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Rate Banner ~ for another site


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It has no form or pattern, it really is just a few random pics. :-/




There needs to be more structure.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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its supposed to be simple... didnt want it to make you freak out....




and random pictures considering the website its for you talk about ANYTHING




dont ask for CC if you cant take it... its not even nice and simple... its very crowded

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Although the theme is vague, the placement of all the random people doesn't work. I understand the point, but I think you should get rid of all that stuff.... And I don't think a monochromatic thing works for this.... I don't know how to say what I'm trying to say right now so I'm just going to stop....

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WOW yes thats soooo......simple...




i wanted a simple look for the banner, your doesnt even have text, im sure your whole 2 (TWO) members on your forums love it tho :lol:








Kind of like the whole two vistors that website will get. I think I'm going to tear this thing apart if you don't mind; although I'm sure you do as you can't take criticism. The "random" pictures don't help this banner, I know it's supposed to be about everything but you've over generalized by picking way to much. Now simply here is an idea, don't use that horrible gradient on the text for one, secondly; just use the simple globe. The represenation of the globe would be it is encompassing the world as a whole; thus adding the effect that this website is about everything. Catch my drift? Also I don't like the background at all either, it seems as if you lowered the opacity on it and put the car picture layer under it and you can see the effect going over it, something I'm not fond of. Well I guess I'm going to take back my statement on the gradient, it's nice but the blue's that you have going with the "blue/gray" tone of your background, just doesn't work. I know you're going for the "stand out" effect, but here you've over emphasized it and it seems to just kill it. Your pictures as clear as they are probably should have been blended in. Now if you don't like my advice; well to bad deal with it.

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No Thx, I Sed Comments NOT Opinions :D




and for your "whole 2 members" theory, the forums already has 50+ members and its not bin advertised yet, still in beta stages....








an opinion is a comment! Idiot!












I think he ment to say "No Thx, I Sed good coments not constructive or bad ones."
















its too random. Listen to jake (teenagelooser) he know's what he is talking about.

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its supposed to be simple... didnt want it to make you freak out....




and random pictures considering the website its for you talk about ANYTHING








you dont defend your piece of work, you try to see it from their perspective and find a way to make it better.



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I said before I liked it, and I do. I think if you were going to change something, move the world down a bit, and get rid of the guitar. Those middle elements, especially the guitar, distract. The ones on either side seem a little better, have better blending/overlapping etc. I think they are fine.

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Whats the point of posting your images for rating if you can't take critisicm? I think its time you admit your faults in the banner, instead of trying to defend them. The random images on a poorly made bg doesn't look very pretty. Looks way to random to look good. The banner doesn't look simple either, instead it looks crowded with random images. Its not very colorful, and doesn't drawn any attention at all. I like the text, so i would keep that. I would also maybe make some of the images fade into each other and background, instead of sticking them on there. Maybe add another color as well, just blue is kind of boring. You URL doesn't load either.


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