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Was wondering if someone could name a few good MMORPGs?




The thing is, I don't have much spare time, as I work 60 - 70 hours a week, so a subscription game such as WoW is just a waste of time to me, as I won't get the use out of it. I don't mind buying the game at all, but paying to play a game I've already brought seems ludicrous to me.




Please don't say RS either, it left me behind when it went to RS2.




Games I have played before;








And that about it really.




So yeah, I would appreciate some good suggestions.




Edit, 2,000 posts, yay?

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Rappelz is really amazing. Probably the best graphics I've ever seen for a free game.




:shock: That actually looks like a good game. I'm downloading the client right now.


Tell me (us) how it is.




I'd suggest Silkroad Online because of what I've heard from it, but other than that I don't know many good MMORPG's, sadly. They're a great genre of games.

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For the most part you're stuck with the generic "grind 1000 mobs than come to me" style of asian grinder MMO's without paying.




Guild wars is alright for its first time fee, but it didn't last me that long. It felt more like a general single player / multiplayer game you bought and not an MMO.






I would recommend Anarchy Online (as I do recommend it to anyone else) because honestly its the only good free MMO out there really worth anything putting into it. It takes a bit to get started but it is much more in depth than any of the Asian grinder MMOs out there.

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I would recommend Anarchy Online (as I do recommend it to anyone else) because honestly its the only good free MMO out there really worth anything putting into it. It takes a bit to get started but it is much more in depth than any of the Asian grinder MMOs out there.




I've always wanted to try it, but I think I've dled it before and it never would install properly.




My personal dislike of most free MMO companies is their lack of ability for making a decent game client that can be easily obtained without corruption of the install file.




The last one I tried took me about 45 minutes to download, and then I had to download and install bit torrent jut to get the client just because none of their mirrors for normal sites wouldn't give me uncorrupted installers.




I'm at 23% >.>


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Just a while longer!


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:




WTF is this. I go to run it, AFTER 5 HOURS OF DOWNLOADING, and the installer wont do anything. It says its 1.6 gb large, but the file is dead and doesn't do ANYTHING when clicked.




edit: I'm attempting this again, but using a different mirror. It turns out that the download speed isn't my fault as the new mirror gives me 560 kbs, much better :D


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Sweet, let me know how it goes.




I used to play D2 pre-expansion, and I really enjoyed it, is the expansion make it totally different? Do alot of people still play it? I liked it for the fact as it isn't one of the ones where you have to play 24/7 to be decent.




Ragnarok online was good, the trouble is just finding the right server to play on, as they seem to close down quite often.




I made my own topic cause I have my own needs, I don't mind paying for the game itself, but subscriptions are crap.




Oh, and Lion, let me know how it goes, I may download it if it's any good, but have to wait until I get back from new years, bloody bandwidth caps. ;(

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:wall: So ya, it was much quicker with the second mirror (I was at like 25% in 20 minutes), but then something happend and my internet connection was screwed up for a second, thus stoping the DL. Needless to say, I was not happy. I might try it again, or I might try anarchy as well... I'll take a look at the game right now though cause I think it can run on this computer (Which is like a p2/3 hybrid with only 256 mb of ram and a crappy video crad.


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Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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As I stated before, I made my own thread because I have my own preferences. I would rather have a store bought game, without subscription fees, as games you pay for tend to screw you around alot less. Don't do stat wipes or any crap like that.




If I wanted some snyde remark, I'd get in contact with Bubsa, go away. Didn't even read the rest of your post, bummer.

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I recommend Perfect World or Anarchy Online.




And Rappelz is only going to disappoint whoever tries it out. I tried it once... and quit within a few days.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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