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Hey hows your weather coming along?


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Mine s**ks...








It's been a constant 30 degrees celsius for more than week now.








Do you know how it feels to go to bed all sweaty and stuff?




Having to go and take a bath 5 times a day to keep cool?




Getting a sun tan?!!








Not really a fun summer if you ask me...
















So are you enjoying your weather?








PS I live in Canada, and I'd kill to have an igloo right about now...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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I also live in Canada (southern ontario), and it's been 37-40 degrees Celsius all week.








That's taking the humidity into account, but hey, I tell the temperature like I feel it ;)








For all the Americans that haven't gone metric yet :P that's over 100F, in Canada ;)

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It burns!








Plus theres no wind too! The air stays in one place...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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It burns!








Plus theres no wind too! The air stays in one place...








All that Toronto smog must be heading a bit north i see. My friends went to wonderland today. They both live in Cambridge. I guess they picked a bad day to go. It was high 20's here today. Could be worse. You could live here. ALL the bad weather is here. Floods, massive snow storms, hurricanes. But I wouldn't trade it for anything 8)

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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i live in southren ontario, and omg, its so hot. i spent the whole day inside, lucky i have AC. I cant stand the humidity.












Omg i wouldnt mind an igloo at the moment either, how about we all take a trip up to Nunavut.


Sig by Ikurai

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I live in San Francisco, California.








The wheather (<-- Spelling?) was freaking hot today!! I had to sit at a graduation (held OUTside) for 4 hours with the sun beaming down on me. I say it was about 999 degrees today. This doesn't happen often here at San Francisco.








Tip of the message: Nothing!








8) :evil: :twisted:

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Here in Melb. Aus its been around 20 decrease cel. every day switching between sunny and rainy, overall its been ok. i think we had the hottest june day in 55 years the other day. but it was the best day we had in ages so its all good here :wink:

As: Dontknowyet -157 R.

Rs: Dontknowyet - 38

Bigboybad - 104

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Well, here in Sweden it rains, and it never stops.. and it's like 14-15 degrees Celsius here, So just stop complaining! I would love to trade with you Canadians!








I'm seriously going to freak out if the sun doesn't come soon :x

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100 farenheit every day (some1 please convert if they know)
















It has been HUMID around my area...if it wasn't for the humidity it would be fine.




here in DuBois, PA, 15801
























it;s been 80F-100F last week......just not good with high humidity.




EDIT: as of this post (8:15am) it is 71F 22C Humidity is around 98%, and it is hot and sticky fealing.


One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

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i live in southren ontario, and omg, its so hot. i spent the whole day inside, lucky i have AC. I cant stand the humidity.












Omg i wouldnt mind an igloo at the moment either, how about we all take a trip up to Nunavut.








I also live in Canada (southern ontario), and it's been 37-40 degrees Celsius all week.








That's taking the humidity into account, but hey, I tell the temperature like I feel it ;)








For all the Americans that haven't gone metric yet :P that's over 100F, in Canada ;)








Me too, and man is it hot out. But during the last three days at night it has been storming, a thunderstorm for hours was happening 3 days ago, and this morning it was raining a lot.

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It has been a pretty nice week here in Holland. We had a few good days, and some less good days. It's pretty grey outside now, but you can still sit outside. Had an amazing afternoon with some Desperados and a friend, outside in the garden, me in shorts and tank-top, got tanned a tiny bit. :wink:


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Just now it's 14 degrees (according to bbc weather) and by looking out the window it's overcast and raining slightly. Usual Scottish weather. :P




I want a summer!

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