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Support a muted persons opinons!


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When I was still a normal player in the Runescape community I would hop onto the Offical forums and post. These posts would be of encouragemet, a way of buying and selling, or most importantly voicing my unique opinons. Then on day, BAM! I was muted for running my mouth. I am not saying that I did not deserve this, or that this was unjust.


I felt like Hamlet, struggleing to find reasons to continue. In my quest for guidence I decided to fall back to my one true favorite place in this game, the forums. As I fruitlessly attempted to log in, again and again, seeing the same shamefull message rear its ugly head:




Your user account Bluestrike48


has been permanently banned from the forums for breaking the rules in game.




Please refer to the Knowledge Base for more information -


Home > Customer Support > Forums and Your Inbox > Forum Black Marks/Bans




I made another account and talked with friends, there I learned that if you commit offences in the forums, you do not get punished in-game. How is this fair? Don't the same rules apply for all of Runescape? I have resently sent a mesaage to Jagex about my concerns and am yet to hear back. If you agree or disagree with what I have said please post with you advice and support. PLease do not flame me for I do not deny that my in-game punishment was just.


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Just bombard them with messages, one of the copies will eventually get a real person behind the monitor.




I remember this one time I posted on the forums out of boredom... I said I was alching rares, and would buy all the rares for 10gp, which is their general store value. But some idiotic forum mod decided to give me a blackmark for item scamming...

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Really, what is to complain about? You ran your mouth and are paying the price. Do you want us to feel bad that you can't control yourself? If you were offending someone else with your language, too bad you didn't get a ban. As for the forums, they do not want you taking out your anger on there, so they ban you from forums. Simple enough.




I blatantly broke the rules and don't think I deserve my penalty, but don't flame!!


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actually, you can get punishment in the forums from an in-game offence and likewise with a forum offence.




like the VERY OLD saying goes... "don't do the crime if you can't do the time."




i'm sorry, but unless you were framed, etc. you deserve it. :-w


Peppy: "Do a barrel roll!"

Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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I felt like Hamlet, struggleing to find reasons to continue.




+1, my favorite part in Hamlet is when he becomes suicidal after getting banned from the Runescape forums.




Wow, I nearly choked on my tofu. I didn't know that Hamlet played Runescape. I bet that he is at least level 122 and has a blue party hat.

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I felt like Hamlet, struggleing to find reasons to continue.




+1, my favorite part in Hamlet is when he becomes suicidal after getting banned from the Runescape forums.








On topic: I think it has something to do with how bad the offence is... There are many muted people out there, able to use the forums... :-k




Might I ask what you did to get muted?


Thanks to Jwrm22 for helping me with the signature :D

Have a look at my 'Land of Fakes'

Private chat ON, give me a HYT and I'll HYT you back :D

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It really depends on how severe your mute was, if it was for something such as making threats to someone (If that doesn't get you banned) you should also be banned from the forum. However, if it was for swearing once too many then in my opinion you do not deserve to lose your forum priviledges.




It just depends on what you did wrong and how severe it is, I'm sure you can get punished "in-game" for things said on forums so it's no real surprise it's the other way around.

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Well, for one thing, if you are muted ingame there is *no way* that you will be able to post on the Forums. Jagex has established this rule to try and prevent flaming or rule-breaking on the Forums before it happens.




However, what I feel is unfair is the fact that a player can get in trouble on the Forums and not often have their ingame account affected. The only exception of this is for serious offences, such as RWITing or other such major rule-breaks. But if a player merely spams on the Forums, regardless of whether or not they receive a Forum strike, their ingame account will remain untouched 9 times out of 10.




This, of course, only makes it easy for that player to go ingame and flame about such things, including causing havoc, insulting or harassing the Forum Moderator that gave them their ban (which they *don't* appreciate of course), and other such things.




I feel that Jagex should change this, I just honestly don't see anything happening about it. At least not yet. We can always have hope I suppose.

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One reason that the runescape forums are filled with spammers, immature rants, and everything you can name is because they don't care about the forums. they're not being punished ingame, so they go purposely annoying everyone on the forums and to get away they just play the game and never visit the forums.




I think that to clean up this mess, very serious or constant abuse of the forums should lead to ingame punishments.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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