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Working Out - Your Routine + Tips


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Well I've figured that it is about time for me to start working out again, in order to get that muscle for the perfect body. I know we all want it, the good 6 pack, nice pecks, and awesome bisepts. But the question is, how exactly do we get em? Without spending any money really, what would you reccomend is the best routine? # Pushups/situps per day/times a week? That type of thing. I have an alright idea, but am not sure if it'll even work lol. So I know some of you out there probably work out, and have quite some muscle, so give us some tips!!! :wink:









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ok for like no money spent try on like mondays, wednesday,saturday to do pushups and sit ups so do situps then pushups then situps then pushups.




maby twice a day but dont over do it other wise the muscle cant regrow if you do it to often so about 3 times a week.








try and see how many u can do at once without killing ure self then use that as a bench do that many for a while then increase the lot by 5-10 reps

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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I do 200 sit ups a day to fight off my beer belly, but thats about it.








all at once or in sets if so how many sets?












does any1 know for a fact if its better to do say 200 at once or over the day do sets of like 30-40??

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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I do 200 sit ups a day to fight off my beer belly, but thats about it.








all at once or in sets if so how many sets?












does any1 know for a fact if its better to do say 200 at once or over the day do sets of like 30-40??








100 in the morning and 100 before i go to bed. I dunno if its better that way, it's just what I do :P


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does any1 know for a fact if its better to do say 200 at once or over the day do sets of like 30-40??








Doing more in one go gets rid of fat around the muscles and tones them better.

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Without money you mean without weights? Pushups don't affect biceps so that can be a problem. And getting strong pecs is a problem too without weighs.




So I suggest you invest some money to your body and buy a gym membership, you won't regret it. :wink:








Without money you could do 3 rounds of push ups, test how many you can do each round and then start increasing the amount as you get stronger. for example 2 first rounds 20 and the last round as many as you can. Sit ups the same and you may also want to searc the internet for different kind of ab exerchises. Then you could try Chin ups for the biceps and back muchles, if you have a place where you can do it. Those you just do 2 or 3 rounds as many as you can.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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does any1 know for a fact if its better to do say 200 at once or over the day do sets of like 30-40??








Doing more in one go gets rid of fat around the muscles and tones them better.








assuming he's trying to just look better, if he actually wants useful strength then it can be better to keep some fat reserves.

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Little weights are good, like 5kg-8kg. Just do different kind of moves with them, like u go on ur back at the ground, put ur arms straight with your body on the floor, start pulling off the weights next to your legs at the floor, not on the ground, then slowly back, dont let it touch the ground, so on.








Also one good is that you stand up, put ur arms like this, i dunno how to explain: (arm)-|-(arm)












And lift your hands up in the air, then slowly to the same position u started, and to air.












I hope I made SOME sense.

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Stretching. Stretching everyday builds muscles, thats how breakdancers can do those crazy stalls :P




Try dog pushups if you're strong enough. Do a hand stand next to a wall and push up like that, straight up and down. It's really difficult though =\




Crunches are pretty good, do them really fast and just keep going when it burns =P Take a 5 minute break, do it again.

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does any1 know for a fact if its better to do say 200 at once or over the day do sets of like 30-40??








Doing more in one go gets rid of fat around the muscles and tones them better.








I've actually heard the complete opposite of that. I've heard it's better to just do sets of 20 (assuming you do enough sets and vary the type of situps you do as to work all abdominal groups).

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why not just go to the gym? it cant cost that much :?








Gyms can be insanely expensive. I am just forunate to have a student one where it's ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã4 a year for unlimited usage. Some people pay upwards of ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 a month at least.








I've actually heard the complete opposite of that. I've heard it's better to just do sets of 20 (assuming you do enough sets and vary the type of situps you do as to work all abdominal groups).








When I say doing more in one go I mean doing sets of around 40-50. And for strength building it's better to have the weight so you can only do 8-10.

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why not just go to the gym? it cant cost that much :?
Lol not quite. Ummm gym down my road I think it's ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã550 a year. About $1000.








I just mainly work out in gym obviously to get moneys worth. I norm start off with a 2km run then weights for 30mins then cycle 5km then weights 30mins and repeat.

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Actually pushups do work your biceps, just on the negative side. Still works them just fine and dandy, and some will argue that a negative workout's even more effective than a positive one.








When doing pushups and situps, some people will tell you that you should do them slowly. That's an urban legend. Studies actually show that slow sets(including bench pressing) will result in less weight actually being lifted while expending the same amount of energy, meaning an ulimate lack of muscle gain.








If you can do 50 pushups and 50 situps at a time and throw in a couple sets of pullups, and do that twice or so a day, you'll do fine for just trying to stay healthy. Of course, if you're trying to gain muscle and get a stellar body, then you'll have to be extremely patient when it comes to weight-free workouts. The best solution to losing weight and gaining muscle is to lift weights. Many girls are under the impression that by lifting weights they won't lose weight, only gain muscle.








Not true.








When you lift weights you expend an enormous amount of energy. So by lifting weights, you will actually burn alot more fat than you think.








If anyone has any workout questions, feel free to ask.

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What I normally do when I go to the gym (haven't been there in a couple of months) is a five minute warm-up run (you can run around the block), static stretching, weights (bench, squats, bicep burls, tricep pulldowns, etc.), agilities, 25 minute run, then dynamic stretching.








What a lot of people don't understand is that most of us have perfect abs, even severely overweight people do. But the key is eating well so that there's no fat covering your abs. That's in your diet. Of course running and exercise burns fat, so it's a combination of both. You should not eat fatty foods or white sugar. Complex carbs are good, and this includes bread, fruits, pasta, etc. Eat six smaller meals a day, as opposed to three large meals. Make sure they are high in protein If you are really set on gaining muscle, then they say to intake about 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Any more than that and it turns into fat and stores in your body.








Nowadays I just sit at home and do pushups and ab exercises. But there are much better exercises for the abs than situps, infact situps aren't all that good since they have potential for damaging your back. Try this: Lie down on your back and put your legs strait up. This will lift your butt off the floor. Put your hands under your butt, and slowly let your legs down, but keep them 6 inches (about 15cm) off the ground. Hold it there. The bring them up, move your legs around a bit, then let them down again and hold them. Do it for as long as possible. Another one to try is lay down on your back, and quickly raise your right hand to touch your left foot. Then bring your left hand to touch your right foot. This is one rep. Do 15 of those.








Another one I do (maybe out of boredom, don't know if it does anything, but it feels like it does) is stick my arms out perpendicular to my body and hold them there for 3-5 minutes. You'll feel the burn.

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I don't go to a gym, I just have some free weights. I do ~1000-1300 combined ab whatevers (varies by what I did the day before) per week, run a few miles total a week (started that recently), curl some weights and pushups and thats it. Had to start running more recently to get my abs back to maximum sexiness, I skimped out on workouts during most of the winter :x

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If you want to look muscualr and good, do pushups and situps etc...




If you want to atcually be strong, do weights








When doing push ups and sit ups do like 30 pushups then swap over to 30 sit ups




Do that 3 - 5 times, 2 - 3 times a day and u should do good








When doing weights there are some different ways to lift them depending on what muscles u wanna build on... But yeah, when lifting weights its better to do HEAPS in 1 go other than doing 20 then having a break then doing another 20, if u get what i mean :)

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i go to my high school gym. its free and open everyday for off season training. :D








if you dont want to improve body image and not spend too much money, id suggest buying a couple pairs of dumbells. you could do just about every workout using dumbells and a pullup bar. also get lots of protein.








just doing pushups and situps will make you stronger, but wont really help much with body image.








as for my workout routine, this is wut i ususally do:








3x10 bench




3x12 curl




3x10 legpress




1x30 calves




2x10 dumbell curls




2x10 squat




2x30 situps




1x8 millitary press








youll also haveto put in ALOT of running or other aerobic exercise for those sexy six-packs.








lots of running (u dun even have to work out)=sexy body.


[Jarkan (retired)]-[2001-2003]

[Adolpha (retired)]-[2003-2004]

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Actually pushups do work your biceps, just on the negative side. Still works them just fine and dandy, and some will argue that a negative workout's even more effective than a positive one.







You mean tricepts?








Very easy way to tell what muchles some exercise affect is just to feel what muchles are sensitive or painful by touching them or strething them in next day of the workout.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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