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[TF2] It's MANN Vs. Machine!


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Played TF2 with 3 of my friends today and I have to say that today was the most fun.




Got 120+ points as a Pyro and I learnt that the fire axe is both deadly and humorous. There was also this chain of sappers where me and my friend both fought against which spammed the whole box which said " [insert name here] has removed sapper" or something like that.








Break the Walls down!

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Played TF2 with 3 of my friends today and I have to say that today was the most fun.




Got 120+ points as a Pyro and I learnt that the fire axe is both deadly and humorous. There was also this chain of sappers where me and my friend both fought against which spammed the whole box which said " [insert name here] has removed sapper" or something like that.




Problem with pyro is that decent players will counter it very easily.

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I'm trying to go for the Medic unlockables. Any tips?




Heal good people, server regulars and the like. Eventually you'll find one guy who will go on an insane spree as soldier/demo/heavy and you'll get several achievements in one go :P



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Good news! Proper multicore support has finally been patched into the game :) From what I've heard it's still a bit buggy though.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Good news! Proper multicore support has finally been patched into the game :) From what I've heard it's still a bit buggy though.




Yeah when i turn it on( have a dual core) it drops my fps by 20-30 :? hope they get the bugs ironed out.




I blame your PC. For me it raises FPS by 30-40 :D.

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Grah, stop posting HD links, it takes too damn long for my slow connection to buffer.




Also, for some reason when I play Heavy, my minigun will randomly not cease firing. In fact, I can't move my aim at all when that happens. It's weird, though, since nothing else lags; I can still walk fine, hear people just fine, get killed just fine (which happens every time), and there's no lag. It may be a result of my sister spraying the mouse with [bleep]ing Lysol 20 times, but it may just be a computer problem. Dammit, I love the Heavy, too.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Grah, stop posting HD links, it takes too damn long for my slow connection to buffer.




Also, for some reason when I play Heavy, my minigun will randomly not cease firing. In fact, I can't move my aim at all when that happens. It's weird, though, since nothing else lags; I can still walk fine, hear people just fine, get killed just fine (which happens every time), and there's no lag. It may be a result of my sister spraying the mouse with [bleep] Lysol 20 times, but it may just be a computer problem. Dammit, I love the Heavy, too.




You can turn the HD off you know.

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new multicore support is cool, and its raised my fps a little by what little testing I've done, but now I seem to have this bug where either


a) the server search tool is messed up and shows the wrong number of people playing




B) When I connect, even though there are people playing, I just get an empty map with only me on.

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new multicore support is cool, and its raised my fps a little by what little testing I've done, but now I seem to have this bug where either


a) the server search tool is messed up and shows the wrong number of people playing




B) When I connect, even though there are people playing, I just get an empty map with only me on.




Thats happened to me for ages (if I understand it right) and it just comes from server owners faking their playercount to get more people on (works if they advertise 20 and have say 16, but doesn't if they have 0).




Its bloody annoying >.<

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new multicore support is cool, and its raised my fps a little by what little testing I've done, but now I seem to have this bug where either


a) the server search tool is messed up and shows the wrong number of people playing




B) When I connect, even though there are people playing, I just get an empty map with only me on.




Thats happened to me for ages (if I understand it right) and it just comes from server owners faking their playercount to get more people on (works if they advertise 20 and have say 16, but doesn't if they have 0).




Its bloody annoying >.<




If you go to "View Server Info" then it'll show you if there's actually people playing.

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Check this video out. Made it from about 40-45 minutes of spy footage, so its not the best spy video. It has some good stabs in there, along with some i just thought were funny(facestabs, that first kill on the pyro :P ) So check it out. I might be making some more videos soon.

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I was a semi-decent spy on the 360. Now I suck camel balls. Just have to get used to it, though, I guess.




So not only am I sort of a TF2 noob, I'm a complete PC game noob. The server list is there, but every server that seems like a really decent game on an actual map is always full, and everything else I find is either a custom map or has UT sounds or something. So are those servers there the only ones out there, or am i just doing it wrong? Because I want to play some 2fort, dammit, if only because I haven't at all, and there's only 1 always-full server running.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I was a semi-decent spy on the 360. Now I suck camel balls. Just have to get used to it, though, I guess.




So not only am I sort of a TF2 noob, I'm a complete PC game noob. The server list is there, but every server that seems like a really decent game on an actual map is always full, and everything else I find is either a custom map or has UT sounds or something. So are those servers there the only ones out there, or am i just doing it wrong? Because I want to play some 2fort, dammit, if only because I haven't at all, and there's only 1 always-full server running.




Lol 2fort. Why!






If you find a good server and it's full just select "join me in automaticly" or whatever and wait it out. Usually it won't take more than 5 minutes for someone to drop and you to get in. :)

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Check this video out. Made it from about 40-45 minutes of spy footage, so its not the best spy video. It has some good stabs in there, along with some i just thought were funny(facestabs, that first kill on the pyro :P ) So check it out. I might be making some more videos soon.


I've played with RARE ENDANGERED SPYCRAB before. I don't remember where, I think it was Goldrush? I don't know, I just thought that was cool.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Check this video out. Made it from about 40-45 minutes of spy footage, so its not the best spy video. It has some good stabs in there, along with some i just thought were funny(facestabs, that first kill on the pyro :P ) So check it out. I might be making some more videos soon.


I've played with RARE ENDANGERED SPYCRAB before. I don't remember where, I think it was Goldrush? I don't know, I just thought that was cool.




Probably on the PCJ server. i think i got you on there once.

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Hahahahaha knex and I are legends now XD. During the EMS grand finals (its a Euro TF2 league), we were both watching and I decided to send in a shout-out...and mine got picked out of like 40-50 shout-outs from a bunch of different people. It got announced on air in front of a few thousand people :D.




Skip to ~5:30





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What do you guys think the next class update will be? I'm hoping for soldier.




Finally got the 1st medic milestone. Only took forever!...




Spy spy spy spy spy spy spy spy SPAH!


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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What do you guys think the next class update will be? I'm hoping for soldier.




Finally got the 1st medic milestone. Only took forever!...




Spy spy spy spy spy spy spy spy SPAH!


The last thing I want is a bunch of spies running around when the update is realeased. A bunch of soldiers will be a lot of fun though.

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