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Any attack that requires recharge is, imo, a terrible attack. For example, Blast Burn. Over the course of 2 turns, you'd do more damage with Flamethrower, not to mention the statistically better Fire Blast.


The second turns leaves you helpless, allowing an opponent to set-up or get a free switch. At least in competitive play, that's suicide.


But with blaze and STAB, blast burn can pack quite an extra punch, leaving at least a huge dent in pretty much everypokemon but blissey and flash fire users.


Can't argue with hyper beam, but i neded a filler move

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Any attack that requires recharge is, imo, a terrible attack. For example, Blast Burn. Over the course of 2 turns, you'd do more damage with Flamethrower, not to mention the statistically better Fire Blast.


The second turns leaves you helpless, allowing an opponent to set-up or get a free switch. At least in competitive play, that's suicide.


But with blaze and STAB, blast burn can pack quite an extra punch, leaving at least a huge dent in pretty much everypokemon but blissey and flash fire users.


Can't argue with hyper beam, but i neded a filler move


Take Fire Blast or Flamethrower, as mentioned.


Blast Burn is 150 power over 2 turns at 90%. Fire Blast is 120 at 85% and Flamethrower is 95 at 100%. Over two turns, Fire Blast is 240 at 72% and Flamethrower is 190 at 100%. Blast Burn is clearly inferior, even with STAB.


Yes, in a single turn you get more damage, but that's rarely better than more damage over 2 turns.


I would instead give Charizard Physical attacks to deal with the problems. A Fighting attack solves both nicely. Take Brick Break or Focus Punch/Blast and Substitute.

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I am raising a bellyzard atm, but even if it doesn't work i dont thik i will take out blast burn from charizard, i hapen to like it :blink:


And for tyranitar and dragonite, wich are good substitutes for hyper beam?

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Any attack that requires recharge is, imo, a terrible attack. For example, Blast Burn. Over the course of 2 turns, you'd do more damage with Flamethrower, not to mention the statistically better Fire Blast.


The second turns leaves you helpless, allowing an opponent to set-up or get a free switch. At least in competitive play, that's suicide.


But with blaze and STAB, blast burn can pack quite an extra punch, leaving at least a huge dent in pretty much everypokemon but blissey and flash fire users.


Can't argue with hyper beam, but i neded a filler move


Take Fire Blast or Flamethrower, as mentioned.


Blast Burn is 150 power over 2 turns at 90%. Fire Blast is 120 at 85% and Flamethrower is 95 at 100%. Over two turns, Fire Blast is 240 at 72% and Flamethrower is 190 at 100%. Blast Burn is clearly inferior, even with STAB.


Yes, in a single turn you get more damage, but that's rarely better than more damage over 2 turns.


I would instead give Charizard Physical attacks to deal with the problems. A Fighting attack solves both nicely. Take Brick Break or Focus Punch/Blast and Substitute.

When it comes to those sorts of moves I like to have both Flamethrower and Fire Blast because I find that sometimes you can't risk waiting a turn (ie, you're going to be killed), so you have to deal a powerful shot.


Then of course the Gym Leader uses a full restore when you manage to leave their Pokemon with 1hp and you're left going Fuuuuuuuuu-


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Still, Fire Blast and Flamethrower are more efficient, although yes if you need a powerful attack before you go down, blast burn is good, but it still isn't as good as Fire Blast.


For Dragonite and Tyranitar, try to get Dragon Dance for both of them.

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Any attack that requires recharge is, imo, a terrible attack. For example, Blast Burn. Over the course of 2 turns, you'd do more damage with Flamethrower, not to mention the statistically better Fire Blast.


The second turns leaves you helpless, allowing an opponent to set-up or get a free switch. At least in competitive play, that's suicide.


But with blaze and STAB, blast burn can pack quite an extra punch, leaving at least a huge dent in pretty much everypokemon but blissey and flash fire users.


Can't argue with hyper beam, but i neded a filler move


Take Fire Blast or Flamethrower, as mentioned.


Blast Burn is 150 power over 2 turns at 90%. Fire Blast is 120 at 85% and Flamethrower is 95 at 100%. Over two turns, Fire Blast is 240 at 72% and Flamethrower is 190 at 100%. Blast Burn is clearly inferior, even with STAB.


Yes, in a single turn you get more damage, but that's rarely better than more damage over 2 turns.


I would instead give Charizard Physical attacks to deal with the problems. A Fighting attack solves both nicely. Take Brick Break or Focus Punch/Blast and Substitute.

When it comes to those sorts of moves I like to have both Flamethrower and Fire Blast because I find that sometimes you can't risk waiting a turn (ie, you're going to be killed), so you have to deal a powerful shot.


Then of course the Gym Leader uses a full restore when you manage to leave their Pokemon with 1hp and you're left going Fuuuuuuuuu-

And then they'll spam Ice Fang 4 times and everytime your Feraligatr flinches.


RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! But I have all 16 badges now so I'm cool.

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Whats STAB?


I caught Entei right after I beat the fourth gym :thumbsup: Just got lucky and caught it with the fast ball the apricorn guy gave me. My party was barely even lvl 25 when I caught him.


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Whats STAB?


I caught Entei right after I beat the fourth gym :thumbsup: Just got lucky and caught it with the fast ball the apricorn guy gave me. My party was barely even lvl 25 when I caught him.

STAB (or Same Type Attack Bonus) is the extra little damage that's added on for a certain type using an attack of the same type (ie. Dark type using a dark attack).


Nw, for my post: Anybodu thing it's sad that I beat all but Blue / Green for Kanto Gym Leaders yesterday? Meh, whatever.


EDIT: my FC for SS is 0131-4068-6536, and my name is Star. Justgimme a shout if you wanna battle.

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I had an epic battle with Whitney today (yeah, I'm only that far). Killed her Clefairy quickly but her Miltank is a [bleep]. Ended up using my Pidgeotto's sand attack enough times so that it's accuracy fell as much as it could then it took all 35 gusts to kill the damn thing. It used all 10 milk drinks AND two super potions. Pidgeotto had roost so I was using that to keep it's health up when it did get hit... I was at it for like half an hour though :wall:


What do people think of the Pokeathalon? Better than the contest crap imo, but still nothing amazing. Just feels like they don't think we have enough of an attention span to follow the main story without stopping for a shiny little minigame.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Anyone know where to find Chinchou? They took out the spot I used to catch one at.

Routes 26, 27, and 41, New Bark Town, Union Cave, Olivine City, Pallet Town, Vermilion City, and Cinnabar Island. You'll either have to surf or fish for it. You can also find it in the Beyond the Sea and White Lake areas of the Pokewalker.

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Hell, Whitney is a lot more dangerous, since you can't brickwall Miltank with a Gastly due to Scrappy meaning she can roflstomp Gastly/Haunter.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Whitney was a joke this game. I really thought she was nerfed before I checked her Miltank's moves. It didn't use Rollout once...

Used Rollout with me. <_< You just got lucky.


I was worried she was nerfed with the Miltank being reduced from Lvl 21 to 19, but was still quite challenging. Only took 2 tries though.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Whitney was a joke this game. I really thought she was nerfed before I checked her Miltank's moves. It didn't use Rollout once...

Used Rollout with me. <_< You just got lucky.


I was worried she was nerfed with the Miltank being reduced from Lvl 21 to 19, but was still quite challenging. Only took 2 tries though.

I think I used a combination of Machop and Geodude. Both level 20 I think.

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Speaking of tough gym battles, try beating Jasmine with your only Pokemon leveled higher than 25 being a level 42 scyther.


I ended up spamming double team for a massive stall war.


And even then, I had about 5 hp when it ended.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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What do people think of the Pokeathalon? Better than the contest crap imo, but still nothing amazing. Just feels like they don't think we have enough of an attention span to follow the main story without stopping for a shiny little minigame.


I actually like it. MUCH better than the Pokemon contests and I could actually see myself working to get all the medals in it once I beat the game.


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I'm planning on taking the E4 a second time with this team:









Feraligatr should be able to take all of Will's pokemon with Crunch. Noctowl and Lugia can take Bruno and Koga. Machamp for Karen. Everyone else for whatever needs to be taken out for Lance. (I never have plans for the champion other than revive and heal everyone before the fight :razz: )

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