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A troubled artist needs help + few Offtopic questions


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as some of you tipiters have probbaly noticed, I am writing a epic book, worth very much to me, like 1/4 of my life, and I succesfully finished the first episode with impressive ( ::' :uhh: )100 A4 pages.




But something is very wrong with me writing the second chapter. It's not I won't have enough inspiration, holes in plot or something, but I simply can't write and it usually ends in me forcing to do so.


I have delicate conditions to write, like music, being alone and undisturbed in my room, best writing during nightime and so, but that may not be the reason, I have pretty much time and free place, too.




I, though, may know of the problem..


It may be because I had given a copy of the book to a book publisher and a literal critic, and in the back of my head I may think like: If the book is a ton of litteral ***t, do I still have a reason to write? I mean .. I have my community of readers that like the book very much and eagerly await the sequel, but .. I just dunno.. they may not be honest after all.




So, you know what is going on. If someone has any xp with this, I'd like to hear their opinions, because I just love making the book and I want to make it. (Oxymoron with what I've previously said, but that's it.)










1. Why do you people say noobs come to offtopic from the RL pictures sticky? I mean, why from there?




2. Did soulest's theory made any sense at all? No offence there man, I just didnt understood it either..




3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame :(






Many thanks for answers,




^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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pfft, literature. Go man yourself up by killing a lion with brass knuckles.




1. because the only reason they came here is becuase they saw they could post RL pics here, so they hung around.


2. No


3. Everyone ridicules everyone elses theories. They just do.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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pfft, literature. Go man yourself up by killing a lion with brass knuckles.




1. because the only reason they came here is becuase they saw they could post RL pics here, so they hung around.


2. No


3. Everyone ridicules everyone elses theories. They just do.




Brass knuckles? Pfft, I once killed a bear with two sombreros and a walnut.


Now that's manly.

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1. Why do you people say noobs come to offtopic from the RL pictures sticky? I mean, why from there?




2. Did soulest's theory made any sense at all? No offence there man, I just didnt understood it either..




3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame :(









1- i geus because you can reach that treadh from other forum parts and the people normaly must scrol down (i think)




2- who the .... is soulest?




3- ever thought about believers picking on non-believers to? (idk i don't visit the topics) It is probaly caused by them to

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1. Say there's a guy named "Noob". Yes, a very original name. Anyway, he's browsing the General forums, looking at posts about how a guy pwned some dragon or another. All of a sudden, at the top of the page, he sees something among the lines of "Real life pictures are now allowed!"


Now, Noob think he's incredibly good looking. He clicks on that thread, and sees a link to another thread. He clicks on that, and is brought to the "Real life pictures" sticky. He posts his picture, and thinking that since the last board he was at was General, if he clicks button to the right of "Forum.Tip.It Index ->" (At the top/bottom of the page) he'll be brought back to General. Instead, he is brought to Off-Topic. Thinking that it's General, he posts something related to RuneScape.




2. I personally think that it's actually R that is evil.




3. No idea, as I've decided to avoid those topics for now. I suppose they think that what some believers say is ridiculous, and have an urge to reply to it.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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1. Others covered it.




2. No.




3. Generally, we don't. believers just think that us arguing against the existence of god or questioning it must mean it is a flame -- it isn't. If you can't handle a religious discussion don't view these topics.

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My suggestion would be to take a break, and wait to see how it goes with the publishers or whatever.




1- Because most of those people had no idea the forum existed (thank god), and with the global announcement pointing them down here...you can figure out the rest.




2- ...?




3- Do I smell bias? I've never seen you before, so I'm going to assume you're new. This forum goes in "phases." Sometimes we have lots of religious threads, sometimes we have the "help I just ate hand sanitizer" threads, then we have "my life sucks" threads, et cetera.

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Writing isn't something you do only under the right conditions. Man it up. If you screw up the first time, that's why there's an editing phase.








1. Because prior to the RLPT, the majority of the people who posted on it had never even been seen by the OT regulars, and the activity in the thread has caused some spillover into the rest of the board.




2. Lol wut!




3. Probably because the fundies on the board are flaming evangelists who say that everyone should convert to X religion or suffer Y torment in the afterlife.

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You're just lacking inspiration. I feel it all the time when I program, but luckily I'm not committed to anything so I have no trouble switching to a new project.


http://www.43folders.com/2004/11/18/hac ... ters-block




The best tip I can give you is to just write. Just put down your thoughts and the BASICS -- nothing more. Things are a lot easier to edit than to write. Get some random crap down first, then you can edit it to perfection.




3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame


It goes both ways in a debate. And flames are uncommon -- it sounds like you are a rookie who can't tell the difference between a flame war and a religious debate.

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If you already have something out there, and people are expecting more material, isn't that enough motivation to write?




Hell, I have a series going on in the Varrock Library and the people who read that are enough to make me keep writing it, even when I really don't feel like it. I'd say the hard part is over; you've got something published, now you have motivation to write more, unlike before anyone knew about you and you could give up and choose a different career path any time.


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What motivated me to write for NaNoWriMo was the fact that I told practically everyone I know that I was doing it, and I would've looked a right silly bugger if they asked me about it later and I said I gave up on it.

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Many thanks for the answers and now when the OT is settled, If someone has any more tips on topic, i'd like to see them.




Just to sum things up:


You tell me as if I couldn't take critisim for religion, it is ok, as faith and religion are 2 completely diff things and I surely know the difference between FW and a debate. I wanted just to know what is going on, it's not like I'd say one side is better than the other. (and I'm here for 2 years already btw )


EDIT: I recently read ''do you believe in god'' topic and the Flying Spaghetti monster joke is just :(




Ok I'm :-X




2 Nom_Anor: The first book isn't published, I am waiting for the critic's review ;)


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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EDIT: I recently read ''do you believe in god'' topic and the Flying Spaghetti monster joke is just :(




It's just a lame analogy, nobody takes it seriously. It's just sad that religious people can't prove why "their" imaginary buddy is more real than the FSM, instead appealing on numbers, longevity, etc. (logical fallacies which don't prove the existence of anything)




That's why those threads get tiresome pretty quickly. You just can't argue against the type of person who has the conclusions, before even seeing the facts. They insist on 'faith' being something irreversible, and deep in their mind, they think they 'must' be right even with all their evidence coming from personal 'faith'.




I quit posting on the last one for that reason.




as some of you tipiters have probbaly noticed, I am writing a epic book, worth very much to me, like 1/4 of my life, and I succesfully finished the first episode with impressive ( )100 A4 pages.




But something is very wrong with me writing the second chapter. It's not I won't have enough inspiration, holes in plot or something, but I simply can't write and it usually ends in me forcing to do so.




You don't have to write it all at once. :) Even succesful, commercial writers can take weeks or months worth of 'pause' if they run out of 'inspiration'. If you feel like you're forcing yourself to write, don't bother. The outcome will be crappy then. Write only when you're in the mood to do so.

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But something is very wrong with me writing the second chapter. It's not I won't have enough inspiration, holes in plot or something, but I simply can't write and it usually ends in me forcing to do so.


I have delicate conditions to write, like music, being alone and undisturbed in my room, best writing during nightime and so, but that may not be the reason, I have pretty much time and free place, too.


(Post continues, took out a big chunk)


1. Why do you people say noobs come to offtopic from the RL pictures sticky? I mean, why from there?





About the second chapter: That just happens. Sometimes that happens if you rewrite, keep every version you wrote so you can "Roll Back" if you don't like the new version.




About the first OT question:




People, ahem, n00bs, saw the announcement, clicked the link to the sticky, posted their picture, then realized something.


I can just imagine this:




Noob on General Discussion is bored. He has double posted on all the "whats ur favrit rs item" and "omg i h8 ge!" threads twice, and doesn't know what to do. So, on an impulse, he looks through the stickies.


A look of awe spreads over his face as he notices the new announcement: RL Pictures. He reads through, and just as he is about to create a "post ur rl picz!" thread on GD, he sees the link to the "Can it be? Real life pictures" sticky. He posts his picture. Now comes the realization part.


There's an Off Topic board.


*Goes on spamming spree*




I liked OT better before that sticky, we didn't gain any noticably intelligent users to Ot.


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You tell me as if I couldn't take critisim for religion, it is ok, as faith and religion are 2 completely diff things and I surely know the difference between FW and a debate. I wanted just to know what is going on, it's not like I'd say one side is better than the other. (and I'm here for 2 years already btw )


Then you should know that a religious debate is more than just "atheists picking on believers". :|




EDIT: I recently read ''do you believe in god'' topic and the Flying Spaghetti monster joke is just :(


Who said it was a joke? :P


The reason people use the FSM argument is because there is an equal amount of evidence (or lack thereof) regarding its existence as there is regarding the existence of, say, the Judeo-Christian God. People say "but a flying spaghetti monster, that's ridiculous!", and atheists will reply saying the same about the concept of a Judeo-Christian God.

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Sounds like you've lost your inspiration!




Get yourself in the old atmosphere again, catch up with the lads, talk about the old days and get in the mood to write your second sequel.




Bring out the memory boxes, the photos, talk to your family members, spend time with your pets and let it all flow to you naturally!




Go visit the places, climb those old trees, visit the old game arenas, take a bike ride through those parks, clean out your cupboard, go through your old cothes.




Who gives a [bleep] what mr critic says, this is the story of your life, not theirs.




If you have people who are interested, that's all that matters.




Mr Critic can go write his own [bleep] book if his smeggin life is so darn interesting!!




My 2 cents worth




Dream, believe, achieve sunshine, I know you have something worth reading and so do you, or you wouldn't have started.




Without set backs, there would be no real reason to succeed.




Oh and by the way, email me and send me a copy, I'll be happy to subscribe.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Well, thanks again :) I hope I'd be able to continue.


By the way: I'd surely post it one day in varrock library, too bad it's only in my native language and translating it would be .. urgh. But I guess I'll get to it someday too ;)




Anyway, thanks for your responses.


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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So, you know what is going on. If someone has any xp with this, I'd like to hear their opinions, because I just love making the book and I want to make it. (Oxymoron with what I've previously said, but that's it.)










1. Why do you people say noobs come to offtopic from the RL pictures sticky? I mean, why from there?




2. Did soulest's theory made any sense at all? No offence there man, I just didnt understood it either..




3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame :(






Many thanks for answers,






Well if you love writing, why stop? Just remember how much you love it, pick up a pen, sit down and do it. If it starts to feel forced, take a break, and when you realize how much you miss it, come back to it.




1. I think it's cause it was big news so it attracted everyone on TIF, and then new ppl came to Offtopic and didn't read the rules :shame:




2. That made no sense whatsoever, but i did get a good laugh out of it :lol:




3. Atheists start flame wars because they are god-less and have nothing better to do. (oh snap)


But seriously, i think its coincidence




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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as some of you tipiters have probbaly noticed, I am writing a epic book, worth very much to me, like 1/4 of my life, and I succesfully finished the first episode with impressive ( ::' :uhh: )100 A4 pages.




But something is very wrong with me writing the second chapter. It's not I won't have enough inspiration, holes in plot or something, but I simply can't write and it usually ends in me forcing to do so.


I have delicate conditions to write, like music, being alone and undisturbed in my room, best writing during nightime and so, but that may not be the reason, I have pretty much time and free place, too.




I, though, may know of the problem..


It may be because I had given a copy of the book to a book publisher and a literal critic, and in the back of my head I may think like: If the book is a ton of litteral ***t, do I still have a reason to write? I mean .. I have my community of readers that like the book very much and eagerly await the sequel, but .. I just dunno.. they may not be honest after all.




So, you know what is going on. If someone has any xp with this, I'd like to hear their opinions, because I just love making the book and I want to make it. (Oxymoron with what I've previously said, but that's it.)










1. Why do you people say noobs come to offtopic from the RL pictures sticky? I mean, why from there?




2. Did soulest's theory made any sense at all? No offence there man, I just didnt understood it either..




3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame :(






Many thanks for answers,






Who cares what other people think? If you like what you're writing, keep going, by all means.




1. Because they got lost on the way to General Discussion...




2. Well, yeah... Didn't you get it?




3. They don't. They logically debate it, that's what I've seen in all religious threads.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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i respect that you're wrighting, its helps educate you and other readers.


i hope that just becuase a critic might say its rubbish you wont quit - after all diffrent people like diffrent things, dont just sends it to 2 people, get more people to read it. if it is rubbish there's no room for quiters - just improve.






and to answer this:


3. Why must atheists pick on believers in the God/NoGod topics? Its nearly inciting a flame war and the topic's creator is to blame




its becuase those are the type of atheists that give other atheists a bad name, dont hate all becuase of a small group :shame:

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Yeah that happens to me alot when I write. But that's usually because I see some kick-[wagon] ninja movie or a war movie and want to write a story about that and then get bored 1 word into it. If you're having trouble you should porbably go watch/read/etc something in your books genre eg. (fantasy, Lord of the Rings). Or even better, try not t think too far ahead. It's always good to know where the stories going and the story but if you plan everything writing the stories going to see more like a chore than fun.

38% of Tip.Iters put stupid made up statistics in their sigs. If you are one of the 62% that don't, put this in your sig.

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pfft, literature. Go man yourself up by killing a lion with brass knuckles.




1. because the only reason they came here is becuase they saw they could post RL pics here, so they hung around.


2. No


3. Everyone ridicules everyone elses theories. They just do.




Brass knuckles? Pfft, I once killed a bear with two sombreros and a walnut.


Now that's manly.


Ha, you actually had to use the sombreros? Mine were decorative. ANd I used a peanut.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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sometimes we have the "help I just ate hand sanitizer" threads




I love those ones. One time, I accidentally brushed my teeth with Preparation H. I should make a thread about that...






1. Covered by everyone else.


2. Covered by everyone else.


3. Eye of the beholder I suppose. People are going to argue their beliefs to others, and if someone isn't mature enough to handle it, it gets out of hand.




And...that's a wrap. Sorry about your questions getting more talk than your actual situation. I suppose I just did that, too. Ah well.


It really has

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sometimes we have the "help I just ate hand sanitizer" threads




I love those ones. One time, I accidentally brushed my teeth with Preparation H. I should make a thread about that....


"I wiped myself with bacon!" :XD:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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