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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning


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Reguardless they are still working through EA, and EA sucks IMO.




Again i'll have to wait for release. I'm not getting my hopes up for anymore MMO's ever again, it just leads to disappointment.




Valve "works through EA" as well and has been for a couple of years now (since orange box).






EA is nothing but a publisher. They take care of giving studios more financing and selling the game boxes. They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the game design.




Valve, Mythic, Bioware.. all these companies are a part of EA. EA now isn't like the EA it used to be, it's instead just a much more distant publisher instead of a game design company.

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Reguardless they are still working through EA, and EA sucks IMO.




Again i'll have to wait for release. I'm not getting my hopes up for anymore MMO's ever again, it just leads to disappointment.




Valve "works through EA" as well and has been for a couple of years now (since orange box).






EA is nothing but a publisher. They take care of giving studios more financing and selling the game boxes. They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the game design.




Valve, Mythic, Bioware.. all these companies are a part of EA. EA now isn't like the EA it used to be, it's instead just a much more distant publisher instead of a game design company.








I won't buy until I see various reviews after a couple months, to see if it's worth playing or not.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Meh i couldn't care about reviews, don't trust most of them anyway, and ive always wanted to play an MMO on the first day of release just to see what its like :P .




I'd want to see videos, learn if there's any problems, stuff like that, before I buy, that's what I mean by reviews.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Oh man, ended up watching all (of the available) class podcasts, at least for destruction mostly. I have to say some of them were great.




Like in the shadow warrior (Order high elf) one the guy doing it was talking about bows, and as an example pulled out a nerf gun. :lol:




The other one was about Zealot's.








Old but still :lol:

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Reguardless they are still working through EA, and EA sucks IMO.




Again i'll have to wait for release. I'm not getting my hopes up for anymore MMO's ever again, it just leads to disappointment.




Valve "works through EA" as well and has been for a couple of years now (since orange box).






EA is nothing but a publisher. They take care of giving studios more financing and selling the game boxes. They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the game design.




Valve, Mythic, Bioware.. all these companies are a part of EA. EA now isn't like the EA it used to be, it's instead just a much more distant publisher instead of a game design company.


Its called the EA partner program and they do nothing to impact the studio devlopment wise, they provide distribution and a pricing structure.WAR the game wont be affected.

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So, I'm trying to think up of a guild name for WAR. Unlike AoC since the end game is all about RvR we can focus as a small core guild just fine. We may join an alliance but I want us to be known.






I'm just having trouble with a good name. Obviously I'm not going to do our joke guild name (which would have something to do with R Kelly.) but I don't want it to be some cheesy [cabbage] like [mayhem].






Any ideas? It's going to be destruction. Oh, and we'll be on an "Open rvr" realm as well. (PvP everywhere, although people in other tiers can't gank those in lower tiers).






And as far as TIF people go I wouldn't mind inviting people but I just want to say that we're pretty hardcore PvPers. Not that we don't play a lot, just that we have a really high standard for those we PvP with. :thumbup:

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To be honest if I buy the game & am good at the games PvP mechanics, I'd be happy to get an invite for the guild, as PvP is really the only thing that I'm concerned about it in any game. So if I get a grasp on the pvp mechanics, I won't be a hindrance. ;)

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To be honest if I buy the game & am good at the games PvP mechanics, I'd be happy to get an invite for the guild, as PvP is really the only thing that I'm concerned about it in any game. So if I get a grasp on the pvp mechanics, I won't be a hindrance. ;)




Heh, we're looking to have a pretty solid group so far so additions would be great. In all honesty when most of us are on we'll probably just level through RvR.






A guild though... man. I can't think of [cabbage] :D.

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The NDA is lifted as of today. Warhammeralliance seems to be a good site to check out screenshots, videos, ect. of the game in action.






Sounds like people are pretty happy with the game. There are a few disgruntled DAoC vets (the guys who hate everything WoW stands for) that badmouth it, and a few guys who want a sandbox that badmouth it but it's certainly getting overwhelmingly positive stuff said about it.




Oh and WARDataBase for all your needs. Don't think its finished yet but has a lot of class skills and such on there so you can check them out.

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Meh i couldn't care about reviews, don't trust most of them anyway, and ive always wanted to play an MMO on the first day of release just to see what its like :P .




I'd want to see videos, learn if there's any problems, stuff like that, before I buy, that's what I mean by reviews.




They'll most likely offer a free trial like WoW's, so if they do download and read reviews as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
any word on whether or not you'l be able to use the pay by game card method with WAR? I think me getting it still hinges on that since I dont have access to a credit card yet.




I assume you will be able to. Not sure for certain though.

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^ Yea there will be, they said something about it in either the July or August newsletter, can't remember which one.




Probably won't be getting this game until January now as my brothers gone of to Uni taking the decent computer with him and the laptop im on at the moment is a pile of crap and i don't really feel like dishing out £400 on a decent copmuter so ill wait for the sales.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WAR is gonna own big time, anyone who dare says wow beats WAR should really open their eyes. btw its squig hearder mil. high elf, dwarf engineer, and squig hearders r gonna be my top 3.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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