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Mckinzy, Togekiss' ability CAN be Serene Grace, which doubles the chance of any secondary effects of moves activating.


So Body Slam has a 60% chance to paralyze, Ice beam is 20% to freeze, etc. Most importantly, the move Air Slash (and Iron Head for Jirachi, which plays similarly to Flinchkiss) has a 60% to flinch.


Since Togekiss can learn Thunder Wave AND Body Slam (the ladder guarantees ability to paralyze all Pokemon, including Pokemon with Ground typing or have Motor Drive), it can paralyze anything faster than it. This means that when Togekiss attacks before you, 60% of the time you cannot attack back.


Sometimes you get insanely lucky with Flinchkiss and you can take down an entire Pokemon that would've walled you without getting hit, because you just keep flinching. Togekiss has high special attack, so if you set it up right, Flinchkiss can sweep an entire team with just Air Slash. Jirachi is extremely similar with its Iron Head attack, which also gets a 60% chance to flinch. It's EXTREMELY annoying to take down Flinchkiss or Flinchachi (I think that's what you'd call it? lol), which is why Inner Focus and Steadfast are so useful, because they prevent flinching (Inner Focus) or boost your speed one stage when flinched (Steadfast).

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I was going through Ilex forest to get the second Farfetch'd for Cut and a shiny Caterpie appeared. Caught it. :thumbup: Second shiny I've gotten, the first being a Machoke in Diamond.

Link to Forum Games signature.

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This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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I was going through Union Cave on Gold, didn't have repels, and got frustrated since there were so many wild pokemon.

Then I realized I ran away from a shiny rattata. :mellow:

Slowly going through HG but I've been addicted to Voltorb Flip even though I keep on losing

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Hey zaaps, look at my forum rank.




Lol hi Master! Haha :)

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Hmm, I wonder what rank Nadril got...

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I just saw that.


I burst into laughter.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Took 5,000 steps or so today while I was out (First time I've taken my Pokéwalker out with me) which was a nice surprise as I didn't expect it to be anywhere close to that =P.


Caught myself a Magby which I intend to use as soon as possible. Remembered I need to head back into the forest and pick up Headbutt there so I can get a Heracross (Favourite Gen 2 Pokémon :D). Then need to do the Goldenrod gym.


Addicted to Voltorb Flip, fun game, think the highest I've gotten to is level 8 or so :D

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The Elite 4's a [bleep] in this game. I remember it from G/S/C, and they were MUCH easier. Anybody know a good spot to train and gain money?


EDIT: Seeing as there's a tournament soon, I have the perfect pokemon for your team. Just give me a PM if you want one.

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To train: Ice cave, or Victory road, or whatever area has pokemon close to the pokemon you want to train's level.. To gain money... wait for other trainers to call you I guess? Also, get Lapras. At level 32 or so, it will learn Ice Beam, which will dominate Lance.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Just got SoulSilver :thumbsup: I chose Cyndaquil as my starter and have just a Hoothoot so far....Any suggestions for an ingame team?


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