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Yeah I remember turning that "Giant Swing of Africa" around (and your other attempts to bury me) . But I still lost at that time. But the fact that I turned you around makes me wanting to pwn more people.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Seriously, you do cape too much. It's not a good attack. :-#




I love it when I pound you guys to the floor, and I hit my GIANT SWING OF AFRICA!




That taunt was pretty good when I first saw it ::'




I liked our Falcon match. That was epic. I was trying to get the falcon stage for it too, but you all chose FD #-o

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My controller started acting gay at the falcon match. That was why I had to turn the Wii off. -.-


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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In respect for our falcon match.












I was wondering why you left and then came back. That explains it then. I remember being surprised at only seeing 2 names on the results screen.

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I got kicked from the Tip It clan chat for saying Chuck Norris. Freakin mods have to have a better reason to kick me cuz they phail.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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I got kicked from the Tip It clan chat for saying Chuck Norris sucks. Freakin mods have to have a better reason to kick me cuz they phail.




Why would you say that?




Who knows, Gallade might have thought his cape would deflect the reaction. :roll:

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I got kicked from the Tip It clan chat for saying Chuck Norris sucks balls. Freakin mods have to have a better reason to kick me cuz they phail.




I beg to differ.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Lol @ the E-drama while I was gone. :lol:
















It's serious business!




Yeah, that was pretty serious. I love Chuck norris and Captain falcon. I just love their manlyness. I'm an ugly fat guy who'se 40 years old.




Why would you edit my post? Only noobs do that.





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Lol @ the E-drama while I was gone. :lol:
















It's serious business!




Yeah, that was pretty serious. I love Chuck norris and Captain falcon. I just love their manlyness. I'm an ugly fat guy who'se 40 years old.




Why would you edit my post? Only noobs do that.








LOL!! :lol: :lol:

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