun part of the game for a person, and they will quit.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Ray, I'm getting really pissed off at you.




First you bad mouth Rap, then claim Jagex is ruining skillers, and now this.




Bloody grow up. Realise this, we all play games for different reasons, one reason to play RuneScape is the PvP aspect of the wilderness. Now JAgex takes away the thing you play the game for. OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT! Face it, take away the fun part of the game for a person, and they will quit.




As you should.


I know, I did, I like what I do. I had good reason to bad mouth it too.


...I never said they are ruining skillers, I said they are PUSHING for combat, like they're saying "RuneScape wasn't made for lv3's" In a non hateful way.


As I have pointed out I am quite maturer than most people I know that are around my age.


Touche & A highly doubt every PKer that quit only played for PvP/PK, 'cause I find most have mains






No need to hate me for expressing my opinion on Rap music, ffs, it is how I explained it was.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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There is not, and never will be, a substitute for the Wilderness.




And thank goodness for that. I think Jagex can do a lot better at making unsafe PvP than what that morass had turned into.




Say what you want about Edgeville, Castle, Rune Rocks, and Abyss PKers, but the rest of the wilderness truly presented an opportunity for warriors to survive and dominate based on their wits and abilities, and moreover to do it in as freely a fashion as they wished. PKing is about chaos. It is not an organized blood sport. PKing is about the strong surviving, not letting those who wish to opt out because they want to craft ess or mine rune be.




I was a rune miner who used to moan about PKers - Now I honestly, truly wish they were back, even if the slimeballs that mine AND PK still deserve to be burned at the RuneStake.




Also, I spent months training a hybrid I can no longer use so I could fight in the WILDERNESS, not some rubbish arena that Jagex will no doubt be throwing our way in a couple months' time.




Don't you mean the team with the more people wins? In my opinion, pking died upon the release of rs2 and it was basically already dead. Sure I sympathize with pkers that they lost their favorite thing but the wilderness was as good as gone.




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There is not, and never will be, a substitute for the Wilderness.




And thank goodness for that. I think Jagex can do a lot better at making unsafe PvP than what that morass had turned into.




Say what you want about Edgeville, Castle, Rune Rocks, and Abyss PKers, but the rest of the wilderness truly presented an opportunity for warriors to survive and dominate based on their wits and abilities, and moreover to do it in as freely a fashion as they wished. PKing is about chaos. It is not an organized blood sport. PKing is about the strong surviving, not letting those who wish to opt out because they want to craft ess or mine rune be.




I was a rune miner who used to moan about PKers - Now I honestly, truly wish they were back, even if the slimeballs that mine AND PK still deserve to be burned at the RuneStake.




Also, I spent months training a hybrid I can no longer use so I could fight in the WILDERNESS, not some rubbish arena that Jagex will no doubt be throwing our way in a couple months' time.




Don't you mean the team with the more people wins? In my opinion, pking died upon the release of rs2 and it was basically already dead. Sure I sympathize with pkers that they lost their favorite thing but the wilderness was as good as gone.




No, I really do mean an individual with the right skills and/or abilities can thrive in the semi-deep to deep wilderness even against much stronger foes. Hell, I almost killed an 84 addy pure with mage in f2p.

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Ray, I'm getting really pissed off at you.




First you bad mouth Rap, then claim Jagex is ruining skillers, and now this.




Bloody grow up. Realise this, we all play games for different reasons, one reason to play RuneScape is the PvP aspect of the wilderness. Now JAgex takes away the thing you play the game for. OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT! Face it, take away the fun part of the game for a person, and they will quit.




As you should.


I know, I did, I like what I do. I had good reason to bad mouth it too.


...I never said they are ruining skillers, I said they are PUSHING for combat, like they're saying "RuneScape wasn't made for lv3's" In a non hateful way.


As I have pointed out I am quite maturer than most people I know that are around my age.


Touche & A highly doubt every PKer that quit only played for PvP/PK, 'cause I find most have mains






No need to hate me for expressing my opinion on Rap music, ffs, it is how I explained it was.




When your veiw on rap music focuses on the bad eggs, it is rendered null and void. Try listening to Tupac.




And when you get bored of most aspects of a game, and you only live for PvP you will quit when that is Raped, decapitated and crapped on.




Materer isn't even a word as far as I know, the term is more mature.




Infact in even saying Jagex is pushing for more combat, you are saying that in essence they are ruining skillers.




Also for you being "maturer*" than most people your age, when you don't state it I can't judge, also most people your age must be more whiny little brat than you.




*I decided to humor you there.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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People are quiting for many reasons, not just the wilderness. To me, the basic foundations of runescape have changed. Trading has been somewhat controlled by jagex now, and people don't have to worry as much when they die. Not to mention pking, which many people enjoyed. all updates has its ups and downs. It just seems like that more people don't like the updates then people who do like them.

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jagex is listening to our suggestions now, they posted a news bit about upcoming updates that shows that they actually listen to us...




Only because they messed up so bad its the only option that they have to keep players even remotely happy.


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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As you should.






I know, I did, I like what I do. I had good reason to bad mouth it too.


Badmouthing people because of a bias reason is not a good reason...if you seriously think this, you contradict your 'supreme maturity'.




As I have pointed out I am quite maturer than most people I know that are around my age.


See the previous statement please.




Touche & A highly doubt every PKer that quit only played for PvP/PK, 'cause I find most have mains




PKing does not nessesarly mean you're a pure and have a main. Mains fight in the wilderness, or even yet, some pures became mains!






Ray, quit thinking you're God of TIF because you're not. Get the scarce intelligence you little mind can gather and keep it for the longest time possible. At rate it's going now, it's dying faster than Jagex killing the PKing.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Ok,I Have not posted here all the time or ever for that matter. I have been here since pretty much the beginning and I would like to say Runescape has lost it all. I joined the day before they nixed black and white magic in runescape and played with the greats.


I have read posts from the greats, Pked in the time of legends, and saw the rise and fall of the economy. People think this game will stay the same, but sadly, it will not and Runescape will die. There new skill summoning is just something they put out to keep people. Jagex has never really cared much about the community of Runescape. We all have known this when they switched from RS1 to RS2, and now it shows they don't care by there updates.


First you take killing out of all the world and put it into the wild, then you take the wild and trash it. I for one will never reminise on this game again and say goodbye to it for good. It isn't just the wild its pretty much the game. Its like playing a Madden game and switching to some sucky a$$ tomb raider sequel...






I don't think we will ever find a game quite like RS classic

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When your veiw on rap music focuses on the bad eggs, it is rendered null and void. Try listening to Tupac.


Yes listen to tupac the violent gang member who was killed in retaliation to an attack by his gang the bloods on the cripz.


Dont try to say he wasnt in bloods, he had the mob tatoo, despite him saying it ment money over [bleep]es it ment member of bloods.


So yes listen to tupac the gang member as opposed to the bad eggs =D>

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When your veiw on rap music focuses on the bad eggs, it is rendered null and void. Try listening to Tupac.


Yes listen to tupac the violent gang member who was killed in retaliation to an attack by his gang the bloods on the cripz.


Dont try to say he wasnt in bloods, he had the mob tatoo, despite him saying it ment money over [bleep] it ment member of bloods.


So yes listen to tupac the gang member as opposed to the bad eggs =D>




Okay maybe that wasn't the best choice.




Fact is if you read the topic which states his reasons in Music and Movies, then you'll see he pretty much generalised all rap as offensive and objectifying women. I used an example (albeit a bad one).




Yeah I could have used a better one like Run DMC or something to get my point across.




But anyway I stick by my point, he generalised all rap due to those like 50 Cent.




Anyway if you listen to most rap starting from 1990 (period where "Gangsta Rap" started), of course you will get a bad veiw on the genre.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Whilst i dislike all rap being a true metal fan, Tupacs music didnt make me want to kill some one (50 cent) like 50 cents does, so ill agree with you.


50 cent sucked so bad that some one shot him 9 times to try stop him singing, and as a result made his voice even crappier and his raps are all him [bleep]ing about it.


To the guy that shot a man 9 times and didnt kill him..


Epic fail.




Besides, not just rap objectifies woman, rock and metal bands are renowned for how many chicks they plow on the road.

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This is so stupid. You've basically just said to the pkers, the only reason you play the game has been taken out, but don't be babies and cry out about it, go do something else in the game. But that's the thing, the only thing they want to do is pk, they don't want to do anything else.




How would you feel if all skills were taken out of runescape? This is exactly the same thing. Try saying 'stop crying and go do something else in the game', to yourself if skills were taken out.



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