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Am I [developmentally delayed]?


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you must not play a lot. other note: you're just wasting time in runescape that's not helping you engage in training on skills.






this account was made in 2005, almost 200m exp.


What do you mean "wasting time"? Do you HAVE to train when your on, otherwise, its a waste? That seems kinda stupid. Anyone who views the game like that needs to take a small break.


Note-I am not flaming you, Im just pointing this out.




It just depends on what you like doing. Training skills isnt fun for everyone, so they play minigames and other things instead. Some people train them anyways. You have less xp cause you play realize this game is for fun, something which I think a lot of people are forgetting.


(this must be the 100th time Ive said this)




But hes complaining about how his skill totals are low compared to everyone else. That must only indicate he wants higher levels. So, if hes just sitting around, then hes wasting time.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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be glad. this aco[bleep] was made in 03' and only has 16.8m total exp.


if anything i feel slack as i have no wealth, 99 skills, quest cape or anything fancy.


that and i NEVER seem to get monster drops...




plus the game was ment to be enjoyed, others, no, these days most players just want 99's, fancy capes and high powerful armor just to make them look good. in honesty, try being 106 combat and playing castle wars with runite armor verse a lv 89 with bandos and a gs. then you'll see what i mean. (plus im a total Cw junkie)


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Don't worry, I've been playing for 5 years and am only at 45m exp.




Plus, all my friends make fun of me for having a low total.

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Don't worry thats a good thing. You have a life unlike a lot of fat people on runescape who sit and play this game all day long.






What the hell is up with people calling others "fat" because they play more Rs. I work my [wagon] off 6 days a week, and people still say things like "I'm fat and live in my moms basement and I must be 40yrs old" just because I have a couple better stats than them. Get a life. :thumbdown: .


Fire Cape - Aug 14, 08.



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i hate it when people assume that people who r good at rs are nerds i've gotten almost 20mil xp as f2p!!! in 9 months along with 10mil gp made, although i admitt i maby play to much during the winter and on weekends when no wants to hang out but that doesnt mean i have no life since i played highschool football, basketball and soccer this year and maintained and 85 average (sounds nerdy but i had easy classes this year)






btw forest griffen will own quinton rampage jackson

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I'm fat, alone, and a huge nerd. An Epic Nerd, in fact. But guess what? My account is three years old and I have but 1 mil gp and 9 mil exp. Plus, I'm wearing Proselytes with a DDS. So maybe we fat nerds aren't always no-lifers, hmm? And, if I was a no-lifer, I wouldn't have time for my DnD sessions... Think before you post!

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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lol, I love how whenever anyone says that people who are good at RS are nerds/no-lifers/fat everyone comes and tells them about how much exercise they do/their jobs/how many girlfirends they've had/how many sports they play etc.




Myself, I've been playing on and off for almost 4 years and I've only got 20m exp


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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Don't worry, I've been playing for 5 years and am only at 45m exp.




Plus, all my friends make fun of me for having a low total.




You're friends are just jealous of your real life skills. You probably have athletic ability, good looks and a girlfriend, whilst your typical friends only girlfriends are lonelygirl15 and mudkipz. Anyone who bags out a person WITH A LIFE should be shot or at least kicked in the nuts, or if they're a girl (there are no girls on the internets by the way) then they should be titty twisted.

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Don't worry, I've been playing for 5 years and am only at 45m exp.




Plus, all my friends make fun of me for having a low total.




You're friends are just jealous of your real life skills. You probably have athletic ability, good looks and a girlfriend, whilst your typical friends only girlfriends are lonelygirl15 and mudkipz. Anyone who bags out a person WITH A LIFE should be shot or at least kicked in the nuts, or if they're a girl (there are no girls on the internets by the way) then they should be titty twisted.




I swim 5 days a week and have a girlfriend of 16 months. I also have almost 70m expierience in Runescape. Ignorant losers like you just cannot balance life with games.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Don't worry, I've been playing for 5 years and am only at 45m exp.




Plus, all my friends make fun of me for having a low total.




You're friends are just jealous of your real life skills. You probably have athletic ability, good looks and a girlfriend, whilst your typical friends only girlfriends are lonelygirl15 and mudkipz. Anyone who bags out a person WITH A LIFE should be shot or at least kicked in the nuts, or if they're a girl (there are no girls on the internets by the way) then they should be titty twisted.




I swim 5 days a week and have a girlfriend of 16 months. I also have almost 70m expierience in Runescape. Ignorant losers like you just cannot balance life with games.




Jesus Christ, take that huge stick out of your [wagon] please. That comment wasn't even directed at you, so stop being an indignant [bleep].

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